Candida auris

A A A A A H ! ! !

Attached: Candida-auris_2016-250px-(1).jpg (705x529, 55K)

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Canada what?

>156 cases in 3 years

Canada anus

>dead in 90 days
A A A A H !

>50% of the time
>has killed 0.000025% of the US population in 3 years
>more likely to die from toilet related injury

Plague Doctor here, continuing prepping. HONK HONK.

Attached: HONK HONK.jpg (822x771, 315K)

Are you saying that the cure is to put a lime in the coconut, and to shake them both up?

Surgical masks just basically keep the germs you're exhaling from ruining a sterile field. They help with dust some too. If you're prepping get a filtered mask.

>not understanding how pandemics work
>"hey it's rare now so it's not bad amirite rite?"
>being smug about it
god fucking britbongs are worse than leafs now

Every. Single. Time. A leaf!

YOU don't understand how pandemics work. It actually more of an issue if it's very infectious and not very deadly, because it can always become deadlier, but becoming more infectious is quite hard. I you're barely scraping 1 case a week then it isn't very infectious. Think how many people the infected are coming into contact with before they seek treatment, and yet you're only getting 52 cases a year.
Until the numbers are in the thousands annually its an absolute non issue, regardless of how deadly it is. In fact killing off it's host before it can spread is a huge detriment to any pathogen

>hard to notice symptoms
>drug resistant
>"hard to become infectious"
how much of a fucking hard headed twat do you have to be to deny a fucking disease being infectious, only because it's been rare as of late

the infection rate of a disease will always be exponential, it's tiny at first but it'll keep on multiplying

>until the numbers are in the thousands annually it's an absolute non issue
>killing off it's host before it can spread is a huge detriment
it's a fungi, it stays in the air and cleaning the spores is extremely hard, the fact that someone dies from it only means it was able to reproduce to a lethal scale which makes it an extremely hard to clean infection point. you utter retard

>the infection rate of a disease will always be exponential, it's tiny at first but it'll keep on multiplying
It's had 3 years to fucking multiply and its reached 156 cases total.
Again, if you think it's so disastrous that this fungus can linger in the air and on surfaces, why has it's rate if infection been so low for 3 fucking years? Here's a hint: it's not actually very infectious.

3 years is nothing in the grand scale of things, because we've managed to contain a lot of cases, it could take a long time before it goes full plague mode

You can't contain these things like that. how many people do you think the patients were in contact with before they sought treatment? How long before they were actually quarantined? And yet you're seeing 1 case a week. It just flat out is not very infectious.
Think of anything else, HIV, influenza fucking anything. If they had infection rate like this we'd be laughing.

Auris basically has nearly every stat maxed to wipe out humanity.
The time it takes to become symptomatic more than makes up for the seemingly low infection rate (we really don't know what the infection rate is yet)
I believe in the Hot Zone the the virus deemed most likely to wipe out the earth would be:
>20 to 50% death rate
>a long time for people to become symptomatic (multiple weeks) to increase rate of carriers
>resistant to treatment.
Candida auris can grow outside of humans because it grows as yeast and that makes it even more terrifying. This could be game ending if we don't make a cure for it.

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I’ve personally seen people with this and I would reckon you need to be pretty immunocomprimised to get it I don’t know how easily it can be transmitted to the average joe. Strict infection precautions for all healthcare facilities is a must

We might see a reality in which, while not many people get auris out in public, all hospitals and doctors offices become completely auris infested and make the mortality rate of hospital visits skyrocket.

In 1st world countries I don't see it being much of an issue
but think of shitholes like India with their poor hygiene and poverty
it's gonna be great