Will he do it?
>dude posts pic related in NTG general
Smart posting it there, as it would've been deleted after 5 minutes due to the 1000 reply limit. Can't track him
Will he do it?
>dude posts pic related in NTG general
Smart posting it there, as it would've been deleted after 5 minutes due to the 1000 reply limit. Can't track him
That's a big N O
thats not a threat you fucking imbecile, I want my 10 seconds back
also is that a vz58?
Who's he retaliating against exactly ?
he won't do shit
sandniggers, most likely. or (((them)))
>Can't track him
You greatly underestimate just how many CIA niggers and NSA horsefuckers lurk here
>will he do it
yes. he will. he will masturbate to anime and fall asleep with cum on his belly.
>shitty bullpup stock on SKS
Embarrassing and cyan tableted.
Someone is going to go full Moonman over this.
Probably an anti-dentite
>Can't track him
They will track you now.
I wish a nigga would
Does he have KoRn written on it?
>leaf guns
>being a kiwi
>fucking awful plastic bullpup stock on an SKS
this individual is a faggot and a subhuman
what is an archive for 400
Hope so, don't think so tho
pussy wont do it lmao. you just have to accept that the era of whites is over. im glad they will all be extinct.
>CIA niggers and NSA horsefuckers
are you 12? at most CIA is only digitally datamining so they can better brainwash their citizenry. NSA has nothing to do here other than to capture the data for datamining. If anything its just FBI niggers that are here in person, probably here fairly often though
God I hope so! Go fight White Man beat Brendan's record!
thats what I noticed too. How many Americans have vz58s other than serious gun hobbyists
Tannant was a hero. Fuck leftists.
>jew gun
Thats a bullpup SKS you spastic
That's the gun Sam Hyde said was too hipster for normie shootings.
Tannant IS a hero. He's going to suffer for the rest of his life, and be told that even his brothers turned their backs on him. He'll be kept from knowing that we love him and honor his sacrifice.
I hope someone replied to him with, "You won't do shit, nigger."
>that sks
If he does, Godspeed
the VZ58 is popular among AK hipsters
> no swastikas
> no 88
> disavows Hitler
> never names the Jew
> makes white nationalism look like a terroristic threat
> /ourguy/
t. literal retard Jew cocksucker
Just some k fag showing off his bullshit.
but i want him to.
issue is: he shouldn't just shoot a few dimwitted niggers and muzzies and instead do a tabula raza in his parliament.
The original VZ is actually a very good gun desu, some would say more reliable than the AK in design due to its short stroke piston, larger feeding ramp and and larger ejection port. But due to less accessories the AK wins.
Hipsters aren't worthy of that. Its popular up here though since aks are illegal and the long barrel version is not restricted so you don't have to register it.
Jow Forums auto-deleted the post because it would pushed out with the 1000 reply limit.
4plebs doesn't have access to IP's from Jow Forums
There's no archive, so when police ask for the IP that posted it, gookmoot isn't going to be able to charge for the IP request as it no longer exists
Oh great, it's obviously a canadian with that VZ58 and hideous bubba SKS.
Fuck off with your faggot gifs incel or else I'm gonna fuckin' FedEx your hollowed out skull to your fuckin' daughter.
Neck yourself, faggot
Fucking gay ass faggot has an SKS IN A BULLPUP, WHAT THE MOTHER FUCK
can I still be 1488 if im a polack
genuinely curious if you guys hate me for Prussia and Danzig or not
How about a Nazi German SS Lativan division insignia, inscribed on his gun?
>top, centre-right of pic related
Brent hid obscure stuff for us to find, so he didn't derail his attack but also showed that he was genuinely /ourguy/. You can disagree with his plan and how he went about it all you want, but that doesn't change the fact he was real and just some user who had enough
I wanna fucking murder you and that fucking chink.
Chinese Tarrant when?
if some faggot does anything stupid then were all going to have to make a run for the gun store because we don't have 1A.
Dude's a LARPing virtue signalling faggot.
We're all Europeans and need to finally start sticking together.
No more brother wars.
Although, I'd personally introduce a caste system based on purity of Aryan blood.
God damnit user, ya got me
Daily reminder its been admitted under oath in a court of law that the FBI has their own login.
Sure mang, fight for france in the name of Adolf. We love Hitler here he was such a good buddy.
which is a jew gun? thats an sks under that shit
They were cheap and could easily be found in gun stores 5-10 years ago.
A civil war is bound to happen in the US if things keep going the way they are.
Just imagine a squad of like 8 Tarrants, how destructive that would be
did you get one?
Brenton you dumb fuck
finally someone worth a damn on this board. It is your duty as western men to kill muslims!
what is this?
No one cares about your precious Jew's little name lmao, dumb fuckin' angloid kike. Thanks for the Balfour declaration bro.
Trendan. Got it. Thanks
I hope he does it
you dun goofed OP
the consequences have never been the same
good luck with the party van ;-)
>Rusty German WWII helmet
t. foreverbutthurtateveryone
Poland is a target like the rest
Deliberate misspelling?
Inb4 jerking off to ASMR is not infact normal...
he wont do shit, nigger
No more brother wars
Shit dude they probably have to rotate FBI agents off of here for fear of their cyber division getting redpilled.
Fire and their cultists, the so called "firemen"
Im sad prussia is gone, id be sadder to lose poland as well
stop with the false hope
2 days ago an user posted a picture of himself inside a plane cabinet saying he would crash the plane on a mosque
we spent about an hour trying to identify the plane and watch it crashing
it never happened
i was so disappointed
don't do anything like that to me ever again
What the hell is wrong with you if you don't already have your firearms license and a couple of Non-Restricted rifles and ammunition?
>no "gay sex with hats on"
>no "how to take a screenshot"
5/10 it's ok
>kills kids
grow up, faggot
>doesn't name the jew
top-right corner of the infographic
> you have to wait for your enemies to mature before you deal with them because it's more fair that way
t. loser who's going to fucking fail anything he ever tries
a shit post don't take it seriously (the post with the fat anime guy not the shooter Snapchat that shit bonkers)
Macron is the safe option imo.
Muzzies for race war points.
Jews for based points.
Damn nibba
czech and chink commie rifles he should take that P-1 and apply a 9mm pill directly to his forehead
>meh tier tabs
Not bad but not good, I’ll admit I chuckled a little
> he never names the Jew as the party responsible for the immigration crisis he reacted to
> the reasoning is that naming the Jew would give his shooting spree bad optics
> naming the Jew is literally worse than mass murder
Yeah sure retard, he didn't deliver the crux of our entire message to the public because he was worried that it would taint his slaughter of 40+ random strangers. You are such an obvious Zionist lmao.
Waste of 2 perfectly good teeth removers.
Why do they have to skin them alive?
Theres Nothing wrong with slavshit
Humans have been at war with dogs/wolves for millennia. You think they would treat you any differently? Animals are the most sadistic killers.
Should we do the same as them? I dont think so. But the darkness creeps into us sometimes. You think demons dont exist here?
He literally presents same views on JQ solution as Hitler had, you dumb spastic moron. That is expulsion of all Jews from Europe and being generally okay with them living in separate space. If you are too retarded to even understand his simple language manifesto, then stop talking politics whatsoever and gave away your voting rights you absolute cretin.
>condemns Hitler
No, he doesn't, stop lying.