Don't challenge the system stay asleep

>Don't challenge the system stay asleep
>Work for 65+ years to make someone else richer for peanuts
>Retire when you start shitting yourself and you're useless and do nothing
>Waste your life for the system and die unknown and forgotten
What do?
I just want to leave society. I hate this shit, everything's gone to shit niggers and jews are fucking up everything. Can we even do anything about it? I legitamately think the only viable solution is to leave everything behind and move in to the woods like Ted Kaczynski.

What does Jow Forums think? What are you going to do?

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>Work for 65+ years to make someone else richer
why do you care about other people's money so much?
are you a commie?

>What are you going to do?
sage you're thread

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I'm going to live until death takes me. I don't care. There is nothing.

This world is not our dwelling place user, we must prepare ourselves for the kingdom to come. Christ is calling out to you, heed his call and your worries, your afflictions will be cast aside forever. Accept the gift of salvation, and you will know the truth, and it shall set you free.

No I just hate bleeding my heart out for someone else.
I work my ass off and what do I get for it?
I don't leave my make by doing it, what is me legacy working so hard for the jew?
I hate the fact that I am a part of a system I hate, I build it up for a paycheck and then I turn around and pay someone else so I can have a roo over my head. I just feel like it's all a waste. I want to be the Ubermensche but all I do is empty and unfufilling.
It's the state of society, and I'm contributing to it.
I'm not against capitalism, I hate that it's been turned into a system of control and been turned into a guide line and itemized.
Capitalism is not meant to be a ssytem, it's the natural order but when you formalize it it becomes a prison.

>I pray to an empty un answering God.
I do not want to be controlled by a higher power, I want to forge my own fate. Why would I rely on a higher power.
I don't care if God exists or not, I'm not gainst God but I'm indifferent.
Jesus changed the course of history, He wasn't complacent and I want to follow his example.

I understand your pain. The suffering is almost unavoidable. I am not sure what to say. Stick around because things in America in the next 20 years are most likely going to be bonkers.

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There's a man by the name of UG Krishnamurti. He's himself. You need to be yourself. Study him. Study what he says, dont cast him away.

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What is your plan user?
I'm in a holding pattern as it is.
I want to save up enough money to buy my own land and build my own house with my own hands living off the land. but that might not be everyone's path.
I want to sperate even if it means watching my country burn.
I don't know if I'm right but I cannot change the way of things myself.

I'll look into him but it sounds like he's completely given himself over to nihalism, is he really any different than me?

Currently jobless. I dont recommend this. Nothing wrong with making money. Life is meaningless, but I want to stick around to see how the world develops and enjoy peace one day. I dont want a wife or girlfriend anymore, nor would I waste my time taking care of a kid in today's world. Doesnt mean I wouldnt knock up some bitch though to spread my genes. I plan on living a life mostly free of technology one day. My disdain for modern life reached its peak last year. I'll just enjoy the ride for now.

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UG Krishamurti is worth the listen, he has many books on He's different from western philosophy, he's a huge upgrade from them all. He's more potent, direct, and cynical without any bullshit, he also calls out bullshit, he's fearless, he's a natural man, we must become this.

Just be ready to kill when the time comes

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Yeah bro we're totally going to get out of this without violence! Peace and love yall!

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The oligarchs are forcing ethic Euros in that direction. Violence is always a last resort

Violence is the only thing that solves anything you delusional cuckold. thats why the state retains a monopoly on it.

What if I work for the government and I max my retirement funds? Who am I making rich?

My boss doesn’t get paid more if I work harder.

not a single law can exist without violence