What The Fuck

I have been off this board for 3 months, can I get a rundown of what the fuck is going on? Same thing with the honk or the clown pepe or what ever the fuck it is and why the fuck this palace of shit has completely change all of its views in that time?

Attached: Honk.gif (680x813, 388K)

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=clown world

we honk each other off now. that's all that's changed.

there's roughly the same amount of shilling as there was three months ago, not sure what you're talking about.

This. How anybody notices it go up and down except for a day or two around major happenings is beyond me.

It seems like the shilling has be effective though, having people fallow Andrew Yang and the majority of users not just shills changing there beliefs.


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Can you or some other fag explain the honking.

You just honk faggot. Now fuck off nigger.

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>I have been off this board for 3 months, can I get a rundown of what the fuck is going on? Same thing with the honk or the clown pepe or what ever the fuck it is and why the fuck this palace of shit has completely change all of its views in that time?
Jow Forums has become increasingly retarded, with the rates of wizardry increasing and the levels of innovation diminishing to almost zero.

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welcome to clown world user, welcome back

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so its just some /b/ tier shit that people do for no reason or is there anything behind it.

maybe you need to crawl out from under your rock sometimes, you fucking cockroach.

you either understand the honking or you don't. that's all there is to it.

Attached: pepe-had-a-makeover-he-is-now-pepe-the-clown-42019053.png (500x610, 58K)

>honk meme
People trolling jannies started posting honk pepes, and they got popular because they were so inoffensive they triggered people


clown world
honk honk

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get off this board newfag

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What's happening is MIGA

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Mr. Honkler too you.

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The honkpill is a mix of the doomer/blackpill and just being happy.
Instead of being all like "hurr murt nothing matters"
It is simply the message "because nothing matters in the end, have fun, go balls to the wall, scream in an old ladies face, dont be sad cus you cant get puss."
The honkpill is all about enjoying it all instead of taking everything seriously.

I'm stealing and post on twitter. Look for the #AOClown


Attached: AOClown.png (260x241, 50K)

Reminder only with MIGA can 2D become real. No more funds for Israel and a lot more funding to make 2D real again.
Make Israel Glass Already

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Well after all of this shit, learning that it is another pill and hearing its effects, I think I will take this one and enjoy the ride.

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urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=clown world



*honk honk*

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It’s fucking dumb but they did manage to get normies to talk about “the horrible racist clown” “white supremacy clown” and all that shit

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I want a 6'3" extremely feminine catgirl(male) gf. I would fuck her ass and suck her dick all day.

r/socialism came here so everyone left

The Honkler is a clown of peace.

It also embraces this "accelerationism" idea that I seem to enjoy, I think I understand the meme now. Can some one please tell me if it a PJW or Basedgon of Akkad tier meme yet?

Nigger nobody changed their beliefs, the only thing that changed is how many cucks are flooding this website

the cucks come here, they accidentally get redpilled, then the base grows. it sucks but its necessary for the site to expand.


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The signifigance of the meme has changed...

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This. Get used to it, faggot.

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>Same thing with the honk or the clown pepe or what ever the fuck it is and why the fuck this palace of shit has completely change all of its views in that time?
Naw, there's a trope that Jow Forums can literally say whatever stupid thing is now "the next new hate symbol" and...... enough reporters keep on eating it up that it's hilarious. So it's for the lulz. As always.

idk what that means but the MSM is reporting it as the new "OK" symbol, as in they've totally bought into it. We've also hijacked the pride flag. No, i'm not joking, pic attached.

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so just more plebbit fags, at there usual rate or even faster?

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probably a bit faster actually, but see:

join us.

Accelerationsim defense #1

There is nothing that can solve our problems longterm. Men are turning themselves into women, women are turning themselves into men, and brainwashed kids, god bless ‘em, don’t know what to turn themselves into. Meanwhile, small-souled bugmen are protesting outside McDonald’s for Szechuan sauce because of a cartoon, and deranged SJWs can’t pull their eyes away from Donald Trump’s Twitter account.

Faceless corporations are pretending to be social justice revolutionaries while at the same time warping the capitalist system out of all functional recognition for their own gains. Governments and the media are no longer even trying to hide their support for cultural Marxist policies, and as community spirit across the West continues to disintegrate, more pea-brains take to social media to shout at each other and drive culture deeper into the gutter.

Once-great Western cities have been reduced to barren corporate wastelands populated by millions of atomized, culture-less, and basically useless consumers.

The internet has people living in something akin to a permanent state of road rage as they desperately try to fill the emptiness in their lives by becoming hysterical over events that have little to no impact on them. The morbidly obese are plotting to normalize their immoral and disgraceful lifestyles in favor of sorting themselves out, and Tinder has turned the sexual marketplace into a loveless hellscape.

There is no hope for western civilization, other then the acceleration of its downfall. From its ashes a new empire can arise, or at least a federation separate from the corrupt Union. Closing the borders and fixing our economy will not happen, and even if they were too our society has already reached the point of no return.


The PJW means Paul Joseph Watson and my computer auto-corrected Basedgon of Akkad to Basedgon I shit you not also is this hijacking been successful or is it some new reddit tier fake shit?

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Accelerationism defense #2

the Indians were worried whites would replace them
>whites replace them
whites were worried hispanics would replace them
>majority of immigrants in America are now hispanic, and whites have gone from 90% of the population to 60%
Europeans are worried sand niggers will replace them
>islamist immigration is having statistically obvious (negative) effects on Europe
>French women have about 1-2 children, whilst muslim women have around eight
>Germany itself has admitted it will eventually become an islamic republic
We are actively being replaced, much like people in the past have.
The data shows it
The people openly admit it
This is real, wake up to the reality that by 2050 you will be a minority in your own country.
If your cared about the future of your children you would be an accelerationist, tending to your garden and pretending everything is ok will get our culture, people, and nation nowhere. We must accelerate the decay of the Union in order to preserve its founding principles, most likely through extreme civil conflict. the people with one trillion bullets will win said conflict, the only question is whether we will have the demographics to pull it off. Sooner is better.

Dread it, run from it, but destiny still arrives.

These honk and yang things are just so fucking tiresome. Everyone knows they’re forced except for maybe PJW.
No one has changed views. Its just a demonstration of how Liberals and globohomoists will waste their money on fucking anything to try to fuck with us.

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PJW and akkad made videos on clown world a week or so ago, so yes, they've reached that point. It was a load of fun at the start, sad you missed out.

As for Accelerationism, join us. see below:
The idea needs to be better explained, so that people aren't so easily tricked by (((them))).
>Imagine frogs being boiled in a pot.
>Some of the frogs realize they are being boiled, but do nothing.
>Some of the frogs think the boiling is good.
>A few frogs jump out.
^This is how history normally flows.

Now to explain a true Accelerationist frog.
>One of the frogs wants to convince the others to jump out, so he turns up the heat and tells the ones still in that they are dumb if they don't notice the heat.
>Many frogs start realizing they are being cooked, so they too jump out, SLOWLY turning up the heat to not harm their fellow frogs but to awaken them to what is happening.

Then we have a falseflag "Tarrant" type anti-acceleration frog.
>One of the crazier frogs that use to think the boiling is good, now believes that they are indeed getting boiled.
>He wants to save the other frogs, but because he is a fucking idiot, he decides to turn the heat ALL THE WAY UP.
>Now all the frogs realize they are being cooked, but many of them now died.
>Many of the frogs now think the frog who claims that they were getting boiled just ruined their warm water bath. So now they punish any frogs who claim they are boiling, and proceed to turn down the heat so that they can get back in.

>What's true Accelerationism?
The idea is to slowly convince people to wake up.
>This means be pro-abortion, while making sure your family doesn't partake in abortions.
>This means be anti-2nd amendment for Leftists, while making sure your family is well armed.
>This means encouraging diverse communities in leftist areas, while making sure your community is ethnically pure.
>This means being pro-vaccine, and pro-5G, while making sure your family is reasonable with vaccines and radiowaves.
>This means be anti-birthrates, while making sure your wife(s) are always giving birth.

That feels bad. How long do you think till it complletly dies like the Boomer Wojack.

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>There is no hope for western civilization, other then the acceleration of its downfall.
This is retarded because in a globalized world, civilizations don't just disappear. They transmute and transform as people continue moving in to established global centres from all over the world. Only a retard who has played Civilization too much would think this metaphor of falling civilizations makes any sense in 2019.

It's almost funny that retarded mass shooters embrace this pointless, idiotic world view, except that people actually die because mass shooters are so retarded.

In the twenty-first century, countries are not ethnically homogeneous. They never will be in a globalized world in which people move around frequently (i.e, the actual world in which we live). Again, tards are too retarded to admit the obvious and inevitable.

Attached: moot painal.jpg (1024x768, 100K)

its on life support, but the interest is high. Id say minimum two weeks, maximum 6 weeks

all you need to know

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Clown world is cringe

read this boomer shill. A civil war will happen, isn't it obvious?

Yang was an op, friend. Some minimum wage troll operation that has apparently moved on to selling muslim nonsense as an ironic corollary to the western right. Next month it will be something newly honk worthy. We are hosts to the new advertising paradigm experiments.

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go back to plebbit

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>honk honk my fellow goys!

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We just had a very bad day user

Attached: Bad day.jpg (638x810, 70K)

shutup retard

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It’s part of the clown world meme. We’ve realized that everything is so fucked that all we can do is laugh as the world burns. It’s all that we can do as it all falls apart.

you dont know who did it, construction was happening so it could have been anacident

Argument by metaphor is always a retarded way to argue. We are not frogs in a pot. Simple!

Can you form the argument without using a metaphor? Also, note the incredible reductiveness of your description. This shows that such an argument could only ever appeal to a tard with very limited mental capacity.

And no, there will never be a civil war in a country unless there is a conflict between two very stable, well-rooted identity groups (like Croats against Serbs). People don't start civil wars because they have different views on abortion, obviously.

The feebleness of your argument is actually quite amusing.

Attached: Moot cooks.jpg (1024x768, 335K)

Those refugee camps in France are about to become mass graves.

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>Rainbow is now the perfect symbol for segregating "colored people"
>Honkler is far more racist than Pepe ever was
>Pretty sure thumbs up is racist now, need a fact check

Sickle and Hammer is next. EVERYTHING WILL BE RACIST and once everything is racist... then nothing will be

o fuk

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>no honkler watermark
You're disgusting.

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It's like any other forced CIA nigger meme.

Here is my case made for me. Kiked blackpill bullshit.

Kierkegaard on the clown: “A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater. I think that's just how the world will come to an end: to general applause from wits who believe it's a joke.”

Fuck. You are so blind. you don't see where America is headed? We are being continually politically polarized. white people are actively being replaced. trust in institutions are at an all time low. The next democratic president will take away guns. face the fact that in the next 20 years middle america will secede, and win with a trillion bullets. Neocon drumpf shills like you only slow the inevitable decay, weakening our peoples demographic advantage in the process.


litty on them tittys

>The meme is on life support but the ideas of accelerationism lead to its rise, leading in support for yang, to watch the world burn and embody the black pill but with a smile.
Does this also have to do with why there are no more shill for Trump threads or How can Blumpf ever recover threads

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Is that really Colin?

>Fuck. You are so blind. you don't see where America is headed?
I'm just interested in forms of argumentation. Throwing out a metaphor (even if extended) doesn't work. Neither does screeching "don't you see the truth???" See if you can put your ideas in a form that might persuade a skeptical stranger.

And yes, Murica has too many guns and too many gun deaths (most of all by suicide).

Attached: Moot lives.gif (312x346, 1.45M)

This is where we are headed


That's what has always happened. Either you come here as an edgy preteen or you come here to bitch and get blackpilled

They do if they have differing views about niggers.

the classic

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honk honkler, brother

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Im sure youre very proud of your inability to legally protect yourself, australianon

Imagine the smell

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baste and honk pilled

yup, nailed it

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>Im sure youre very proud of your inability to legally protect yourself, australianon

And a true story: I've never had a gun pointed at me in Australia but I have in the US.

It's what happens when you're so lonely you Mrs Doubtfire yourself in to having a kid

*honk* *honk*

Attached: NEW ACT.jpg (300x300, 4K)

OHHHH, I did not know it got that far, well fuck.


Reminds me of a poem:
>And all of it would cease to be, under smoke and ashes. Thousands looked up from their phones to the destruction above, and for a fleeting moment, the thought of impending doom and certain danger raced through their heads.
>Those thoughts would come and go in the same instant, as much more dangerous reality set in: no one would care.
>The sun would rise another day, and that once proud symbol would disappear from history, much like the people and nation it once served.
>It seems hard to believe that someone would willingly walk into extinction, that people would choose the comfort of the prison in their minds over the safe future of their culture. But alas, those are the kind of people that are now normal

Is that Verman Supreme?

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Once part of the mightiest empire in the world, one of the sole propagators of parliamentary democracy in the world. Reduced to this.


Your ancestors fought for your land, your culture, your bloodline, and your future.
And you give it up?
You don't deserve to live, and I can assure you your ancestors are rolling in their graves right now.

Honk Honk

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