Socialism is a series of false promises designed to convince you to fork over your own rights and protections from the...

Socialism is a series of false promises designed to convince you to fork over your own rights and protections from the state, and once you give those up the state will only turn around and oppress you. You will have no recourse. No protection. You will simply be a slave. Please stop supporting this broken ideology which has caused so much pain and torture to everyone who has been forced to endure it.

Attached: before socialism and after socialism.jpg (640x960, 67K)

>Everyone is bumping the shill-tier christfag and anti-capitalist threads instead
What happened?

Oh great another capitalist white knight bootlicker thread. Yes please brush all the problems under the rug for us honey.

Attached: One percent wealth.jpg (750x900, 291K)

>The 1% grabbed 82% of the wealth created in 2017
Sounds like you've got a textbook case of pic related, to me.

Attached: problems caused by the state is this capitalisms fault? socialism communism leftists.png (783x703, 504K)

>Yes please brush all the problems under the rug for us honey.
>USSR Flag

holy fuck the irony lmfao

The state is an extension of corporations.
You will never be a capitalist. Get over it

>The state is an extension of corporations.'re saying we should restrict the state and not give it too much power because it's corrupt? You're basically making my argument for me? Congratulations, you just became a libertarian. You can change your memeflag now.

Why not a minarchist? Are you afraid of minarchism?

I mean "minarchism" is just a meme ideology like 100 others. I mean whatever. Great. Be a "minarchist" if that's what you want. I don't have anything against that. Minarchists are libertarian so IDK what you're even trying to get at. Pic mostly unrelated.

Attached: i will act violently against peaceful people to acquire libertarianism.jpg (871x830, 135K)

Yes be a slave to Jewish businessmen instead