Socialism is a series of false promises designed to convince you to fork over your own rights and protections from the state, and once you give those up the state will only turn around and oppress you. You will have no recourse. No protection. You will simply be a slave. Please stop supporting this broken ideology which has caused so much pain and torture to everyone who has been forced to endure it.
Socialism is a series of false promises designed to convince you to fork over your own rights and protections from the...
>Everyone is bumping the shill-tier christfag and anti-capitalist threads instead
What happened?
Oh great another capitalist white knight bootlicker thread. Yes please brush all the problems under the rug for us honey.
>The 1% grabbed 82% of the wealth created in 2017
Sounds like you've got a textbook case of pic related, to me.
>Yes please brush all the problems under the rug for us honey.
>USSR Flag
holy fuck the irony lmfao
The state is an extension of corporations.
You will never be a capitalist. Get over it
>The state is an extension of corporations.'re saying we should restrict the state and not give it too much power because it's corrupt? You're basically making my argument for me? Congratulations, you just became a libertarian. You can change your memeflag now.
Why not a minarchist? Are you afraid of minarchism?
I mean "minarchism" is just a meme ideology like 100 others. I mean whatever. Great. Be a "minarchist" if that's what you want. I don't have anything against that. Minarchists are libertarian so IDK what you're even trying to get at. Pic mostly unrelated.
Yes be a slave to Jewish businessmen instead
Orrrrrrrrrr how about find solutions to problems that are actually real and work and don't involve condemning yourself to eternally slavery under the state under an ideology that has led to the violent murders of over 100 million people in the 20th century alone. Seems like this would be a much more reasonable way of looking at things, doesn't it?
Socialism and Capitalism are both Jewish tricks.
fuck off commie
Someone tried that once I think...
>You will never be a capitalist.
>Muh communism needs mature capitalism
Why aren't you an anarchist yet?
>Yes be a slave to Jewish businessmen instead
Without the government giving the corporations the power to influence politics/society we won't have the problems we have right not with lobbyists and monopolies controlling the government you fucking retard
Ancapism is a strawman of itself.
>When someone says something perfectly sensible to you and you have absolutely no argument or response so you just decide to play the old tired "UR HITLER" to a libertarian.
Nice bro 9/10 mendacity.
Anti-capitalist? Don't you mean anti-socialist?
>end famine
No, I'm saying Hitler's system was an actual solution to the problems of capitalism. Not your libertarian mental masturbation.
Trading and bartering and working to earn your keep isn't inherently linked to (Jewish or other tyrannical) parasitic methods, though.
If you live in the West, chances are you are rich.
you are a fucking retard because you dont understand usury
I mean what is "mental masturbation" about ending billion dollar subsidies to corporations and repealing all of the regulations that have been written that ensure that workers can't organize and small businesses can't compete with the 1%? What is "mental masturbation" about that? Seems to be real, concrete, objective solutions that you have no rebuttal to so you just say "HITLER!" to evoke a visceral response and "mental masturbation" to avoid having to say anything meaningful in response.
>Trading and bartering and working to earn your keep
Yes because modern capitalism is based on bartering.
You fucking moron.
Not too far from the truth, I mean he was worldly as balls, but he sure as heck tried to solve the solutions plaguing Germany (and Europe supposedly)
But I mean he's also the perfect example of fighting the Jews using worldly methods (fighting fire with fire head-on) doesn't work. Only Jesus has conquered the world and it's leader the Devil. Hallelujah!
Whoa, simmer down there bucko. I'm not talking about _modern_ capitalism. Sheesh no need to be so damn aggressive lmao I thought you were one of the commies
National socialism is a much better system than your kike garbage.
True tho
No it’s not.
It’s just understanding the major instabilities in capitalist systems are caused by income inequality.
The asymmetry between the value of what you produce vs what you can purchase plus investment returns naturally causes wealth to consolidate into the hands of a few people. Eventually everyone discovers they don’t have any money to buy assets and the value of “small” investments like homes collapse and it makes it worse.
It’s completely avoidable, you just have to have an honest progressive tax and tax the hell out of their estate when they die. Billions can still have millionaire kids. It’s just math.
Without government intervention in market systems we devolve into nepotistic oligarchy, also known as feudalism.
Our modern governments came about through revolution against nepotistic oligarchs
When you try to tear down the government, you really only tear down the only voice you have and the only force looking out for your economic well being
In a capitalist system, the means of production are privately owned by oligarchs who compete for power in an elected government. In the communist system, the means of production are publically owned by oligarchs who compose government. Literally no difference between the two other than the fact that the latter is inferior since it ignores the rules of basic economics. Both are run by the so-called 'bourgeoise' -- a term that's lost it's meaning ever since the middle-class have become the new upper class.
Socialism doesn’t have to involve state control. Socialism is also way more complicated and varied than you all give it credit for.
Why do you completely ignore how poor the average human is thanks to Capitalism?
Do you know if we were to distribute all of the tangible assets equally, we'd only have enough to give everyone $100 and that's it.
Capitalism by design requires scarcity and desperation.
You voluntarily choose to work for a jewish businessman, you faggot. No-one is making you.
>b-but how will I pay for anything
Start your own business you lazy faggot.
Communism + Capitalism = Social Democratcy = Nordic system
Why is it so hard to utilize resources own by the land to subsidize basic necessiites? Why is even THE LAND FOR PROFIT?
Bro your understanding class is broken. In the socialist understanding, there are only two classes: owners of the Mop and workers of Mop. What you’re referring to is the Marxist Leninist concept of the vanguard party and the role of the state to repress capitalists and landlords. Leftism is not monolithic though so congratulations you poorly refuted like half a percent of socialist thought
You're so cucked you can't even imagine life without a daddy and would kill anyone who can if only you could get permission.
If only we could permaban anyone who hasn't read Gaddafi's Green Book.
The Nordic countries are capitalist with strong welfare systems. That’s not socialism.
> be merifag
> cant afford healtcare
> pay college debts till death
> "t-thanks jews for bringing mifrants in my homeland, i'll s-send all my kids to die for Israel as a reward to your generosity"
Except the complete enclosure of the commons.
This is what the_donald actually thinks.
I like to think if yangbucks get introduced. People can use as a leverage to force corporations not pay minimum by encouraging corporate and investors to to put in all their yangbucks to increase wages so employees actually work instead of becoming neets. The state would be empowering citizens in this scenario and not enslaving them prove me wrong
imagine being this retarded lmfao
If you ignore all the starved corpses then yes you are correct
>people being retards with their money, so you're a retard haha! more government now goyim!
Jesus, that absolute state of Canadistan
Source: The Soviet Union Census Bureau
I bet you’d be one of the property owners in ancapistan, right?
>When you try to tear down the government, you really only tear down the only voice you have
Yeah I hear the US government really speaks and acts well for it's people LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO
This makes no sense. If everyone got $100 then the wealth differences would not change. If I am a poorfag with $1000 and a richfage has $1000000 then after $100 id have $1100 and the rich guy would have $1000100. That wouldnt have been redistributes
I am a land owner actually here in Canadistan, so yes dear brainlet I would be, now run along and shill for more government little shmolo, Mr. shekelsburg might give you a 25 cent raise! LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Literally a parasite rentier.
Kill yourself, neoliberal.
>the top 1% earned the most money
>hurr durrr they grabbed it all
it only takes a salary of 200k a year to be in the top 1%, really not that unheard of unless you're pathetic
Socialism makes everybody rich.
There is literally money in the streets.
Aren't they extremely obese now?
1% eating 82% of the food?
And what do they do with their dozens of cars, dozens of houses, hundreds of shirts, hundreds of TV?
Oh that's right, this economically illiterate cuck mistook currency for wealth.
Post link
Good posts, user.
When I read that memeflag's comment that
>The state is an extension of corporations
I instinctively agreed with it, but then your answer made me immediately realize that it made sense to agree with it. It's not a pro-communist argument the communist made, kek
>i own LAND
also if owning property is so lucrative, why havent you bought property?
They sat on it, or they used it to buy private claims on the productivity of others.
Kill yourself, chinkydink.
Those people were intentionally starved you realise?
It was a genocide not an economic disaster.
Yeah, try to have a modern society without military, police force and other shit...
> inb4 ancaps brainwashing kicks in
Canadistan I like that (also, too true lmao (even though the suffix "stan" is of very ancient Iranic origin, and thus an Indo-European word))
NOOO we need to unite we Canadian and American westerners! (Against (((Them))) and the other things responsible for the fall of the west, which to an extent we have ourselves to thank for)
I fail to see the problem of socialism with your picture.
>the 1% know how to make money
>the 1% made 82% of profits
Why don't you just learn how to make money?
Oh look, another fox news lemming that doesn't understand the difference between socialism and communism.
There was a fire at some church in Paris, seems to be drawing attention
Socialism is what communists call their government so its failure doesn't get blamed on communism.
Google "not real communism" for more info.
USA is a socialist nation.
Why are you posting pictures of the Philippines, kike?
You have to go back, crippledick.
Nope. US is a democratic republic with some socialized programs, and is market driven. To be so misinformed and yet so opinionated. See you in the bread line comrade
socialism works with markets.
Cities and states tax the living shit out of companies to pay police officer pensions and other state workers and they apparently on the verge of bankruptcy. Forcing these corporations to give their employees minimum wage and state welfare. United States is socialism on steroids but if the lazy criminals and retards were in charge of dictating these systems.
The 0.01% have socialism and massive gibs from the government. Most of the 1% have the sorts of guarantees for which socialism is known. For the rest of us, it's jungle capitalism.