Is this a sign from God?

Idk if this fits here, but here goes nothing. I tried posting this on /x/ but that board is dead.
I think i might have had a proof that God exists some time ago. It was March 14th, and that day as a joke, and because that day i was really fucking mad at muslims for some reason i decided to do the christian for a day challenge: basically i couldn't swear, watch porn or do sinful stuff, if i did one of these things i would have to say an "Ave Maria" and everytime i saw someone in a hijab i would give her a death stare. The day after i completed the challenge the Christchurch Shooting happend. I'm posting this right now because i just remembered about it, does this count as a sign from God?

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MOSSAD burned a mosque in Israel today

MOSSAD burned down Notre Dame


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Guess it wasn't

What was the sign you think he was sending you?


Idk, kill muslimes or something like that

>Ave Maria
Its Catholic nonsense. I thought this board took redpills?

Like, if you act like a good christian i kill your enemies

What the fuck is wrong with you

*with god
He's the one that let the shooting happen

So God is sending you a sign via a mass shooting because you were a “good Christian” for one day? He killed all those people for you, because you didn’t jack off for 24 hours.

This thread is a sign from God that you are mentally fucked.


Imagine not getting an obvious joke

You are the joke. God bless.

Yeah, and you'll never get me, catch me if you can

You don't know how it works keep lurking

Do you even know what the Black Sun in your image means, semite?