Need a Jow Forums guy's perspective. Would it be creepy if I ask out the guy at the desk at my temp gym...

Need a Jow Forums guy's perspective. Would it be creepy if I ask out the guy at the desk at my temp gym? I had a membership there for a week because my gym was under construction, so I have no reason to go back now. I was thinking of calling the desk and asking that way. I think the attraction is mutual but I also know it's his job to be nice to people. I'm telling myself that the worst thing that can happen is that I'll flatter him. I don't know. Any thoughts? I'm a woman, not a gay bro.

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Post milkies

no reason not to, either getting his number or being turned down and moving on is better than being in limbo thinking about it all the time

just be yourself brah

You're right. I'll go for it. But do you not think it's kinda weird to call him at work? I don't wanna show up in person just to ask him out cuz my membership there has ended LOL.

Do it. It's not creepy to ask a guy out. If you are pretty cute he will probably think it's awesome.

If you're hot sure
If you're not it's a gamble

All right. Hold my protein shake, boys. I'm going in.

Do provide update

If you're a grill, YOLO. it probably won't work but at the worst you'll give the guy an ego boost.

If you're a dude, hell no. Unless you're 100% sure he's actually gay, even then..

>It's not creepy to ask a guy out.
Only unattractive men are ever creepy. Literally nobody else needs to worry about it. It's purely a shaming mechanism for keeping low-status males in line.

if any woman ever asked me out that would make my week


>Tfw the manlets leave the pit again

Women don’t post here, so quit being fag

you could throw that into the pick up line

He said no but said he appreciated it. He's married. Still stings. OMG.

"creepy" is just a sensation people get when they're feeling threatened by someone with unusual but calm demeanor
men don't feel threatened by women asking them out or being attracted to them so women can't be creepy

A woman can literally get away with anything as long as you’re not a fat fucking pig. Go ahead, London. We’re all counting on you

Okay, good to know for the future. Please hold me. I'm reeling from the rejection.

>women can't be creepy

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I can't tell if you guys just memed me into embarrassing myself/creeping some poor guy out. But anyway, it's done. Yikes.


if a girl ever asked me out it would be the best thing ever


Well he's married what more can you do m8.

ok but the threshold is at "possibly a witch", not some chick who is going to ask someone out
she'll be weird, at worst


Did you not check for a ring?

If not then it's your fault.

If he takes his ring off or doesn't wear one he is a vapid attention seeking whore and probably not worth your time.

I take mine off at the gym because I don't want to fuck it up while gripping bars and stuff, but then again I don't work at the gym doing "not lifting" all day without mine on.

so can I have some tits now please?

I guess I didn't notice. He also looked pretty young.