What comes after apathy?

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collapse, then action

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Go on a bus in a large city and observe the homeless who get into screaming matches. That is what comes next.


Apathy kills, user. Fight the darkness.

Suicide or newfound hope, your choice

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trust the plan


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Becoming who you're not, then suicide.



peanut butter

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You aren't actually suffering from apathy. If you were apathetic, then you wouldn't be posting here at all. What you deem to be apathy is actually you stuck in a spot between powerlessness and emotional numbing caused by constantly being exposed to negative stimuli (specifically the absolute fucking state of the world).

The only thing that will follow in the long term is rage. Not anger or disillusionment, but pure rage, when you eventually realize that you haven't lost anything: it was all taken from you. When you have that feeling of rage, you can tap it as an infinite power source. At that point you will be able to do what needs to be done to prepare yourself for the total collapse. Workout, read, train, prepare.

I will have purpose?

Find out;

According to youtube.com/watch?v=sMXjtvMAFlI it is greed.

Psychopathy? Apparently if you don't cry at every lib video or think niggers should die etc you lack any "empathy" (dunno what that is except close family)

idk I've never felt emotions really, they are a waste of time

>Thanos dies to Thor before the opening credits, but he has already destroyed the stones. The rest of the movie centers around using the Quantum Universe to retrieve the stones from the past timeline.
>Natasha and Clint go to retrieve the soul stone, with Clint sacrificing Natasha to access it.
>Stark builds a gauntlet to wield the retrieved infinity stones to reverse the snap.
>Banner has become Hulk permanently, but retains his intelligence and memories as Professor Hulk.

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Nothingness. kys

To find your purpose you must first figure out what is the basis of your spiritual existence (no I'm not talking about religion or the supernatural). This differs from person to person, and I cannot tell you what will push you to action, it's entirely subjective to the individual. What transformed me was me thinking about what the West would look like in 50 years, and whether or not I would be disgusted with myself in 50 years for not doing everything I could to prevent it from happening. That mixed with the realization that the current decline is not organic, it was specifically designed, and that all it might take to save everything is the willingness to act on behalf of a few honorable and forthright individuals. I don't know if I am one of those people or whether or not I can truly make a difference, but as history has shown time and time again: the actions of just one person refusing to bend over and take it can change the world, even if only in small ways.

Whether or not you follow a similar path to me, or one more simple to be oriented around family and community, or any other path remains to be seen. You may very well end up killing yourself. All the advice I can give you is to continue this path until your true path is revealed to you.

He'll fall for something. They all do.

>What comes after apathy?
The searing cold of an iron willed resolve to change things no matter the cost.

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Structural collapse.

Those trips don't lie. Op, you have your answer.

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It can't come soon enough

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>What comes after apathy?

Whether yours mine both or all is the question!

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It's the expected 5 Stages of Grief after the death of one's innocence (i.e., awakening).

After depression comes acceptance (of the death, not what caused it). That brings with it the energy to effect change.

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FUCK THESE (((SHILLS)))! You already burned a church and Mosque today. Happy Passover:
(((meme flag)))

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a hero is born




Unbridled rage or acceptance.


Elightenment. Congrats, you've attained in one second what Buddhists take decades to achieve.

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honk honk

Too Soon?

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>After the laughter, I guess, comes the tears
t. Ghostface Killah (Wu Tang Clan)

He had to guess?

Giving up porn and masturbation.

The sweet embrace of death, user

There's no reason why it needs to be a huge ass png, but other than that i like it

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idealism according to murdoch murdoch

apathy is death

Apathy is death.

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Enlightenment, how long it takes for you to get there is up to you.

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self loathe

hive mind

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There won't be a societal collapse in your life time. You are doomed to watch the ship head straight for the ice berg and unable to get off it.


That is the art of it, bigger=more annoying. But, thank you.


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>What comes after apathy?
The Chinese.

You mean the bluepill? More of the bluepill. Obviously.

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Death or Discovery
You either die or you find something to live for
After discovery, resolve

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The rebirth

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According to the dictionary, apatite.

"a common mineral, calcium fluorophosphate, Ca5FP3O12, occurring in individual crystals and in masses and varying in color, formerly used in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers."

chaos, pure chaos


Post grunge.
Then Nu Metal.

Apathy is death.

cheeky fucker

fuck you, kreia


Homeopathy. Hi to a forest and collect herbs.