FOX just undid 3 years of hysterical anti Bernie propaganda by doing this 1 hour long commercial about how awesome...

FOX just undid 3 years of hysterical anti Bernie propaganda by doing this 1 hour long commercial about how awesome Bernie is.

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excellent, now he can be built up and split the left again

Fox news is a leftist station

FoxNews did a terrible job and made Sanders look good. Having the audience cheer as Bernie talked was a win for Sanders. Great job FoxNews.

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In case abyone missed it here are the highlights

It is already split.
There are the "Justice Democrats" who are progressive; and the "regular Democrats" who sometimes are DINO.

We are in a time of extreme inequality and where many people are experiencung a surge in cost of living, so i feel that the JusticeDemocrats have a greater chance.

>a crowd of people from PA

could they have chosen a more cucked audience? imagine a crowd from a deep red state, they'd boo his ass out.

Because he's the only one willing to fix these issues?

The Democrat establishment has been right-wing for 30 years.
I'd rather they all line up and get shot, but if they want to go to the GOP where they belong, that's fine by me too.

Democrat voters are truly delusional sad saps. You don't even realize that the DNC is a glorified organized crime family. They will never let Bernie get their nomination. Enjoy Kamala Harris.

Wages are flat stagnant and health care costs are outrageous. Did you think voters are gonna sit back and watch loved ones die while billionaires make out like bandits? This is why capitalism is now less popular than socialism.

You have to go back.

Because, you moron, they are in a swing state. Who give s a fuck about deep blue or red states when you know how they will vote? Win PA and you win the presidency

> "regular Democrats" who sometimes are DINO.
Biggest scumbags, the neolib status quo managerial class

Fox is trying to pivot. 2020 will be. Sight to see.

The federal reserve is fucking us all. The BIS and Rothschilds own most of the planet.
Trump is the man who’s trying to fix the fed by putting humans on the board.

>Fox is trying to pivot.
Pivot to what? Keep in mind that Paul Ryan is on the board of directors of Fox Corporation.

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Commie detected, it’s going to be fun killing u

Are you surprised?
Retarded boomers are getting scared they will be left to die

>How awesome Bernie is
That's not possible, because there's literally nothing awesome about that old kike.

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Foxed hired Donna Brazil too, lmao

It’s easy to get stupid people to buy into free ice cream without any understanding of how it doesn’t work.

>In other news people cheered when they saw a band they liked.
Talk about a self selecting poll result

Maybe in the primary. The DINOs have a much better chance in the general.

Let's all take a moment to remember what a massive fucking failure Bernies 2016 campaign was


Cenk, you're a massive faggot.

The federal reserve doesn't do shit but open market operations. Manipulating interest rates has almost no affect on your life, why are alt-right retards so obsessed with it?

There was a population of Democrats that didn’t agree with Obamacare and it’s implementation. They either defected to Trump (a Democrat larding as a Repub) or remained despite the insanity.

Guarantee a Trump victory by pushing Beto or Bernie. Tulsi is a pariah despite being the greatest hope for the party.

Remove Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and Omar and any other cancer in the party.

Open Borders is shitty no matter if it’s disguised as corporatism or globalism. The leaders fracturing the party need to fuck off

>medicare for all
Isn't medicare (going) bankrupt?

Personally, as a commie, I'll vote for Trump afirmatively if the (((DNC))) fucks around again. Unfortunately, the GOP are a bunch of pussies who will never, ever kill the other half of their grift, and actually prop each other up when one is in mortal danger.

Yep, them.

Frankly, they ought to be, for eating our seed corn.

>t.yet another shitcon whose concepts of macroeconomics are informed by his circumcision trauma

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Paul Ryan is the RINO final boss.

Within the next decade yes, estimated between 2028-3031

If it’s not gutted the financial consequences will be apocalyptic

yeah so let's put a crowd of mixed view faggots on Fox News for an hour and misdirect conservatives to believe that most people actually like Bernie and he's not a fucking senile socialist prick. Fox showed their true colors with this one.

>Manipulating interest rates has almost no affect on your life
It has everything to do with lending - who can lend, to whom, how much, and at what interest.

Are you retarded on purpose?


The funny thing is Bernie isn't a pussy, he actually believes most of the things he says, especially his core values, so any equivocating fuckwad is going to be stomped by the cast-iron ideologue.

Bernie is also selling it to the masses. Free gibs is always popular, free healthcare, free college. (meanwhile illegal immigration is going through the roof)

You mean a representative sample of voters? Can you really not see people are stretched thin partially due to explosive health care costs?

Fox showed their true colors in 2016 then again in the midterms calling the house for Dems before the California polls even close to being closed

Who would believe that Americans elect a fucking commie for president? Lmao. No way this geezer make it through the nomination.

The reason health care costs are outrageous is because you fucking retards won't let me buy a health plan on the other side of a state line I live

All he did was ignore all the questions and ramble. Hes an old fuck.

>Thanos dies to Thor before the opening credits, but he has already destroyed the stones. The rest of the movie centers around using the Quantum Universe to retrieve the stones from the past timeline.
>Natasha and Clint go to retrieve the soul stone, with Clint sacrificing Natasha to access it.
>Stark builds a gauntlet to wield the retrieved infinity stones to reverse the snap.
>Banner has become Hulk permanently, but retains his intelligence and memories as Professor Hulk.

Boomer detected. Good luck doing it t from a mobility scooter

Did they really?

Multicultural diverse commie brainwashed America would. They already voted for a nig twice.

>free ice cream
user 2020!

Prove it.
Protip: You're wrong. You intentionally ignore the possibility of bringing healthier people into the Medicare pool, rather than just the old and sick.
Protip: You can't because you're just another cuck repeating what you heard some TV newsreader telling you.

>hurr durr muh state lines meme
You can't because all the health insurers will move to whatever state has the shittiest, least pro-patient regulation.
Literally kek
>you fucking retards
It's almost as if your entire argument revolves around the belief that the neoliberal managerial class and the economic populist left are identical.
Shouldn't you kill yourself for being a teamist cuck?

A Bernie vs Trump contest would be the most competitive (i.e. generate the most interest and ratings). All news corps realized years ago that this was a cash cow in the making and now actively encourage this kind of reporting to makes themselves more money in the long haul, regardless of whomever they personally prefer to win.

The nig was a right-wing neoliberal with slick patter who pushed a right-wing health insurance plan on the USA.
Try again.

people watch Fox News because they want a right wing echo chamber not so they have a reason to vote for a democuck that says "free" and "raise taxes" in the same breath. Bernies socialist ideas are not worth entertaining

all those words and you did nothing to say i'm wrong. as i said, you're a fucking retard who doesn't know shit about shit.

she's been on the five several times now and makes guest appearances on the other shows

Dem establishment won’t let Bernie win. It’s going to be Kamala, Buttigieg, or Beto in that order.

The poor thing is retarded.

As long as the DNC retains its superdelegate system, and it does, the deck will always be in the hands of the party elites. What sort of communist would prop up a bourgeoisie liberal elite and their main weapon of political influence? The Bernie kind I suppose. I wonder what Marx would think. You're all dumb by default for participating in that rigged delegate system. Imagine if I tried to get you to play a card game with rules like that.

nazi basement-dwellers fear the superior socialist

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Its is in some ways, tucker is a huge Medicaid lover and socialist.

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I wouldn't rule it out if I were you.

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They very well could. Profits speak pretty loudly but don't own the whole show in the media's eyes. They're likely in negotiations right now to exchange favor toward certain candidates at the cost of lost earnings potential or some junk like that.

You think all your problems will be solved by health insurers moving to one state whose regulators they can capture 1/50th as easy as the current setup?
You really are as dumb as you look.
t.someone who works close to the health insurance industry

>I wonder what Marx would think
Well, he's not Jesus, so it may or may not matter.
Entryism has worked. The estimation is that stealing the ballot line (and all the media etc. that comes with it) will be easier than trying to build one from scratch. That is true in many states due to the effect of state ballot access laws.
>dumb by default
It's worth giving it one last try. If we can't force it to work in our favor despite the game being clear to all involved, then I think the left are just about ready to burn the Democrat Party to the ground.
>Imagine if I tried to get you to play a card game with rules like that.
The American System of government, you mean? People do, for some reason.

>You think all your problems will be solved by health insurers moving to one state whose regulators they can capture 1/50th as easy as the current setup?
You can't be this fucking stupid.
>t.someone who works close to the health insurance industry
There is literally zero % chance you do anything related with the health insurance industry. You've never been in the health insurance industry. You've never had family in the health insurance industry. No, dumbfuck, pushing patients in wheelchairs around hospitals all day doesn't qualify you.

>hurr durr come on Jow Forums and spout lies because I'm 18 and my parents were retarded flower children who took drank one too many of tim leary's kool aid and I want my septuagenarian incel candidate to bring communism to america because I'm fucking retarded
literally kys

He's been defanged from the tiger he could have been in 2016 (still prefer Trump). I still can't see him beating the Manchurian candidate but either way. Whether Trump wins or a demmy wins, the next economic crisis/collapse will send the country into a civil war and boy will it be bright.

Beware of the three rings and rise of the golden bear.

Jew attic dwellers fear the aryan man.

Listening to fox radio from 830 pm est to 3:20am last night while I was painting walls for some new offices(Handel law show) (Cunningham)( coast to coast a.m.). Every 1/2 hr break they go to Fox News, and it was all talking points on the dems and liberals and Anti trump collusion bullshit as well as their own ads that they make sure to report the truth bullshit and my blood was boiling more every break that I could not stand it!!!!!
Fox is 20 % Saudi owned and Fox is Fake conservative fuckwits except for a very few that work for them!
They keep hammering questioning conservatism leading you to question is trump guilty or is it all lies!?!?!
I’m going to start just streaming so I won’t have to listen to fuking fox propaganda!!!! Hate!!!!

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>You can't be this fucking stupid.
It happened with credit cards. It happened with incorporation. Is it really so stupid to think that it won't happen with interstate health insurance?
>There is literally zero % chance you do anything related with the health insurance industry
I write software for the health insurance industry and I've been doing it for several years. I guess you lose, huh?
Shouldn't you kill yourself for having no argument?

Tucker is almost nazbol, not quite but he's like a nationalist socdem

Isn't it important in democracy for all sides to be heard and to have an open debate? When did it become the norm to expect the media to silence all opposition? Why do we let this sort of behavior of censoring all political dissent continue?

>muh branded conservative safe space

You forgot creating money outa thin air.

Are you?

>living on credit
Absolutely kiked

Every time he was he was asked a question, he immediately attacked a strawman; "muh 1%!" and "muh equality!". Stopped watching after the first 10 minutes.

He’s a nationalist socialist

If your questions are invalid, why should you expect an answer?

>literally private banks electronically printing money and loaning dollars to the US government to the point that the US taxpayers owe the federal reserve $2.1 trillion dollars is nothing goy, go to sleep or some shit

big democratic corporate media BTFO

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