FOX just undid 3 years of hysterical anti Bernie propaganda by doing this 1 hour long commercial about how awesome Bernie is.
FOX just undid 3 years of hysterical anti Bernie propaganda by doing this 1 hour long commercial about how awesome...
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excellent, now he can be built up and split the left again
Fox news is a leftist station
FoxNews did a terrible job and made Sanders look good. Having the audience cheer as Bernie talked was a win for Sanders. Great job FoxNews.
In case abyone missed it here are the highlights
It is already split.
There are the "Justice Democrats" who are progressive; and the "regular Democrats" who sometimes are DINO.
We are in a time of extreme inequality and where many people are experiencung a surge in cost of living, so i feel that the JusticeDemocrats have a greater chance.
>a crowd of people from PA
could they have chosen a more cucked audience? imagine a crowd from a deep red state, they'd boo his ass out.
Because he's the only one willing to fix these issues?
The Democrat establishment has been right-wing for 30 years.
I'd rather they all line up and get shot, but if they want to go to the GOP where they belong, that's fine by me too.
Democrat voters are truly delusional sad saps. You don't even realize that the DNC is a glorified organized crime family. They will never let Bernie get their nomination. Enjoy Kamala Harris.