
Alright everyone
It’s time to talk about me and my prodigal genius. Subscribe to me. PayPal link to me in description.Me, me, me me me me, me me. Muh sangs, Muh sangs. Muh predictions, muh opinions, muh thoughts.Me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me. I edit other people’s books and call them my own. I know what all these high tech companies should do. I couldn’t report on anything that isn’t already in the mainstream media, but I’m so much better than them.

Me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me. Muh social media links. That’s about all. Piece out.

Attached: AAC1C5D4-DFB9-4C02-9C67-DEF6C85A01E9.jpg (640x360, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jealously of another's success often manifests as claiming to be morally superior.

Attached: 1553620386713.png (960x582, 288K)


He claims the gold standard is a bad thing, yet never explains why.
He also says "app store" a lot lately, which is something faggots say.

Cry moar OP

lol this is the good stuff

Fuck off Morphaeus.

Only little girls go around claiming that everyone is “just jealous”. That and faggots.

>not a corporate mouthpiece regurgitating talking points
>manages to keep up to date videos daily with relatively poignant and insightful commentary, often dissecting stories and approaching them from angles MSM won't even consider
>easy listening while doing work or driving if I want to follow some politics and news
>does some obscure videos occasionally to shake things up
Dude isn't perfect but dos't thou presume to be? Dos't styxenhexxenhamsen proclaimeth to be? Neigh.

I appreciate you Styx, keep up the good work.

t. not styx

What kind of world do we live in when I trust the political analysis of a weird shirtless spoon clanker expelled from the 5th grade

To be honest, I listen to at least a styx video a day, but he is getting far to self-centered of late, and needs to correct that.
It’s boring and only appeals to neophytes.



I have noticed that too. He went through a bad break up or something, and his channel has served, at least partly, as he myspace/blog page.

jealous lol


This guy is such an idiot. He's like 30 years old and still acts like an edgy middle schooler. Just look at his tweets where he mocks the Notre Dame fire.

Leave him alone, Holt bitch. He’s provided ME with thousands of hours of quality entertainment and commentary.


I stopped watching this fag he won't name the jew.

please stop posting these e-celeb threads, you are killing actual good ones. mods?

Don’t like it, don’t read it.

>lalalala mememememememe I said a thing so now that's the rule
kys you infantile imbecile.

Attached: monkey.jpg (480x360, 28K)

Rent free.

No one is claiming everyone is just jealous. A lot of people are saying you look really jealous baby girl.


Attached: Styx Samurai.png (352x417, 410K)

Why? Your the ones with their panties in a bunch.

Dont like abortion, dont get one. Dont like gay marriage? Dont marry someone your gender.

>Alright everyone
>It’s time to talk about me and my prodigal genius. Subscribe to me. PayPal link to me in description.Me, me, me me me me, me me. Muh sangs, Muh sangs. Muh predictions, muh opinions, muh thoughts.Me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me. I edit other people’s books and call them my own. I know what all these high tech companies should do. I couldn’t report on anything that isn’t already in the mainstream media, but I’m so much better than them.
>Me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me,meme,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me, me,me,me. Muh social media links. That’s about all. Piece out

Looks pretty bunchy


You’re just jealous!

Wasnt this guy a tranny

I am jealous of Tarl. You are right. I'm jealous of his success and I want that kind of success. I applaud and respect him for achieving it.

You’ll never get it.

Owen ruined Styx career it is over

hi styx

You're drunk Owen.

I'm not stix but you are a massive faggot.

Of all the e-celebs to be butthurt about, why Styx?

how mad lol

Literally the only solid criticism of him that I can find is his constant fellatio of Trump >muh 4D Chess trust the plan
and then subsequent backpedalling on more obvious issues. He doesn't speak out against Israel or the most blatant shit in the Talmud, just says MSM or legacy media like "bankers" or "the elite corporate oligarchs" and such drivel. Really misses the mark on some rather broad and obvious concepts, because he doesn't want to lose his precious sub count/channel.

I can't remember the more recent video where he actually alludes to "hauling off" and 'saying what he really feels' or something which suggests that he does indeed understand certain things but simply won't touch on them. How the fuck did he miss the big ass flood in Nebraska too? Food for thought.

Did anyone on this thread actually watch his narcissistic 5th grade video, where he claims he was too smart for school, and thinks he’s somehow “special” because of that. Public school 5th grade isn’t all that challenging to anyone.

meh, school in america is especially developmentally crippling so I do agree with his reasoning but still, completely agreed on What the fuck was the point of that stupid ass video? Only makes him look exactly how you put it.

Thank you! It’s for his own good that he gets over this.

Amusingly he really does just capture the gestalt of the daily threads here and then uploads the same basic opinion: "Who fuckin' cares?"
Overall he's more good than bad though, I try not to give him any personal attention but he's worth discussing, kinda maybe sometimes.

Central Happenings Network or CHN
Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason.
No strikes were given or warnings
>then his backup
Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!!
They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel.
We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!

Chaotic-Good Accelerationism

And Twitch BasedBellagio

This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!!
>stream from Saturday morning
>This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags
What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.


Hey CHN, sorry about your channel. At least you have bitchute? Also fuck off we're talking about StyxclankenPlushie767 itt

You know it's funny

I predicted this

It's an ego boost


That's about all, peace out.

go to /mlp/ or back to tranny discord.

>his constant fellatio of Trump >muh 4D Chess trust the plan
No fuck off. We already have enough people who sided against Trump and have seemed like cheated on lovers that then self destructed.

Fuck off Mossad.


If anything he does the reading for me, and brings up current events I'm to fucking lazy to pay concrete attention to. Someone's gotta do it.

Attached: 7e48e261ce9dededdf7d0a948a91af1ae9fdf01b7c164735a02a92f815b9c1fe.png (4000x2250, 3.69M)

this video basically destroys any pro-Trump argument. Trump was and is still better than Hillary could ever hope to be (what hope should pond scum have to rise off the water and become a Princess? ha!) but that doesn't mean he wasn't always a duplicitous kike-loving shit fuck. Btw he's right about Trump being a corporate Demonrat. But the fact that he doesn't think this a problem makes him naive as fuck.

Also a good choice.