I read about seduction, romance, love, human biology, feminism, Red Pill, MGTOW, the Bible. And honestly...

I read about seduction, romance, love, human biology, feminism, Red Pill, MGTOW, the Bible. And honestly, I do not know what is true about women anymore, there are many points of view. Can someone clarify for me? In the end, are women bad or good? Is it worth dating? And get married? And have children? I am lost

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What is wrong with Jow Forums? People like you are so weird. Women aren't weird fantasy animals, they're just humans. I've treated them like I'd treat a guy and its been going well for me. Yes they're usually more sensitive, but still similar desu.

That's like asking if "Men" are bad or good. Some women are FUCKING CUNT BITCHES FUCK while some are kinda cool. Most suck because most people suck.

There are good women and bad ones,dont put everyone under the same light,its like saying that all man are just violent and like to fart all day wich is not true for everyone, so basically you find a person and you find out yourself what he or she is like,without any stupid judgement before even talking to them

Women are human, just like men.
Women are neither bad nor good, every woman is different in some way.
I believe it's worth dating, we need to connect with other people, we need socializing, it keeps us sane.
Getting married might be not worth if you're not sure about the person you're marrying. Same with children. It depends. If you feel like it then go for it.

Women are beautiful and amazing! I love them.

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Women were created by demiurge when he created human. He thought that so much in the one is too much and thus created duality. Separating human into man and woman creating light and darkness and so on.

So women are not evil or good they are just very different. To them their actions seems like best they can do to others it seems extremly pointless and stupid. Women dont know what are they doing and giving them voting rights was biggest mistake that western civilization could do.

Also women should be kept in cages just for good measure.

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There's just one true thing about every human and that's that, being an individual, they are subject to very few standards but their own.

After humans obey laws, pretty much anything is free game. My last girlfriend thought sucking dick on the side was excusable. My current girlfriend tells me when dudes greet her at the till because she works retail.

What you DO is find someone whose standards match your own. It also helps to be aware that you're probably uglier than you think, and that people of like charisma tend to stick together; high and low charisma count folk don't mesh well, because low chars feel looked down upon and high chars feel their time and efforts are wasted.

Definitely look for the mature women close to your age, the loud obnoxious girls aren’t annoying and boring most of the time. it’s hard to generalize women as being all good or bad they’re pretty diverse with like general trends. Still worth dating but make sure you know the girl well enough before dating her.

not OP but I have the exact same problem, I used to go by the "treat women the same as men" and what it resulted in is me not having a single female friend or aquantance as they're all just so BORING. They always have really basic hobbies that I and all of my friends (all men remember?) have moved on from when we were teenagers.

But there has to be some truth about them, a fact, after all you know they differ from men.
>Most suck because most people suck.
Now I see something that makes sense
So why are there philosophies and movements that are so sure that they all are evil?
>Women are neither bad nor good, every woman is different in some way.
How can I understand this?
>Women dont know what are they doing and giving them voting rights was biggest mistake that western civilization could do.
>To them their actions seems like best they can do to others it seems extremly pointless and stupid. Women dont know what are they doing and giving them voting rights was biggest mistake that western civilization could do.
See, they're dangerous, don't you think?
>What you DO is find someone whose standards match your own
Do you think women think so too?
>make sure you know the girl well enough before dating her.
It's easy to know a lot about a girl, after all they talk a lot and tell everything, the problem is to find the ideal girl, another problem is that they say something but do the opposite.

>I read about
Kek as if that grants you any practical knowledge about women. You need to go out and interact with them for yourself, then make up your mind.

>>Women are neither bad nor good, every woman is different in some way.
>How can I understand this?
Just like there are many types of men, which you should be aware of, there's also many types of women.

They talk bullshit. Open communication is a meme, they only talk what doesnt hurt them at all. Ive been dating few girls and their actions were always opposite to what they claimed. Im not sure about the current one. this one sounds legit but also is a bit dominant and everything has to go according to her needs.
I agree with red pill in matter of being strong. Man must gain value by his action and work. We need to produce. Time is limited and i believe our goal as a representation of a life, a humankind is to reach place where big bang happend or where the world still doesnt exist. Women has to be attractive, in a different way, being intelligent, being sexy, being charm, being nice. Every man need different things. Without us, men, they would never do anything and without them its pointless.
So the Bible, the red pill, mgtow, alt right, feminazi, rhey r all right.

>out out to gain the knoweledge
>they are bigger trash than described in books

Thanks i guess

Stop getting your opinions on women from the internet. Go interact with real women and base your opinions on that.

At least you went out and gained the knowledge firsthand, instead of relying on reading on the subject like an autist

>You need to go out and interact with them for yourself, then make up your mind.
>Go interact with real women and base your opinions on that.
not him but women refuse to interract with me
i guess rape is an interraction but I'm not into that

And less powerful r u are (power can be seen as many different things and abilities) more u have to sacrefice to keep the status quo.

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When you try to generalize women, you end up understanding them less. They are simply people as well and have as much variety in personality as men do. Hence the advice of treating them the same way as you treat men.

If you find someone you are willing to date with, you can give it a try. Dating someone simply because you feel like dating is necessary is not such a good idea, though. If your relationship eventually goes to the point when you consider marrying and having children, you should think carefully about this decision, but it can be worth it as well, just don't rush these things and don't think that you're obligated to do it if you don't want to.

Power is what its all about, that's the most important thing to remember. Get a gf, love her to death, make babies with her, but never let her have power or leverage over you.

Find out for yourself
Are you ugly or just autistic?