How much degeneracy shall be tolerated?

I basically went through the 4 phases of the "red-pill" over the past few years. Conservative -> Libertarian -> Right-Wing Authoritarianism -> Traditionalism. But I don't see the "world of tradition" coming back especially with modern technology.

Do you really think that degeneracy can be culled with an iron fist? Drug abuse, sexual misconduct, these things have always existed. Gaining any traction in the political sphere will require a party that appeals to a large portion of the public and I don't see that happening with a generation that is giving up. \
Telling "based Gen Z", which is characterized by an obsession with black culture (rap), drugs, materialism, escapism like vidya, that all of their outlets shall be destroyed for the greater good does not seem like an effective strategy.

So what is your answer to this? To what degree should an ideal society allow an individual to fuck up and succumb to "degeneracy?"

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Other urls found in this thread:


Good taste


>Drug abuse, sexual misconduct, these things have always existed.

Yeah, in decadent society's that are reaching their end.

Based White Beast of Wotan

INB4 Tranny

What? Druge use has been known to every single form of mankind. Be it large societies or mud hutt dwellers.

Yeah, sexual profligacy and drug abuse to the extent that exists today is SO normal. Lets just turn our heads away Goyim, nothing to see here. This has always existed, and thus trying to interfere and clean it up is all but futile. Fucking Jew kike i'd love to American History X you into the curb.

If this is what passes off for a German today, yikes. Germany has alot of human garbage like you that needs to be taken care of.

The solution to this is so easy
Just set up a good society with a proper reward system for doing productive things

Lightly guide people and trust them to make the right choices.
Lightly punish them and trust them to learn

all these 'iron fist' faggots have no idea how to actually be a leader.


Opium has been around since ancient Mesopotamia. Harlots of and polygamy have been around since an isn't times as well. Degeneracy is a parrt of human nature. This whole "moral society" is a fairly new concept that arose in the cold war era

It should be easy enough to keep certain drugs out of your country desu

Yeah, lightly guiding communists and sexual deviants into embracing normalcy has always proved successful. Fucking retard

Lol @ your attempt to summarize human history in a single sentence. Even when civilizations were at their "peak" there still existed degeneracy, there were still brothels and drugs. Sorry if this is hard to integrate into your worldview but history is not as black/white as you think.

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Those people would be removed from the society
morality is largely genetic

Ok cunt, whatever helps you cope with being a whore.

It's not normal today because it is being promulgated for an intended purpose by a group that has hijacked the fate of geopolitics. That's the difference. These "ugly" facets of human nature are being exploited rather than working themselves out naturally like they have throughout history. The drug use in particular also stems from people feeling disconnected from any sense of purpose.

But again, this is not happening organically. I think a lot of you here forget that it's not the fact that white people are going extinct that's the problem, it's the fact that a certain group is ORCHESTRATING the extinction for their own purposes.

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let the boomers die and let go of control and their mountains of gold they hoard.

then younger generations will have something to care about

We should strive for a 1990s culture with a 1950s level tolerance towards degeneracy imho.

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First of all you use a random white bitch selfie. (I'm also a white male.) But you say you're not sure of the Gen Z being conservative but also highly involved in nigger music. "Music." I get it. I understand. They have shit taste. And a lot of people have been saying Gen Z is more conservative than Gen Y. It is a mystery.

Zoomers are originally nigger-pilled who turn into Jow Forums-society-pilled. They hold onto their nigger music while deciding that their older brother from Gen Y was right. So they make Doomer and Zoomer and Boomer memes while misusing the music to identify the generations.

Anyway, its all an attempt to seem relevant. Zoomers are even more far gone than Boomers. Let that sink in.

If you don't trust your own people then why have a society or a country at all?

Who is this girl? She looks Italian. So cute.

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This is such a disgusting argument an perspective. What you are arguing, is that literally any behavior acted out or expressed by humans AT ALL is apart of 'human nature'. This is the same argument that Marxist pigs like to use to justify deranged and sordid life styles as being acceptable and normal, since if it has EVER been witnessed or carried out before, it must be apart of 'human nature'. Hey, fags were celebrated, sodomy was common in an ancient civilization that ceased to exist, so therefore it should be tolerable and embraced today! Fuck you

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>Do you really think that degeneracy can be culled with an iron fist?
How do you think it was in the past?

nice digits

If anything done in the past worked then they'd still be around

I wouldn't bother with the whole redpill nonsense. Just have fun, do drugs, play video games, eat good food and be as slovenly as you want. When you're young you owe it yourself to have as much fun as possible and throw caution to the wind.

>They hold onto their nigger music while deciding that their older brother from Gen Y was right. So they make Doomer and Zoomer and Boomer memes while misusing the music to identify the generations.
This is beyond accurate lmao.

No clue, first click in my Fashy Women folder.

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(((She))) is most likely a subversive transvestite trying to argue away morality and accept licentious activity as being 'apart of human nature'. While all of the dumb orbitors drool over 'her' pictures, he is probably rubbing his cock laughing at how he could so easily dupe the dumb Goys into thinking he is a female.

shut the fuck up hedonist

there is not joy at the end thesis of pleasure

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yes goy give in to your base desires and consume consume consume after all there is nothing worth living for

fuck off schlomo

Graveland - Białe Bestie Swaroga

You're completely missing the point. You have this vision in your head of an ideal society and it's antithesis, degeneracy. What metrics are you using to determine whether a certain civilization was at it's peak?
My point is that the "golden ages" of the greatest civilizations still allowed some degree of what we call "degeneracy." My question is, to what degree should we allow an individual to make bad decisions. And if you think that spanking them with a ruler their entire life will create a utopia, then you're simply a fucking retard.

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The only way to true equality is through small government. Let the druggies die when they cant get revived in the ER, let trannies do their thing as long as they dont expect me to call them real girls, let us have full autos, remove the age of consent, get rid of affirmative action, get rid of bigoted laws like "hate crimes" "sex offenders" and "rape". Just provide the basics like roads, schools, and border control.

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I'm sorry I had to educate your monkey brain frenchy inuit spawn.

traditionalism is a good thing, stop race mixing , sleeping around, drug abuse, porn, idolizing thugs. but it needs to have outlets that are open secrets, brothels drug dens, gambling centers ect. people going there should be shunned and mocked even if youre doing it too. because it will minimize it just dont close the outlet valve or youll cause another hippie explosion.

How about leave people the fuck alone and live your life to your own standards? Why can no one grasp that simple concept? 99% of fucktards have this "we need to do something" because other people aren't living how i think they should, mentally. FTFY.

>tfw seeing more and more metal everyday
Is metal coming back guys?

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Fuck me, you're so dumb.

>Telling "based Gen Z", which is characterized by an obsession with black culture (rap), drugs, materialism, escapism like vidya, that all of their outlets shall be destroyed for the greater good does not seem like an effective strategy.

Because what else is there? There's no sense of community pride, masculinity is looked down on, no national pride, feminism, etc. etc. Of course they are going to escape into videogames, theres nowhere else to fucking go.

Gen Z (whites) are waiting for a strong leader who will get shit done one way or another. They crave it actually.

I was a degenerate when I was a kid too, because I had no strong leadership in my life, even though I craved it, what else was I suppose to do?

O Vey! Yeah, thanks for leading the way.

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that sound gay as fuck bruh
here enjoy this piece of shit idiot

As a necrosexual, this kind of sentiment disgusts me. The "degenerates" make up less than 2% of the population. They're harmless, and the only way you can do harm is by giving them publicity and convincing people that these things sre normal so that normies start converting to gay or trans or pedosexual.

It's over. White people put a gun to their head and pulled the trigger before most of us here were born. What you are seeing is what's left of our blood leaking out. ITS OVER.

None. There's a reason why its called "degeneracy" in the first place, retard. Degenerate elements DEGENERATE the society. Next

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Yes Goy, embrace that radical individualism. Disavow all former institutions and western concepts, rebel against the oppressive patriarchy ! Emancipation = happiness

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How do you expect to change in the future if that lifestyle is all you know now? The ability for people to change as they get older decreases after about 25

>My question is, to what degree should we allow an individual to make bad decisions

But that's not the question that should be asked even. It's what can we do so that the individual is more likely to choose the better option? A strong, proper society good in moral character doesn't need to ban things, because the people will simply be taught the benefits that not going down a bad path will bring.

We don't do that anymore and we haven't for a very long time. Even something as super simple as having a family is looked down upon.


>The "degenerates" make up less than 2% of the population.

Precisely, and by constant pressure and suppression they are to be kept on the fringes, afraid to expose themselves.

As much as I wish to see fuck you Shlomo, there is sadly some truth in this. I threw caution to the wind last weekend, got stuck in a college town hours away zooted off some drug called Eitzolam or something and it was probably the greatest weekend of my life

It was in some ways my rock bottom. And yet I remembered how tightly these vices can have a grip on people. I never smoke weed but I did the other night and just felt an overwhelming sympathy for the entire world that is hooked on this "degeneracy." In a world of dissolution, where there is no sense of belonging anymore, what reason does the average "normie" have to hop on the /sig/ routine?

I will never forget one moment I had this weekend. I had just slept with a girl I found on Tinder, she told me how she was raised very Christian and strict, never did anything bad until she went to college. She then told me I was the 1st guy that spent the night. I will never forget the sudden jolt I felt in my heart center. Like the "red-pill" had worn off temporarily and was administered straight into my veins. I saw clearly, saw what I had done, what I had contributed to. And I told her I had to leave. I'll never forget that walk home fighting back tears knowing that it's not supposed to be this way. That had WW2 gone the other way, I would not be feeling this.

Well that's off my chest and I'm intoxicated enough to sleep. Goodnight Jow Forums. Sorry for my degeneracy but the tiger had bucked me off.

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>the "degenerates" make up less than 2% of the population

LGBT community makes up about 5% of the population, not 2%, and it's steadily growing.

Why won't you let me be happy?

is that a boy? i fucking hate this website.

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Etizolam is fuckin fantastic.

This is why whores shouldn't be allowed to spread their ideological pestilence. Fuck me

Shut the fuck up Anarchist, you're no better than a communist. You are by definition, a destructive misfit. I don't care if your feelings are hurt.

That's so fucking gay. Even for a leaf tag. There's nothing wrong with actual individualism, ie freedom. So long as it's not this hijacked faggotry version, like your meme there. Ther don't want freedom, they want to force their mental retardation on the rest of us. FTFY as well.

First of all, rake yourself you subhuman leaf.

Listen to the Polish language version of that song hue, it sounds so much more brutal I really hate how people say drugs this and drugs that. It's so hamfisted. It puts LSD, DMT, and MDMA in the same category as crack and fentanyl. That's just insane.

>Lol @ your attempt to summarize human history in a single sentence.
Based response to the perfidious leaf.

>The drug use in particular also stems from people feeling disconnected from any sense of purpose.
Not all drug use, but certainly it's the root cause of addiction.

>let the boomers die
First order of business if things are to get better.


Here's a crazy idea: live a balanced life. There's a middle path between being a degenerate and a Spartan.

>Let the druggies die when they cant get revived in the ER
Paramedics ought to be forbidden from carrying Narcan and fentanyl ought to be legalized.

>but it needs to have outlets that are open secrets, brothels drug dens, gambling centers ect. people going there should be shunned and mocked even if youre doing it too. because it will minimize it just dont close the outlet valve or youll cause another hippie explosion.
Oh look a leaf without any extra chromosomes. What a nice surprise.

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>A strong, proper society good in moral character doesn't need to ban things, because the people will simply be taught the benefits that not going down a bad path will bring.
This is the answer I was looking for, very well-worded. I feel like right now, there's not much incentive for normal people to go down the
"good path" though. Perhaps it's time for God to shuffle the deck and start the game over once again.

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That's what it was...I love and hate that chem. It is so deceptive. I thought I was sober the entire weekend (it wasn't even a weekend, it spiraled into almost a week).

I heard the satanic kikes mastered time travel, they kike up the multiverse selling hentai and interracial BLACKED porn to defenseless white teenagers.

Kikes with time machines tricked ancient greeks into being faggot child molesters.

Time traveling kikes put drugs in Roman water supplies and that caused the orgies and degeneracy.

Kikes are trying to turn u gay, trans, and hooked on BLACKED.

Resist! The day of the gRope awaits! Beware rabbis in time machines!

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HAIL HITLER! This is the pinnacle of civilization

>Paramedics ought to be forbidden from carrying Narcan and fentanyl ought to be legalized.
As a person that has been an addict and still has addictive tendencies, I honestly see the merits in this. I don't see addiction as a "disease" but it's definitely something genetic, something that can be eradicated.

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Holy shit I wish I could lynch faggots and trans people. You are ABSOLUTE DREGS. SCUM.

One of the funniest images I've seen here holy shit. My fucking sides.

Sure, schlomo, sure.

and 1980s movies and music

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BTW what I meant is that paramedics can't carry Narcan but it's legal to buy. So a functioning addict or a non-addicted opiate user can carry a dose on a necklace which can be used to revive him should he OD. Whereas the thieving junkie will be left to die. What were you addicted to if you don't mind me asking?

Now the leaf descends into memeflaggotry. kys

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When I was a retarded youngster, I got arrested once for possession of weed and my cellmate was apart of the "Aryan Brotherhood", had 88 and SS tattoos and talked about how all niggers and spics must be killed. Meanwhile, he was completely addicted to Valium and had to be given methadone/suboxone everyday or he would throw a fit. He was a degenerate in every sense of the word yet proclaimed absolute superiority.

And now when I see you faggots with that flag that talk about gassing all those who have dissenting opinions (hell, even just questions), I remember this based aryan man serving a life sentence for murdering his wife. Maybe this experience made the red-pill process a lot harder to go through, but it showed me that there is such a thing as a degenerate who swears off degeneracy.

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I was addicted to oxys for a year, had a pretty much unlimited supply which is why I never switched exclusively to H. Jow Forums really gave me the motivation to quit for good but I'd be lying if there weren't times where I'd prefer saying fuck it.

I do not believe in tattoos or thug-like criminal activity. These pariahs have hijacked the swastika and use it to preach a message contrary to Hitlers Reich. Do you think these people would have been exalted in the 1930? Lmao they would have been rebuked, shoved aside and re-educated or thrown in prison. Hypocrisy is a symptom of foul character. Your comment is meaningless.
Anything that defiles or takes away from the sanctity of the bond between MAN and WOMAN ought to be punished and ostracized. Anything that defies natures laws must be met with condemnation and scorn. Fuck all of you faggots you will rot in hell for pushing your poison

>edgy metal


Ok give me another explanation besides kikes with time machines...

If degeneracy can thrive WITHOUT kikes, it may cause people to doubt current degeneracy is a convoluted kikespiracy...

The only alternative is that degeneracy REQUIRES kikes to thrive... so the degeneracy of ancient civs must have been caused by kikes!

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>seriously thinks being attracted to dead bodies isn't degenerate
Rethink how you're living mate. Degenerancy will lead to misery in the latter half of your life.

Go sing hymns with grandma, virgin.

These people are garbage

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Pron became "legal" in 1957
Roth vs United States It was the beginning of the end...
Guess who?

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I bet he owns a pitbull or 2

Imagine conflating the 'Aryan Brotherhood' with these noble and dignified human beings. Blabbermouth idiot

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>To what degree should an ideal society allow an individual to fuck up and succumb to "degeneracy?"
A moderate degree, if and only if sanctioned as a rite of passage. Like rumspringa.

I don't know if you know this but Tyler Bingham, an AB leader, is a literal kike. And they're allied with La Eme, killing spics lol.
Anyways a couple of years ago when I got hurt I was prescribed a large amount of Valium and Norco and holy shit was it fun. Too fun, which is why I never tried to Jew more scripts out of the doctors or buy on the streets. Once my legitimate prescriptions ran out that was it.

Remove porn and jews. Rest will fix itself.

leaves providing the absolute most retarded takes as usual

nice quads tho

Every single man in that picture had a tattoo you retard. Blood type tattoos were mandatory in the Waffen SS. Go fuck a dog or whatever it is you leafs do in your spare time.


Comparing some fat sack of shit to the likes of Leon Degrelle

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top kek

Use a reverse slippery slope on (((them))). Slowly push things further and further right by creating moral panics over small things then moving on to bigger and bigger objectives. Next thing you know public executions of criminals and degenerates will become the new norm.

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look at this dumbass

I agree with almost everything you said, minus the narcan comment. I get that it’s fun to be extreme on Jow Forums by making provocative statements, but you must also have a deep hatred for midwestern white people because they’re the ones suffering disproportionately from opiate addiction. Why don’t we hang the (((Sackler))) family first (in minecraft obviously) for bringing this scourge upon us before condemning the sick to death? I’ve studied the neurochemistry of addiction extensively both inside school and out of it, and I fear many Jow Forumsacks have a deep misunderstanding of how it works. Perhaps 95% of addicts are really and truly bad people regardless of the drugs and are just a leech on society, but I have personally met several people who struggled with opiate addiction who are white, work hard, have good jobs and have families of their own, they are good men.

definitely not more than 6%

The leader of the Aryan Brotherhood tyler "the hulk" bingham is part Kike, a swastika on one arm and a Jew star on the other...

Probably not what what yeh expected, eh?

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nice try, shlomo. that ain't no kike star

see these posts:
I don't hate Midwesterners. And I certainly know how fun opiates can be. I don't want anyone thrown in jail for using them and I'd even be ok with gov't sponsored detox if it's voluntary. But you gotta draw a line somewhere.

Well I feel like things might get better in about 60 years, i will be 92 then. A lot of politics is based on demographics. Rural areas value self sufficiency of a person. A physical and mental discipline over living in a mega city. I think it is the root of conservatism.

Living in a hive like mega city, things are expensive and people are dependent on others and the government or are rich, and its basically a feudal system with everyone upset.

Places that have low birth and low immigration are conservative, Japan, Korea, Russia, East Europe.

The U.S. and West Europe feeds it population growth with immigration, but birth rates are going to be flat or declining in a lot of places we get immigratns from. The demand for people will rise in the home nations and immigration will dry up, leading to a period of chaos from the left and large debt for programs we cant pay. But it will give us a chance to get our birth rates back up and have a new conservative age.

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collective suicide is always an option for your ilk

>Places that have low birth and low immigration are conservative, Japan, Korea, Russia, East Europe.
Dude they just made posessing CP illegal in Japan 2 years ago. Look at the fucked up AIDS rate in Russia. Look at the alcoholism and suicide in South Korea. You're looking at the world through rose tinted glasses.

Ernst Rohm and entire S.A. leadership was gay and hitler didnt mind until he needed to consolidate power w night of the long knives...

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>But it will give us a chance to get our birth rates back up and have a new conservative age.
"We'll see about that." - the ruling elite

The plan was with Obama's rural councils was to get the rural salt of the earth hooked on opioids and then make tons of money treating them.
Meet The Sacklers

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Comparing a mandated tattoo designed to tag soldiers that serving their country, to voluntary desecration of oneself with the most profane filth. Yeah, absolutely the same thing you fucking cunt

>Ernst Rohm
Holy shit, was Rohm reincarnated as

Oh sorry sir, didnt mean to step on yer hero.

Tyler the Hulk Bingham was an upstanding Aryan man who dindu nuffin and was of 100% pure Nordic stock. Charges we fake, totally framed.

Now that you feel better please dont get too upset it makes your mom sad when u get upset at computer screen.

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