Does Quantum Influence exist? how come the mere mention of it sends glow agencies into a frenzy?

does Quantum Influence exist? how come the mere mention of it sends glow agencies into a frenzy?

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Because /x/

Jow Forums is for grow ups

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I seem to have an influence of sorts

not sure if it's quantum though

comes from the soul

Because it influences them that we are aware of it
It’s just a fancy word for cause and effect

so you deny the existence of quantum mechanics? lol...

explain how chemistry works then

/xpol/ is best Jow Forums

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Yes, we had a good thread the other day and there were some super high level QIs toasting

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Go to bed, Oprah

not all are equal this is evident who are you looking for ?

Quantum influence does exist. Different teams of researchers will and have observed particles behaving in ways that only that team is thinking they might behave. This isn't influenced by bias. Those particles are actually behaving like the collective group thinks they will. Two different teams who have no contact will observe the same particles behaving in different ways if they have different theories of how they will behave. On a grand scale, multiple people thinking the same or closely similar thoughts can and do influence things in the world. So called miracles are a cause of quantum influence. If enough people believe something strongly enough, that event will likely come to pass. On an individual level, this also explains things like stigmata which happens to people who are strongly influenced by the Christian religion. They mentally alter the physical structure of their hands to produce wounds. It has also been recorded that some people will actually grow a hard skin-like protuberance from their hand that resembles a crucifixion nail.

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>sends glow agencies into a frenzy?
except it doesn’t. take your meds schizo.

Teams from Griffith University in Australia and Tokyo University in Japan are working together and doing great things on the quantum level. A few years ago they managed to prove quantum nonlocality was a real thing, even in non-laboratory conditions. And more recently they created a photon particle in Australia that was also present in the laboratory in Japan - the same thing in two places at once. Even more exciting they proved that by changing its state in Australia, it also changed its state in Japan - even though the Japanese were not affecting it. It has huge implications.

So you’re telling me that by believing in my RNG I can influence rare drops?

The trick is subconsciously believing something. The placebo effect is a good and proven example of this.

xpol and happeningpol are the best, everything else is just filler

>explain how chemistry works then

easy. minscule niggers called niggleons and nigguarkkks move and push and pull everything around for some subatomic purple plasma drank and fried planck chicken. they are lazy, but thankfully there are bogdabots whipping them around for the universe to function.


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Just influenced 2k in 12 hours out of nowhere. Ama

Binaural waves. Think in terms of frequency and vibration. Even Tesla rarely invented on paper, he visualized and executed.

what do?

Reporgram your brain and learn how to pivot your thoughts and feelings. Break everything down by negative or positive emotion. Ones and zeros, binary thought. Be self aware of what frequency you are putting out into the world. Like attracts like. It's a marathon, like going to the gym mentally.

Any tricks to that? Especially identifying the negatives - that seems like something that takes time.


Just actively try to do things and think of things that genuinely make you feel happy. That's it.

The internet is bombarding everyone with a constant flow of ideas and information, and pretty much literally everyone can't take it. We are going fucking haywire, and it's slowly starting to bleed into reality. There is nothing esoteric or idealism-like about it. Everyone is always online, the clown car never stops.

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You have to recondition the way the world and the people around you have programmed the way you think on a subconscious level. It does take time and it's not a quick fix thing. It's hard for a lot of people to admit we are nothing but the story we tell ourselves in our heads. Tell yourself a great story everyday and live it through your choices of action.

Because their nigger-jewish faggotry can't stop magic, and magic, as it is called, is based in quantum influence.

For the redpills check out Bruce Lipton Joe Dispenza Jay Parker Nassim Haramein and Gred Braden