Since anyone who has IQ bigger than 5 will figure out that muslims are behind it all, so now its time for revenge. All you need to do is to buy pork products at your nearest market and then tape them all over the neares mosque, sounds easy
It wasn't muzzies.
Was jewish false flag. Don't fall for (((their))) propoganda, brother.
Eh, fuck jews, i dont care about them, we should eradicate muslim scum first, then we can focus on jews
>It wasn't muzzies.
>Was jewish false flag. Don't fall for (((their))) propoganda, brother.
Speaking of false flags memeflaggot.
We already know that extremist muzzlies are a either retarded fools, or Jew lovers/agents. Like ISIS, for example.
>I don't care about jews
>eradicate the muslims first
Who the fuck do you think brainwashes the camel fuckers into thinking Christians are the enemy?
Don't you fucking see (((they))) want us fighting so that they have less resistance?
No one had to brainwash them, christianity and islam are rivals for past 1200 years
I wonder (((why))).
You're a fucking moron. The muslims have been waging war and conquering and killing everyone not them non-stop for a millennium and a half.
Lemme guess, Mohammed was mossad, right? Fucking neck yourself.
I dont know if your american ass is fucking retarded, but muslims are currently raping europe, i dont care who did Notre Dam, its time to kick muslims out of europe
And by kick them.out, you mean slaughter them, boil them, and grind their bones to make cobblestones, right?
Exactly brother, exactly
Muslims needed no jewish subversion to attack enslave and pillage Europe 700-1870AD
We need a New crusade a New inquisition but this sadly will never happen europeans are too tamed
Thank you for making my earlier thread not fall on deaf ears.
You are doing God's work OP. I'll raise a glass in your honor and sleep happy that I inspired, at someone, at least a littler, halfway across the world into action.
i love how you fail to mention that muslims hate jews. You kikes are praying to Satan for muslims and christians to wage war on one another and hope that they will not unite and kill off you parasitic demons
Muslims are the cancer and kikes are the radiation.
You first rip out the tumor and after that you turn off the radiation
IQ of 5 is less than any living animal afaik. 100 is average but we should all know that is retarded.
Racists you need to ACCEPT the new NOTRE MOSQUE. So multicultural in 2019!
Never, i will rather burn whole Paris down
On the contrary. I would rather the entirety of Saudi Arabia down.
And how is it going to stop the cathedral's burning? Reminder it's the second one after Saint Sulpice in less than a week.