Pol has become an echo chamber for insecure cucks

When you read about the wars and how a whole nation was raised to go to war for a single woman or something insignificant like that, you think to yourself "How idiotic were those people to be manipulated so easily".

I want to believe that today is a lot harder to wage war and polarize the society against each other because of how educated the average citizen is as well as how we have a unique opportunity of dialogue no matter the part of the globe you happen to reside in.
Yet in this particular case - pol - has become just one of those places where people go to have their biases reinforced and validated, instead of their ideas challanged.

Imagine being so insecure about your own intellegence that you think a whole nation of jews are smarter than you. Yes it is possible that a crafty group of people managed to take control of some vital areas like journalism and are manipulate the media (and not only) to their advantage, but thinking that the whole nation is behind it or even has some benefit from it is idiotic. Human greed does not yield national benefit.
Same goes for blacks and mexicans, etc. You all are just looking for reasons to aleviate your insecurities. So what if niggers are stronger, at least I am smarter. Oh jews are smart, everything bad that happens is their doing.

Where and when did you lose your critical thinking, user?

Attached: behavioural_bias_investment-1-1024x507.jpg (1024x507, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


says the vpn shit poster


No VPN, I am from Armenia.

Դե լավա գոնե պառանոյան մնացելա հլը ստեղ։

Says someone with a memeflag.
Go find an armenian VPN if you can.

Jow Forums used to argue using facts and logic, now you're lucky if someone doesn't call you cuck/söyboy/nigger/libtard/commie/kike/discord tranny while completely ignoring.

Its sad, honestly. Even sadder that I know no alternatives where freedom of speech exists and people actively use their brains to challange ideas.

Some people recommend 8ch's Jow Forums, and I even have to admit that the amount of noise per legitimate conversations is much lower than that of Jow Forums's Jow Forums. However, I personally consider 8ch as an echo chamber much bigger than 4/pol/ and Jow Forums in general, because the fact that anyone can create their own board caused the creation of multiple groups with separate interests (Jow Forums, /leftypol/, /britpol/, /leftpol/, etc) that never interact with each other because in the worst of cases having opinions contrary to those of the majority results in expulsion.
There are also sites such as gab.ai and voat.co, but I have never used them.

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The fact that the mosque shooter came out of 8ch Jow Forums already says a lot. Seems like Jow Forums has become so mainstream at this point that its filled with normies that want to be edgy.

Yes, it is because USA has never been that much monoethnic, it has always been diverse so its like comparing apples to oranges. My country is 98% armenian, and I would say the same thing if we were down to 75% as the jews.

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All of those just prove my point.
Smart and cunning elite have taken control of vital positions both in USA and in Israel and are manipulating americans as much as they are manipulating the jews.

>it has always been diverse so its like comparing apples to oranges


Attached: US Demographics.png (469x724, 33K)

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Donald loves his American Jews though. Loves them Jewish granbabies

Do you actually believe jews are so smart that all of them are responsible for this? Remove the right 1% and Israel will devolve to Syria.
I am just saying that you are overgeneralizing. If you want to defeat the cunning people that manipulate your media you have to liberate the minds of the 99% of jews, not destroy them. Same with your own country.

>Seems like Jow Forums has become so mainstream at this point that its filled with normies that want to be edgy.
That's a consequence of what happened in 2014 with events that attracted the attention of masses like GamerGate (/v/ is still not recovering from that and the video game media continue to blame it on them to this day) and the Fappening (attracted the attention of the normalfags who were looking for the leaked nudes of celebrities and condemned /b/ to be another porn board), and especially the 2016 presidential elections, which not only put Jow Forums (and the rest of Jow Forums) in the spotlight of the news for their support of Trump and the "alt-right", but also caused a massive migration of redditors from places like r/the_donald (which started as a Jow Forums colony) and even of Facebook users.

Each time Jow Forums and Jow Forums drew attention, their essence became more and more diluted until we got to where we are: a hole full of low quality trolls, lunatics who believe any conspiracy and people with a mentality too closed for a site like this.

Attached: 4stats.io.png (1940x748, 189K)

Yes, people are so afraid of being called fags and cucks that they choose to hide behind screenshots and statistics without even trying to share their view with words. I mean, look at the guy above.
And thats because people will not listen to your words, as you said they will call you a libtard etc and move forward, just like twitter does at this point.
Media actually called Jow Forums alt-right so much that it attracked real nazis and turned this board into their echochamber.