I'm 27. I have 0 experience with females.
Am I doomed?
I'm 27. I have 0 experience with females
You've been doomed.
What are those hair things called?
Stop calling them females and anime posting and you might have a chance
Define doomed.
Using different words and different images when making self-pity threads at 5am is going to help how exactly?
Romantically doomed. I know not everyone is entitled to love and intimacy and all that, but I would like to experience it at least once.
Hello, I'm about your age
My first kiss was because the girl literally jumped on me, ten years ago
it has been more or less the only time I kissed a girl
First time I had sex it was because I payed a prostitute.
For me, I think I'll stay alone forever. In a sense, I appreciate this situation; but I also fear it, a lot.
Fear is a good way to put it.
I also feel fear. I know this isn't something that's for everyone, but why does not getting it scare me so much?
No. Move on from this place. It's time to leave user. You don't need us anymore.
Well youre getting advice and not accepting it, not understanding your words reflect your mindset and how you view the world and most importantly females, and still want to wallow in your own self pity, yeah youre doomed.