I'm 27. I have 0 experience with females

I'm 27. I have 0 experience with females.
Am I doomed?

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You've been doomed.

What are those hair things called?

Stop calling them females and anime posting and you might have a chance

Define doomed.

Using different words and different images when making self-pity threads at 5am is going to help how exactly?
Romantically doomed. I know not everyone is entitled to love and intimacy and all that, but I would like to experience it at least once.

Hello, I'm about your age

My first kiss was because the girl literally jumped on me, ten years ago

it has been more or less the only time I kissed a girl

First time I had sex it was because I payed a prostitute.

For me, I think I'll stay alone forever. In a sense, I appreciate this situation; but I also fear it, a lot.

Fear is a good way to put it.
I also feel fear. I know this isn't something that's for everyone, but why does not getting it scare me so much?

No. Move on from this place. It's time to leave user. You don't need us anymore.

Well youre getting advice and not accepting it, not understanding your words reflect your mindset and how you view the world and most importantly females, and still want to wallow in your own self pity, yeah youre doomed.

I don't blame society for my lack of romantic success. Society is what it is, I just wasn't good enough.
I guess I just wanted to make a self-pity thread again because I'm started to get depressed over it again. It comes and goes.

I'll tell you something, not sure if this will help you or not.

In a sense, I've always been somewhat different from other people. I like different music (compared to most), I enjoy different hobbies, clothes, environments... whatever.

But what REALLY divides me from other people is how dating seems so easy for them. I'm not saying it's easy for everyone except me: it's just that it's easier for everyone else but me.

Friend M is shorter and fatter than me: he has good personality, for sure, had at least 3 very good looking gfs for long time each

friend J: in my opinion, not so good looking, very outgoing but also full of issues (of any kind), had countless girls, many of them extremely hot

Friend R: physical build and facial features similar to me, personality similar to mine, I can count at least 3 hot gfs on his curriculum (all lasted years)

It seems it's just me the one who does not know what to do or say to be desirable. Eh. Whatever. That's what I got, I'll stick to it. I'll read some books, I love reading.

This. This is exactly how I feel too.
It seems normal for others, while for me, it's more likely I'll win the lottery or something.
I think it goes back to lack of experience. Since I didn't learn how to talk to females at 16 like everyone else, I never stood a chance afterwards.

Same boat Op. Tell me, what were your parents like when you were growing up? Did you ever see romantic affection as a child? Between parents? I never did and I wonder if it is the reason romance is an alien concept to me. Literally I feel it is impossible that another person would have romantic feelings towards me. That relationships are something you see in movies, or for everyone else.

watching your parents wont help you with your current generation of women. You mom is a product of her generation. Women now are different, there are similarities but in terms of getting to kmow a girl is completely different.

Basically the same. Parents never showed affection for each other. Father was a drunk and mom kicked him out when I was 7. I rarely spoke to him and it was usually only to get money out of him.
>relationships are something you see in movies, or for everyone else
I couldn't have put it any beter if I tried.


Not sure if this will be of help, but what I did was get a job as a bus boy for a restaurant. It's minimal talking to guests and coworkers, but it can help build up the experience incrementally. I'm still pretty autistic, but at least I got some experience.

How attractive are you? There is a chance if you're +6/10

I don't know what's a subjective number, but I think I would be above average in looks if I stopped being fat.
Then again, I didn't receive any attention when I wasn't fat either and was much younger, so I don't see any reason to try.

You're getting close.

no just act older than you are right now. Like pretend you are 10 years older and thats the personality women want to see.

Fuck bros. I am only 21. Feel the exact same way. My parents never showed any affection towards each other either.

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Same boat as some of you. 29khv.

I feel like a total lack of intimacy, affection, and emotional neglect in your childhood just simply can't be overcome.

It can but you don't put in the effort.

are you all schizoid or what?

There are girls in the same position as u

but it's much more easier for a guy to become khv just be slightly shy or anxious, below average looks and you become invisible to 98% of women.
however there has to be some special conditions for a girl to end up khv because it's that easy.

What you need to do: first artificially get sexual experience so your negative mindset goes away. You probably repel women by your desperation and lack of experience. Have you ever tried "flirting" with a girl and she got all startled and creeped out by you? Probably cuz you came off as desperate. Hit up a strip club next weekend. Go in, throw some money around, see what vibes you get. Get a private dance, checkmark "saw a woman naked and grabbed some boobs". Then save up for a trip to either Pattaya, Thailand Amsterdam, Frankfurt, or Tijuana Mexico. Go to these place's sex clubs and red light districts. Slay pussy. before I went to Pattaya I went to a doc to get viagra. I kept it around to prevent ED from nervousness. Then I slayed pussy. Walking Street was wild, one USD is like 5 thai baht so your money goes up 5x. I fucked a girl every day for a week. I went from a khv to having sex with more women than Chad. It was so fun I think I can die happy. I no longer thought "I'm a loser and a khv!" I thought I was the king of women. This perception helped me. When I got back I didn't care that much about getting a gf or trying to have sex. I was just chill with women, and women noticed that. Now women sometimes flirt with me and I flirt back, knowing if it all fails it's okay I can just pay for pussy. And by having that mindset women like me more and I sometimes even get dates after asking for numbers.

>Well youre getting advice and not accepting it
So if someone advises him to commit suicide, he should do it? Then he wouldn't be doomed?

Not OP, but in a relatively similar position, 26.
Prostitution is legal in my country. I've been making use of escorts for years.
The problem is, sex doesn't teach you how to actually approach girls, or how to talk to them.
Not being a virgin hasn't helped me at all in actually getting a relationship.
I think the problem most people in our position have is not the lack of sexual experience, but the lack of relationship experience.

yeah and chances are if she ends up dating anyone it will be an experienced guy, not a male version of herself.