I've been talking with a guy on PlentyOfFish for a couple of weeks. I eventually decided I'm not interested in him...

I've been talking with a guy on PlentyOfFish for a couple of weeks. I eventually decided I'm not interested in him, and sent him a message saying that I don't see a relationship between us. He deleted our conversation from his Inbox without replying. Should I report him?

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Huh. Why would you report him?

this is some strange bait

What did you expect would happen? He is there for a relationship, that isn't happening with you, so he is gone.

What if he deleted the conversation in anger?

Why is this report worthy?

How do you know he deleted the conversation? Did it just disappear on your end? That means he either deleted or blocked you.

He hasn't blocked me, our convo is still in my inbox. It just says Read Deleted in my Sent Box.

Huh. I don't get it. You rejected some guy after wasting his time for a while so he deletes the conversation (probably out of shame) and now you want to report him? That's strange logic. Can you just leave him alone? You look cruel

Ok then just leave him alone. Why talk that long and not meet? When i was on it, I met the guy within 2 days because I didnt want to waste each others time. You rejected him so hes allowed to leave you on read.

are you female or gay? 2 days is a bit soon

Im female and straight. The guys liked meeting that soon, too. I need to see if im attracted to the guy in person.

what would have been an appropriate reply?

Take notes, guys. Women are fueled by attention, and the idea that a man would cut contact with them makes them mad to the point of wanting to report him.

You report people for harassment. Dick pics, messages about you sitting on their face, calling you a bitch etc.
Not because they deleted your conversation after you ended things with him.

"I understand, good luck out there." Being nice and talkative and sweet to me the whole time, but ghosting me once I turn him down, screams Nice Guy.

You give females a bad name. Just get off pof and suck a random dick

Loool, let him go. He's upset caused he liked you, you lil psycho.

You know what's funny?
I usually say the "ok, i understand, good luck" thing
and then the girl deletes the conversation.
screams Nice Girl really?

no, it screams “you wasted my fucking time”

Look at it from his point of view: why the fuck would he care what you think?

Well from my perspective if a woman did that to me I would just say something along the lines of 'ok, well I hope you find the right guy, good luck'. I don't know what else you'd expect, so I guess he could move on and you do the same? I don't see the point in keeping him around unless you want to be just friends with the guy. I know the moment someone decided to dump me, it's over between us I won't be some rebound guy. I'll be friends with my ex but no way in hell I'll go back with her if she starts dating other guys. Friends or nuthin.

I fully intend to delete my copy of this thread and never speak to you again.

Back to r9k, you larping incel.

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>Clearly express you have no interest in perusing things romantically
>Instead of trying to rebuttal or insulting you, he promptly removes himself from your life, saving both of you from wasting each others time
>You want to block him because he didn't give you any validation or closure
Women are a meme sometimes lol

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>ghosting me once I turn him down, screams Nice Guy.

seek help

I wouldnt report him. Its his way of just moving on. Isnt that what you wanted?

he is being a gentleman and adult about it, its not like she is going to keep talking to him after that.