My mom is stupid and loves wasting money...

My mom is stupid and loves wasting money. She bought one of these “essential oil diffusers” does it actually do anything or is it all placebo?

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no, it actually makes the room smell nice. i like eucalyptus, tea tree oil, and peppermint. don't waste money of the super organic "healing" crap that multi-level marketers sucker house wifes into buying

Doesnt it help with making it easier to breathe in the room? Idk enjoy the smell, loser.

I know it makes the room smell better, i’m just angry about her poor financial choices because we already have this electric candle thing (It’s a cup you connect to an outlet and put a wax cube inside and it melts and produces scent just like a candle) Not only that but we already have a fully functional automatic air freshener dispenser.
I was just hoping for once this bitch would stop wasting money on useless shit.

She's probably buying shit to fill some personal vacancy in her life. Perhaps a midlife crisis, thoughts of losing loved ones, seeing her child grow older and not needing her anymore, etc.

Try talking to her, but don't confront her if that makes sense. Also, essential oil diffusers are amazing. I have two and my apartment smells like minty lemon.

Maybe you smell like ass and shes trying to cover that up kek

Does she have a job? Do you?

pissing away $30 on an oil diffuser is nothing compared to idiots who blow $60k on a pickup truck or a fancy European car (Merc, BMW, Audi)

Can you post some pictures of her in racy outfits?

Why do you care what she spends money if it isn't drugs or something overly expensive? If she is working and she bought it with her money, you have no say in the matter? Now why don't you sit down, chill out and smell some nice essential oils with the diffuser mommy bought lol

>She bought one of these “essential oil diffusers” does it actually do anything or is it all placebo?
If by "doing something" you mean, along with candles and inscense, be the number one source of indoor air pollution, then yes.

Why do you care? It’s not your money

Eh. It humidifies the room, I guess. If you're into smelly shit, it can work well for that. As far as health benefits are concerned, they're probably more harmful than beneficial, especially if you have pets, as many animals livers aren't able to process the oils quickly enough, and it can lead to them becoming diseased over time. It's only certain oils, but still.

Not really my thing.

And precisely what business is this of yours?

Please elaborate.

So I can lord it over that dumb bitch that brought me into this world and provided for me since I was just a little turd and feel like I'm better than her because I consulted a bunch of internet strangers on the matter instead of just doing my own research. It's her own fucking fault for not buying me my fucking poptarts, that whore. WHO FUCKING LIKES STRAWBERRY, MOM?! I TOLD YOU TO GET FUCKING CHOCOLATE, YOU FAILURE OF A HUMAN BEING! REEEEEE

Is it your money? If not, then you need to stop being a faggot and let your mom buy her candles. It's not like she's wasting money on drugs, alcohol or some outrageously expensive shit.

You know that a placebo can actually do things as well, right?

You know what else can actually do something? Actually doing something. The best part is: It's free real-estate.

If she expects it to do anything outside of vapourize oil, she needs to be enlightened

They smell nice. Be careful about making an aerosol in a small room with poor ventilation, though. There can be adverse health effects from that shit collecting in lungs.

Probably gives you lung cancer.

Essential oils are snake oil. They have therapeutic benefits and can elevate mood. But that's literally just because we like good smells.
Any claim more in depth than that is bullshit.

Sure. On addiction, mood, anxiety, pain.
Anything more than that and I'd rather medicine.
And spreading so much hollistic horseshit is causing a lot more harm than good. People are literally dying from this.
So I'd definitely opt for better education on things like this. Placebo still works even if you know it's placebo some studies have found. Let's not let the soccer mom's take things too seriously.

Op you are the stupid, diffusers, serve to cleanse the air, hot water diffusers are needed if you catch a severe cold, now if your mom has incense, it cleanse the area from negative energies or presence from the underworld

It's actually pretty bad is you think about it. Who wants the inside of his/her lungs covered with a tiny film of escential oils knowing that lung tissue is extremely sensitive tissue.

I have one of those in my office. The smell of cloves and bergamot is pretty damned awesome. There isn't a health benefit, though, its just dope.