Pic related: Can this nigga get a cracka pass?

Pic related: Can this nigga get a cracka pass?

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he can get the rope last

He's aight. I dont follow his politics though.

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I don't know man.

-speaks properly
-holds a law degree
-nra member
-fights for second amendment

I'm writing his pass myself.

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depends, how many people have you raped, robbed, assaulted, or murdered?

>-holds a law degree
>-nra member

He gets the rope but near the end.

He not a nigger
He is a good man.
When will this pol/tard racism cease.
One can not pick ones skin color but they choose their politics.
Political Discrimination is essential

He will be put in charge of a death squad unit.

Niggers don’t need a cracka pass. We’re not violent savages who beat people for saying mean words

>I’m writing the pass myself

If a nigger writes a cracka pass does that not defeat the object?

>on cannot pick their skin colour

The real question is when will retards like you admit race is far more than skin colour? Name a nigger area of the US you’d want to live in

He's not very good at making his point though. He was cringe on JRE. Ugh. Poor dude is a bit of a dum-dum. Means well though. He gets the pass

Of fucking COURSE he gets a gold-pass.
When the Fake Stream Media goes out of their way to never get this guy any spot-lights, and he makes Libturds blow their shit and start calling him racist-names because he won't back up their retarded politics..........this nigga is GOLD!

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That's true, but once we start killing we generally don't stop, maybe some sort of "plz no kill" pass may be in order.


no, he doesn't

>not all blacks
when will this nonsense stop?

you don't have the authority.

your whiteness has been revoked, you are now an honorary nigger.

yes. he is based and will be accepted into the ethnostate and given his own sheboon harem

Ok kiddo.
I'll answer no where.
Now answer me this. Do you think all black people bad? Of those that you may like, what is there redeeming quality?

*Redpilled black man

I can't count how many times some years back, that I would see Lefty-fags in 'comment-sections' calling this guy: "the NRA's Sambo on a chain, The NRA's Pet Porch-Monkey", and str8-up "nigger". It was funny to click their names, look back on their comment history, and see how just days prior these very same faggots would be crying how 'Raayyyyycist' white people are, & crying that 'Racism's bad m'kay'.....etc etc yada yada yada.
Maybe one day I'll get my lazy ass to track down shit like this again and make some screen-caps.

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Croatia has no vote. When Yugoslavia comes back we'll ask him how he feels.

New Hampshire.

Thanks! And if these 'niggers' help flip the vote for us next election? .......What then?

Do you golf?

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cool story. he's still a nigger

>he still thinks there is a political solution
lmao, vote harder bro

That's an Asian guy with a cracka pass.

he looks fine

this, basically the same faux nigger as Obama, also Tiger doesn't like black people.

This guy is ok, he did a pretty good documentary on YT about how fucked up the city of Seattle is. That city is truly fucked.

Are you just drunken shit-posting for lulz?
Any tactician with more brains than a goat would KNOW that guys like this are highly valuable assets

Neat. Maybe he can teach his niggerkin. He get's no pass.

Assets aren't white, they're chattel

You think?

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Honestly... I think he gets the pass. There are criteria that is at play for the pass. And it's pretty simple

Intelligence, steps forward in the right direction, able to defend his own thoughts...

Hell even milo yiannopoulos gets a straight pass. Been Shapiro is still a Jew though regardless.

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He can't have a pass. Would you like to know why? They don't exist. We don't give them out. No one gets a pass, because we don't issue passes. He can have an Asset Pass, for being useful, and that's all he gets. NO PASS

It looks like he already has 7 passes.

Can you blame him? He's a Chigro. No shit he wants to run as far from the black genes as he possibly can get. We can hate him for tainting our gene pool, but we'd do the same in his position.

And how many do YOU personally own?

The only degree to which I care about fags is, do they fuck kids? If not, I don't care about their deviancy. It disgusts me, but so does eating lobster.

I'm not in the nigger business, buddy. That's a young man's game. Too rowdy, and ruckus.

Damn....... with your seeming expertise in Niggerology, I was hoping you'd have some information to share about nigger-husbandry

It's menial work, honestly. Maybe something you could get into.

Looks like he doesn't need one.