Here's one of the invasive shitskin muzzrats that was happy about Notre Dame, a masterpiece of European architecture, burning. She also has a curiouscat were you can send her anonymous love and support :)). She'd love to hear from Jow Forums
Mudshit Celebrating Notre Dame Burning
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's the mudslime pajeeta's twitter profile
I don't celebrate but I laugh at how incompetent the French firefighters are and how fucking stupid they are not not implementing fire safety measures and having an active fire protection equipment or system in the cathedral. All in all it burns because Frogs are dumb, stupid and retarded.
So? It's just some dumb old church who gives a shit
anyone who is happy about norte dame fire should be found out and killed. and all niggers\muzzies\kikes\chinks in general should be also killed. they are cancer on earth
will she criticise Islamic colonialism and slavery?
It's weird how someone with an Indian background ended up in Canada but complains about colonialism. No unless Leafs have had some kind of colonolial history I don't know about or some slavery I'm unaware of, then her family would have upsticks from one continent to move to another. But she complains of colonialism?
These people simply must be deported, there's no other way around this
Was this his idea of a joke?
Canada went full retard with immigration the past couple decades.
oy vey, perhaps this is reparations for the great dreidel burning of 1407 BC. Never forget goy
They still hold a grudge for what happened 800 years ago? These people don't ever let anything go do they?
Yeah, I hear hell accepts everyone that goes there.
Those are JIDF sockpuppet accounts, Mossad is running a disinfo psyop after they burned down Notre Dame.
YIKES its some random nobody twitter account. STOP THE PRESSES
It is amusing and makes my day but happy? No a pita gyros would make me happy because it has value to me while that church doesnt.
probably israeli accounts.
Based and qt, would marry.
I know you are mohammed but if you are white stop being schizo.
I'd rather have them all shot, there's no way around a bullet
Victimhood voltage is too precious goy, by the way do you want that penny in your couch? *snifffff*
Invasion is the wrong word. Your governments invite these people to your homes and like the cucks you are you let them in. Not an invasion of your wife lets Abdul in your home
I've been at the top of notre dame spire.. awesome view. But yeah, I'm not going to lose sleep over it burning. Am I supposed to feel bad?
its him trying to be funny because he sees theres something funny about a christian church burning
We take only the best of the worst.
Yeah it was definitely the Zio's that burned down the cathedral.
We're going to see rampant kikery shilling for a few days on this site until things settle down and they move onto their next travesty.
why would there be anything but catholic artifacts in a catholic church? Why would anything from another culture be in there?
Also colonialism is the only reason some of those artifacts survived to the present day so the whole world can enjoy them.
just point out to these retards that notre dame predates french colonialism by like 200 years
Based Mudthot, I hate France and their Gay sounding language.
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We just started out but would love the support.
She is a Gujarati Muslim too - literally a colonist herself. Her mughal ancestors invaded rightful Hindu clay.
Should we care if mecca gets nuked?
Twitter people are cancer.
the worst part is normies would see this and think "oh no, thats terrible they burned the jewish holy book!" not realizing whats inside
no, they'll never let it go. That's why we have to live separately from them.
christian bad
jew and muslim good
"Ignore traitors unless they have a sufficient amount of clout"
Consider putting a garbage bag over your head and cinching it tight.
Happy to enjoy the fruits of evil colonizers labor.
It goes all the way back to Esau and Jacob
Oh yea. These people are still assblasted about the romans too.
she could have easily DuckDuckWent this and found out there were no nigger supplies in the cathedral
Actress Shirley McClain once stated that perhaps Holocaust victims paying for sins in past lives?
>defending low effort literally who Twitter posts
Hi redd*t
She is Indian lol. Gas that thot anons
The only things that could remotely be considered "Stolen" artifacts are the christian relics that are almost certainly fake
t. JIDF kike
You have no power here
Pajeet my son, It's time to rape him. Do your thing man
And they wonder why they keep getting kicked out of countries...
Duh the only thing rabbis do is harp on this kinda shit and all jewish kids at the very least go to summer camp.
We turned away a boat full of indians once and they have never shut up about it
man. fuck this spongebob-voiced midget. he's really changed my feelings about him this past year. What a fucking kike.
Funny how people cheering the most for Islam, are always the ones living in western societies, and the furthermost away from Islamic countries.
For those who don't know already about this :
French goyim commit the worst possible crime - a full translation of the Talmud.
How about Islam and it's destruction and theft in Africa and Europe? Sand nigger cunt?
Its hilarious how shitskins are actually starting to convince themselves that they all descend from these golden age utopias. Essentially, well I don't know anything about history outside of the holocaust and that the civil war was about slavery, but you can't criticize my history so we wuz kangz and we rode gold dragons until whitey came and gave us all super aids and took the special rocks from the ground that would of gave us wakanda if it weren't for all these climate caused famines and zebras.
never forget goy. Any non-jew that reads the talmud deserves the death sentence!
> jew
> believes in karma
really makes you think.
Fair game, kafir.
> freemasons
> relevant
Not the 18th century anymore gramps
Im criticizing french colonialism too, they brought tons of congolese sub saharan negroes to their country because of that
French faggots
Must've been the rocks that Joseph Smith used to translate the book of mormon. Just think if he wouldn't have stolen them from the empire of Africa they'd still be ruling over us like they always rightfully have and should.
Even the people who live in the UK or France should shut the fuck up about colonialism because those hypocrites are USING the result of colonialism every fucking day.
I hate Islam and Mudslimes but France is full of Mudslimes and Gays.
An user here on Jow Forums showed me this sexy ass Indian girls Pornhub channel where she uploads videos of her having sex with her white boyfriend. Shit is so hot
He’s getting roasted on twatter about it and deleted it
Bad times are coming. Be ready and don't believe in false flags. But act against fascist islam anyway.
This was on purpose. We keep shrugging things off as careless when they are preplanned
This. Thank you.
uh, fucking sauce please???
Nigger nutsack
no guys we gotta regurgitate the programming or else youre not part of the hwhite gang. Why would satanists want us to worship chaos and laugh at dead children. Dont be a schizo discord tranny shill rabbi.
Never been to France, but US is filled with shitloads of 80 iq angry rape apes!! Should have picked our own cotton
saudi arabians(crypto jews)
Trump not afraid to clutch at the first idea to help and all Shapiro can do is think up a pathetic quip
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