R.I.P. Niglets

The niggers are culling themselves. What do you guys think?

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lol, isn't this literally what Jow Forums wanted too?

Fucking based

Finally, a leftist policy I can get behind


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>The niggers are culling themselves

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Noice, WPWW take those niggers to the abortion clinic.

>yes! yes!

-m bison

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Based and redpilled dems

It was already rejected ya schmucks. Learn2read

When memes become real life

wassup faggots

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Democrat Party - The White Man Party revival when.

yeah mean, that white bois
totaly unconv


Fuckin’ based and redpilled

This cannot be real

Strangely it is, not sure what the actual reasoning behind the law is but, regardless it has already been rejected by the republicans.
Based on what I read, looks like they were trying to get any kind of abortion legal and they were just grasping at straws with this one saying something about rape during slavery

some post that nigger next to tutankhamons mask while thinking "my ancestor"

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cuckservatives are as bad as liberals

That song is great.

If it is real give a source you nigger

Just type the OP into google you fucking manchild

>self segregating
>exclusive abortion rights
This timeline.

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That's a yikes from me

A friend of mine just had a half black baby with his Jamacian wife. He is beautiful. I sometimes get choked up thinking of the mess of a world we are giving him. His wife seems failry religious and probrably quite pro-life.

I also am still friends with a black ex and she and her white husband are starting to think about having a kid. He's even paler than I, a full on ginger, so I look forward to the beautiful mixed family they will have.

As much as I do believe in a sensible freedom of choice politically, I am personally pro-life. Shit like this makes me scratch my head over the crazy shit the Dems say.

Eww. Race-mixing detected.

Here's a nice shot of Madam Merkels rack

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Here have a quote in return
>Merkel's an unfuckable lardass

goes to show that if you tell a nigger that it can't kill itself, it will do so just to spite you

I almost puked reading this garbage. You whites truly are a sick race of people that needs to be purged.

I'm honestly happy seing more afro-americans culling themselves, because it makes the world a better place knowing there are less of them polluting the world with their degenerate culture.

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Janine Boyd's top aide got "#MeToo'ed" back in the fall. He was double dipping on the Columbus Board of Education. She has a reputation for laziness and he was a slick, cuck-3rd gen Italian talking dirty and getting sued.

>whites need to be purged
>afro americans culling themselves is good
why the meme flag confusing faggot?

Republicans always have to ruin things!
Now either Ohio gets an influx of unwanted black babies who will grow up to be murderers, or the surrounding states will get an influx of unwanted black wahmen


Abortion is wrong. Except in the case of black daddy.

All niglets should be aborted and their felon factory breeders should be permanently closed

Ikr it’s to good to be true IM SO HAPPY HIEL HITLER

Based and Redpilled

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I'm Southern Euro, so I doubt assholes who care about being white consider us white.

You just need to find a nice white girl like this to breed with, Jow Forums.

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she's actually a quadroon i shit you not pull a pic of her mom she's posted her before


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when is Janine Byrd
running for president?

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We need this law planet wide

>multiracial mudkin
i hope they all get bone cancer or something and cant find donors

This is based, as soon as it passes we'll start tweeting to black twitter about how Democrats are the real Nazis

Come home white man

ok what is the actual story behind this?

>le democrats are bad
>le we need more based black men to fuck my wife while wearing maga hats

Every single Republican ohioan needs to write to their representatives and tell them to change their vote immediately

jesus christ

I'm just glad this madness will never end in good for the dems.

Christmas came early in Ohio.

"A female, African-American democratic state representative from Ohio presented this amendment to the Ohio Heartbeat bill. This amendment would have made an exception for African-American babies...because apparently a 38% national abortion rate in the African-American community isn’t enough," posted Johnson to Facebook. "The amendment was struck down 11-7."


Fuckiing Republicans voting against themselves, she seriously got 7 Democrats to o along with her? Prime opportunity.

call me intrigued

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Fucking abomination can't wait to see you hanging on dotr

Even demonrats don't want nigglets

BLACK LIVES MAT...wait, what?

Republicans you DUMB FUCKS

Black women are the biggest users of abortion. They can't take the pill consistently because they are lazy and disorganised and condoms aren't used either. It's why also black women have the highest non-gay STD rates.

brings new meaning to YAAASS QUEEN SLAYYYY

I think this is a very reasonable compromise

Based black queen

Lmao based Democrat. Never thought I'd say THAT one.

Yes. This has been Jow Forums's vision for a long time now.

Sounds fair to make up for colonisation and white supremacy.

>whites need to be purged
>afro americans culling themselves is good

Makes perfect sense.Genociding all sub 120 IQlets regardless of race is the way to a brighter future.