last thread!

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They should have waited a couple days to make this play...very messy. messy indeed.



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Praise Allah, peace be upon him

Inshallah, brother

jesus fuck
the morning after the Vegas massacre I heard the moronic Sheriff ruled out the wife as a suspect.
the pit of my stomach fell just like now

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I hope the Cлýжбa внéшнeй paзвéдки Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции nigger posts again. Russia seems really interested in this for some reason, anyone else noticed?

Yeah duh migrants are good boys. My wife loves them. You should to. I love to let her spend time with all 3 of em. Good guys I tell ya.

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Antifa gets away with it again

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Yeah, cops haven't been able to investigate the scene, but they already have conclusion.
Move on goyim, nothing to see.
Don't worry, we will rebuilt your cathedral as a nice multicultural temple.

USA acts like they know where Paris is...

Sorrry don’t soeak spanish. What does that say

How ridiculous
How could they so fast?

How did they rule this out without a full inspection?
The church is still on fire?!

Yeah okay dude from France

It was just an accident
These things happen! :)


Near Yugoslavia, I think

Hey asshole my brother was just in Belgium.

We are practically same state you moron

I don't know, I also do not speak spanish

No one’s gonna believe this was an accident, not even normalfags. Why even pretend

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All the articles I see are saying ruled out for "now" WTF does that even mean, obviously trying to stop reactionaries from becoming kebab removers

Is that true?

we're never going to hear the truth about this because it's too politically inconvenient

we can certainly help it to be

>nothing to see here, goyim

This. They're just going to be silent about it and the official investigations will conclude that it was white privilege that started the fire

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we all know it was a mudslime who did this. they'll try to hide the fact but people are waking up. they wont be fooled.


I don't believe the cause was "accidental". How did they rule out that it wasn't arson so fast?
The fire was still burning while they made this claim.
It's not a stretch for the corrupt elite to run interference on behalf of the muslims to prevent a race/religious war; when it reality there should be one if this is the kinda shit that they are doing.

This. Now I totally don’t believe them. Did they have enough time to do a thorough investigation? Of course not.

Types out for "now"

Somewhere in Africa.

cover up
they don't want retaliation

Of course they ruled it out. They are terrified of the riots that will take place.

I think everyone can agree that if it was arson, they would cover it up. Which means it doesn't really matter what they say. Clown world is a silly place.

This is probably the smartest thing they can do. They deny ISIS the victory of what was apparently their operation.

The fire hadn't even been been put out yet, and somehow the French authorities were/are "certain" that it wasn't arson. How does this make any sense?

"The prosecutors’ office said late Monday they have ruled out arson in Monday’s fire, including possible terror-related motives for starting the blaze."

How in the fuck? Pretty fucking suspicious to say it the least!

Hiding cologne was a good thing then, right?

Hopefully, the frogs will see right through their bullshit. Would be awesome if some of the nearby shop owners (provided that they aren't all Muslims) go through their CCTV to see if they can find anything suspicious.

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Pretending like a threat doesn't exist is pretty stupid. Like retardo-naive level of EU stupid.

I actually believe it. I think if some kebabs had actually done it they wouldn't feel any need to keep it secret. They would be telling everyone who would listen that they destroyed the great temple of the infidels for the glory of Allah, because that's what those fucking monkeys always do. It would be a huge moral victory for them in their eyes, and doubly so if they get thrown in prison for doing it.

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They ruled it out a little too early to be believable

good one french faggot lying down wearing a table cloth from a cheap italian restaurant as a hat

This. ISIS typically claims responsibility as a sort of declaration of victory. If they haven't in the following week, I'm ruling them out.


Who says that ISIS has to be behind? Could also just be some deranged lone wolf Muzzie.

Maybe a rejected asylum seeker.. If these kinds even exist in France, haha.

There's nothing they can say on the fake news that will convince me a muslim didn't start the fire.

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it takes days if not weeks or months to declare something as not arson where i live.

it's not ISIS, just some other generic nafris with a chip on their shoulder and no sense of the value of life or heritage, whom france has probably generously clothed, fed and sheltered for the past 23 years

>Experts say...

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Clean your room, Buckolina.

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To rule out something from the investigation mere hours after it happened is absurd.


There have been a spate of church burnings and vandalism in France and elsewhere for a few months. You can find videos of Muslims going into churches in Europe and fucking shit up. Most people don't care that it happens to small, unknown churches. This is now a good tactic for them. You get a bunch of westerners either going "well its just an accident" or some edgy fuckboi "that's what you get for your kike on a stick religion lmao". The point is the symbols of our society and history are being destroyed. We just collectively shrug and hope it stops because the alternative is conflict. However, either have a conflict now at 4% of the population, or wait until they come into open conflict when they are the largest minority with a younger population (within the next 15 years). I suspect everyone will just wait and delusionally console themselves that they can always escape to some imagined utopia or white safe haven (e.g. Poland, Japan). Why would anyone want to take in a bunch of cowards?


It's the same way you don't immediately assume murder when you find someone with a broken neck at the bottom of a staircase. There's also probably a lot lost in translation and in the willful ignorance of the MSM.

So far, I haven't seen a single normie who assumes it was an accident. They're divided between terrorists and YV, though.

Yea right like anyone is going to believe that

>(((Paris))) (((Officials)))

Its ruled out because the yellow vests are kind of a thing

It's in Texas, dumbfuck

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Cover up coming.
They are going to get away with it because it's too politically incorrect to arrest a muslim for this.

where are these from?

Probably has all been confiscated and is slated for “accidental” deletion.

Coverup is always more important than justice to the multiculturalists.

ISIS would take credit though and they haven't.

Which means it was arson.
The embers aren't even out yet and they've already come to a conclusion.. come on

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ISIS claims only when we know it was jewmuslim.

Boy, that ruling came in fast, almost as fast as the Israeli master-minded 9/11 FF!

Unless they have and major media are covering it up.

In any case, kinda hard to believe it isn't arson when this is part of a trend of 50+ churches vandalized in France over the past two months.

>There were almost 50 attacks and acts of vandalism against religious sites in France documented in the month of February, according to Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe. One of the worst occurred at the historic Basilica of Saint-Denis, just north of Paris. Someone entered the Gothic church, where French monarchs are buried, smashed a historic stained-glass window, and wrecked the organ and choir-stalls.

Literally nothing


so its basically confirmed to be arson then???

I bet her pussy smells like honey and lilacs

How would you know if they did? Are you in direct contact with them? Certainly you are aware by now of the fact that the entire internet and media is entirely controlled and censored.

Oy vey

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Ruled out arson this fast?
That pretty much confirms it as Muslim Arson then.

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g*d heard your prayer, nigger

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