Love will win

Love will win.

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all pedos need to be honked

Kek has spoken, and so it shall be

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All I want is a 10 year old sex slave that I can resell if she gets too old

I cannot wait for the pedophile genocide to begin.

When your 7 year old sex slave escapes your child sex dungeon and goes to the police
But then you sue him for hate crimes against your Pedosexuality and he gets forced to have to come back to your dungeon because love will win

>OP Is a failed abortion

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Love is love you bigot

It makes me wonder, do pedophiles reject the idea that a child can't consent to sex? Because they don't seem to realize that the reason people hate them is that not only do they want to rape other people, they want to rape children.

Just like people hate murderers, they hate child murderers even more. In the same vein everyone hates rapists we especially hate child rapists.


Pedophillia is a retardation
And unlike Autism
Its more dangerous and savage due to the lust of it

So a genocide of pedophile is justified

Lust is not love, degenerate.

>she still only wants chad cock.


Go back to fb you boomer scum

shut up faggot lobotomite

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fbi: the post

Has kek blessed this thread?

>everything I dislike is retarded
Grow a spine

The libertarian to far-right to pedophile pipeline disgusts me

Not everything i dislike is retarded
>Just you

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Praise the Digits!

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Too be fair most ancaps/libertarian are at least hebephilic