Gf doesn't want us to go to the beach because "there are other women there". We're in our 30s. What do I do?

Gf doesn't want us to go to the beach because "there are other women there". We're in our 30s. What do I do?

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Get a new gf, can’t fix crazy.



>Gf doesn't want us to go to the beach because "there are other women there". We're in our 30s. What do I do?


she's right. looking at other women is a lesser form of cheating. so is looking at porn, or thinking about other women when you masturbate. try to be a better bf.

They should probably wear burkas then so us men can't "chest" by looking at them. Can't spoil your dinner if all you're fed are vegetables.

Seething roasties will seethe because hitting the wall is so mindcrushing for them they literally want to kill themselves.

good FUCKING riddance you cock carousel riding whores.

She is insecure and she doesn't trust you. Confront her about it.

Eeuuhh says pedophiles
Only little girls who don't even understand penis and sex want their men getting aroused and an ego boost by checking out other women younger or older

Also as if guys just check out younger or more "fit" women

Fucking idiot

Seethe more

You so mad
Main characteristic of pedophiles

Dont worry maybe some beta orbiter will still want to fuck you old roasty.

God I wish that was my gf for two reasons. One I hate the beach. But more importantly crazy, borderline unhealthy possessiveness by women is a major turn on for me. I like feeling that I'm so good they want to protect me from all other women. I would fuck my gf so hard if she told me that.

Go someplace else

she probably doesn't trust that you won't check out other women and she feels insecure about it.

Is it a problem if I do? Not my fault there are hot women around.

hey, it works.

you cant see their body, your mind will be in your mind and not in your dick.

Yes it is a problem, because by being in a monogamous relationship you've sworn off all other people sexually, and viewing them for pleasure is a sexual act. Thereby nullifying the monogamous part of your relationship, and meaning you're fine with your partner no longer being monogamous either. I'm not talking about "just looking." If you're fine with your partner having a full out affair and sex and romance and the whole shebang then go ahead, look. Just don't get upset when she's getting sexted by Chad to meet up.

Ok roastie. If I can look she can look too.

What? You absolutely can fix crazy. Otherwise we wouldn't have a psychiatric profession. We'd just have a line up to a firing squad.

You're fucking retarded. My gf and I admire attractive people all the time. Doesn't mean we aren't totally content with our sex life.
>inb4 she's cheating on you
Kind of doubt it, with the whole me ploughing her every night as she sweats, vibrates and moans my name.

>being in a relationship means your dick stops working and you stop being a man

>insist on going to the beach
>she blindfolds you and puts you on a leash
>she talks to other guys
>you can only stand there at the side and bark

Lmao what retarded logic. That's not at all what the other guy meant plus psychiatry is the profession rooted in hard science where they believe everything can be cured or treated through medicine. OP's kind of problem deals with his gf having really stupid character flaws

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The Italians have a saying.

It doesn't matter where you pick up your appetites so long as you always bring them home.

Go to a strip club, get tipsy, go home, demand sex, and fuck her brains out.

She'll get the message.

>t. has bever been with a woman
>edgy meme speak projection


If your not a chad and not a beta, you must be the bottom of the barrel. Ew pedophile.

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By Allah she is right. Verily, Allah has written for the son of Adam his portion of adultery which he will inevitably commit: the adultery of the eyes is the lustful look, the adultery of the tongue is lustful speech, and the soul hopes and lusts for what the private parts will fulfill or deny.

Holyshit you really can tell by the way they type.
>using social based shaming, worst type of insult for women, by name calling him a pedophile, a universially shunned group of people

>Using idiot instead of retard, fag, shithead, or other masculine insults

dead give away particles
>as if

Jow Forums was right.

>In our 30s
My girlfriend is a chubby girl and loves hitting the beach to sun up, dip in the water, and get fresh air.

Your rug munching bitch is so fixated on her obvious inability to keep you around that even going to the beach is too much

take her you're both going to the bahamas or jamaica

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>Is it a problem if I do? Not my fault there are hot women around

This is exactly why she's worried about it
Just end it with her and save her the misery she deserves someone better.

we check out younger and fitter women because they're more likely to produce healthy babies you fucking roastie

This is terrible advice.

You're a fucking retard. When I check out another woman's tits or ass or lips or hips, what the fuck ever, I'm not cheating on my wife. that is the dumbest fucking shit I have ever heard.

Tell her to wear a swimsuit you like and to pick out a nice sun hat for herself. Then give her a time and date for when you two are going out.

No one wants to have your babies you pathetic slug, get over yourself. Girls under around 17-18 can't have children without destroying their bodies and minds and self esteem. Creep.

She's dumb and insecure. When I go to the beach with my bf I point out beautiful girls and we both look at them. At the end of the day when we're actually messing around at the beach neither of us is looking or caring about anyone else, only on our way there. Honestly the fuck is her problem?
To compromise you could find a nice secluded area or something.

The only option is to live the rest of your life in your basement where you can never look upon another woman ever again. Also, never talk to your mom again.

I openly flaunt my attraction to other women when my gf is around. I don’t go around grabbing them or flirting with them, I just obviously check them out and make comments like “check her out, babe”. She likes the dominance. It eventually morphed into semi-regular MFF threesomes where she watches me bang other girls. She gets a little jealous sometimes, but gets over it when she realizes her position isn’t threatened.

Just buy her a beach that you two could have only for yourself.

The problem isn't that there are other women there, it's that the possibility of (you) encountering other women corresponds to a fear of hers. Define that fear and then ask what is behind that as well

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