How do I cause abortion? I never wanted a child and I doubt my gf will agree to that

How do I cause abortion? I never wanted a child and I doubt my gf will agree to that
Letting it exist is not an option

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Give her vitamine c overdose.

This, she'll just have a hot flash and it'll squish out.

Can u not just b a dead beat like the rest of em? U gota kill the kid too?

I watched a video today where a dude combined manganese heptoxide with acetone, and it fucking exploded. Epic shit.

Ask her if you can setup a chemistry lab in her womb, and whip some of that shit up. That'll do 'er.

Is she already pregnant?
It's not your choice user. If you knocked her up it's out of your hands. Shouldnt have nut in her.
These are the consequences of your actions. And to cause her to miscarry against her will would be unethical and downright awful of you.

She has no choice I'm afraid

Enjoy jail time.

Well I need a way that will prevent everyong from finding out who did this

You don't have to raise the kid you know.. you can just leave her and pay child support. Probably better for the kid.

>Pay child support

THIS is why I ask for advice. I'm not giving my money to this abomination

Right but like.. you're responsible. You nut in her and she got pregnant. You have to pay for your mistakes.
You can talk to her about getting an abortion, you can tell her you will not raise the kid and you'll leave her. She deserves to know that anyway before making an informed decision. But if she wants the kid she's gonna have the kid.

It was an accident. Retarded condom

Of couse I'm gonna leave. I choose my own responsibility. And I'm definitely not giving her money

Have you considered... Murder?

Oh wait, I see you have already.

Yeah, just do that.

It's not for her. It's for the spawn that originated in your testicles. Which is why you're responsible. It came from you as much as it did her.

The other option is you can see if shell agree to sign off you want nothing to do with the kid. Then she can't take your money. But again it's partly your responsibility. So if she says no, you're gonna pay for it.

It still sounds like you haven't talked to her about it. Maybe try that before coming to the incel board for advice.

It's his sperm.

He gave it to her

Then just become a deadbeat dad. Hell, you've already nailed acting like one.

There's a pic about inducing abortion somewhere
Go ask /b/ or Jow Forums if they have it; can guarantee you'll get better results

Unless you're the one with the uterus carrying the baby, you have absolutely no right to "cause" an abortion. It's her fucking body, which means it's her fucking choice.

If you didn't want a kid, you should have used birth control and condoms. Way cheaper than diapers, son. You gonna play stupid games, you're going to win stupid prizes. Consider this a life lesson you've learned the hard way.

This is why you don't have sex with trashy men.

Funny how this is one of those rare scenarios when both Pro-Choice and Pro-Life will agree with each other. She wants to keep the baby, and he wants to effectively poison her to kill the child. What a society we live in. If he were religious then at least he'd have to contend with the thought of earning himself a well-earned place in the hot seat.