ITT : Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?
As Jordan Peterson says, what's the alternative? Just not to date and wait for death?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Femanons, when will you acknowledge your inferiority and star submitting to us?

Why are women rude to me?

When you kill yourself first
This applies to all people like you

Why resist tho?

>>Where do I meet girls/guys?
>Anywhere outside. Or online.
This is shit and doesn't tell me anything. Online doesn't work as I'm not photogenic and when you're browsing catalogs like this it's 90% looks. "Anywhere" is not helpful at all. On my bus to work? Should I sit next to someone and start talking to them there? Debut it but that's what "anywhere" includes.
Stupid "I got a social life on autopilot" non-advice. Change the OP to be actually helpful next time.

Because there's no inferiority and we don't want to submit to you, that's the absolute worst shit, it's better to die alone

Aaahhh, self-delusional females

>It's better to die alone

You will. Because no one needs you

It’s not our fault you can’t keep us on a leash, you weak cunt.

You aren't proving you're of equal intelligence by responding to the shittiest of bait. Just saying.

>gets rejected
>buttmad, he lashes out
Like clockwork

Well not all of you

I don't get rejected because I don't do first moves. Bitches chase me

>Just not to date and wait for death?

>Should I sit next to someone and start talking to them there?
You could try.

You never know with males, better safe than sorry

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hey femmanon what’s your political beliefs

I am conservative but my long term boyfriend is a liberal. Decided it's not worth it to argue with him so I just agree and vote for my own opinions in private.

is he an edamame liberal

>butthurt, he doubles down
You really are all the same

Heres a few notes about a date i had yesterday

>the girl was not nearly as good looking as she was in the pics i saw
>never ran out of things to talk about because she did 90% of the talking
>talked a lot about depression and her ex
>also she's still very close friends with a guy she used to date but didnt work out (he even pierced her nipple and is going to tattoo her)
>walked her home
>wanted to kiss her but she turned her head and i only gave a kiss on the cheek
>walked back home thinking i fucked up somehow but then she texted me saying that she enjoyed meeting me and that she wants to go out again

Guys: should i bail? Those are some pretty big redflags imo, but i dont really have any other girls interested in me at the moment

Girls: whats up with the not kissing thing and then texting saying she wants to go out again? Is she trying to keep me around for the attention until she finds someone better? Also how normal it is for you to talk about past relashionships on your first date? I was kinda weirded out by it

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So if your son rapes a woman and this woman wants to abort, you want to deprive that woman of her liberty and force her to suffer more trauma having a rape baby she doesn't want?

>pierced nipple
>future tattoo
>talking about TWO ex-es on a first date
i’m a hkv male and i know your shit is fucked

As long as he understands he might well be bothering people who don't want to talk to him and doesn't get butthurt when the woman ignores him or tells him to fuck off because he is bothering her, something she never said it was ok for him to do.

>talking about exes on a first date
Automatic fail.

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GUYS: WHAT IS THE APEAL OF ASS? I mean eating it, fucking it. I understand a man being attracted a an ass, liking that part ( because I find men's asses nice to look at.) But I don't understand this almost obsession with anal. Not trying to kink shame, if you and your girl dig it, cool, but it feels like every guy wants it. And I dont understand

Great ass indicates good fertility. Also black culture is popular now.

It's just the exotic, sometimes taboo nature of it. Freaky shit is hot.

when I see a good ass( Alexis Texas ass for example) I want to bite it

You're the one that called yourself a conservative. You know your fellow conservatives in Alabama are ok with forcing a child rape victim to share custody with her rapist? And the rapist is her uncle, of course - it's not Alabama if there's no incest involved. Since you're a conservative I guess you're ok with letting your daughter get raped by her uncle and then forcing her to have his incest rape baby, no?

I have a date tonight with a girl who seems way out of my league.
All my other online dates have not led anywhere. One wasn't over her ex yet, one was just looking for sex, one was taking things at a turtle's pace, one was a crazy psycho meth addict. This one is not only attractive, but from what I can tell by having talked to her for a week, is relatively normal as well.
What do I do to not fuck this up?

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humiliation really for me, I like it that almost none of the girls that I’ve done it to enjoy it. nothing really says you my cock sleeve like getting off at the total expense of your partner

I think hip to waist ratio is a better indication of fertility, but then again my grandma was built like a barrel as my grandpa would day and she popped out 8 kids. I guess black culture is the thing.

The guy I'm currently dating told me he keeps a box of all things from his past relationships and doesn't want to throw them away, no matter what the relationships were like.

Is this normal? I never had a serious relationship before him so not sure what I'd do in his place with an ex's stuff for example

no it isn’t

I have a box like that, but it's not "all things." It's 1-2 particularly sentimental things from relationships which were especially meaningful or impactful in my past. I keep it alongside my collection of other sentimental things from family, friends, etc. As you might imagine I don't keep things in either box which relate to traumatic events because why the fuck would I have nostalgia about those?

I can relate to your guy's sentimentality but not so much his absolutism. Plenty of things deserve to be forgotten.

Do women deem it "normal" for other women to want to leech off of their partner/husband instead of finding a job?

I'm .
It kind of depends on how sensitive of a guy he is. I'm kind of sentimental too, but I've only had two girlfriends, yet I do something similar. I have a box with old possessions that friends gave me. A lot of those friends are no longer with me due to a falling out or just growing apart, but I keep the items anyways as a reminder for how they made me grow as a person and the times we had together. Even the worst of people can provide positive growth. I would say it's normal for him, because we're all different, his personality probably warrants it.
To you, it shouldn't matter. There's no sentimental value attached to the items for you and if you find yourself worrying about it, just remember that it's aimless jealousy. He's likely got his own, introspective reasons for doing so.

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How long do I need to be with a girl before I can tell her what I'm into. It's freaky shit like petplay ect.

Three months.

You seem very confident in your answer, why 3 months exactly?

What do you think of a guy who brags that he enjoys being alone? Do you think he's pathetic?

Long enough to have developed sufficient openness to share things like that, but not too long that you're blindsiding an emotionally invested partner with qualities which might turn her off toward you.

Bragging about anything that can't be proven on the spot is pathetic.

Should I continue to make an effort with a girl I really like but moved away from? I don't want to get more attached but I'm always thinking of her. I don't want long distance but I'm really sad about the thought of not talking and seeing her again. We never defined the relationship but we talked for a while and hooked up a few times. I *think* she likes me too but idk. I kinda want to ask her to a romantic dinner for when I'm back in town next month.

Sentiment isn't bad, and is perfectly normal. As long as it's not something like their panties or some nudes, there's no real issue.

That's a question for both genders. My wife adores my ass, and I've been told by other women that it's very well sculpted. I don't even do exercises for it, but apparently have a good butt and women love it.
But(t) the real answer is that it's a private region. It's attractive because it's not out there all the time, and, subconsciously, that makes it more desirable. Yeah, it's also looks nice in good pants, but it's the rarity of seeing it that makes them more attractive.
Also anal is tight. Like, super tight. If you could kegal your pelvic floor muscles up enough to rival it, the pussy would have a six-pack. Tighter gives a lot more stimulation to the guy.
Plus it's another thing that doesn't happen often, so it becomes more desirable on a subconscious level.

Bail. Once you stick your dick in crazy, it can haunt you forever.

Usually the ones who brag are deeply insecure


Using a dating app, match, send a message, literally sits in your inbox unread for days. Why? None of their profiles say anything about Instagram or Snapchat, so clearly this is the only way to make contact. Is this some kind of game?

bail, unless the ex story is very minimal. she must be a sociopath or its the tinder culture as they all say

no its not normal. as long as he keeps it to himself i mean why not. but if he keeps talking about it then you should gtfo

not a girl, but just ask her out and spend time. since you both never defined things, just enjoy each others company.

Kinda pathetic desu. Listen, I've been alone since highschool, and I'm 25 now. There's really no reason to brag about it

That honestly sounds like a recipe for disaster. I imagine you want kids, and sooner or later, your husband's gonna pull something like . No matter how much you love someone, your values are gonna cause a hard clash

Absolutely gorgeous, super popular and sociable girl seemed interested in me, the somewhat attractive and smart but socially retarded dude. What's the trap here ? There's gotta be a trap.

That's kinda weird, by then again, I am not a sentimental person. Unless the thing had unique value, or a practical use, I'd toss it. Even if I did keep it, it not be readily accessable.

Ask her out, and set the parameters. If you think something is up, keep it safe like a coffee date

Yeah coffee date is what seems the safest. I know a dude who's in her social circle, I think I'll ask him about her to see if there's something I should know.

It is the most private part of a person. It is also deeply humanizing and primal. Sharing that part of your body is the ultimate physical expression of intimacy. For males There is also the aspect of power/control, she is submitting completely by giving you access to her ass, and it satisfies the male ego.

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Girls get a lot of messages, that's just how things are. I'd say I'm pretty average looking yet I would get dozens of messages every day and I'm not going to just sit in front of my laptop replying to them all day long. I would completely ignore 95% of the messages, especially if they're just generic "hey gorgeous", "sup sexy?", "Hi :)" or something similar. We get so many of those it's ridiculous. So many try being more original, maybe then you would get a quicker reply.

>try being more original, maybe then you would get a quicker reply.
Trying to got with my best lines, but only one them seemed to actually land

*One of them
I hate this phone sometimes

Is being a housewife still a viable path in life or has it been fucked and discarded by the current generation? I get the impression I'd have to marry a boomer if I pursued that path.

I'll submit my boot for you to lick, faggot.
Screaming that you have antisocial personality disorder isn't healthy...

I don't see anything wrong with that, it's how my boyfriend and I chose to live.
He works while I paint and study from home, clean the house and cook food for us.
The money he gets we treat as "our money" so I buy groceries with it and from time to time I also treat myself
with cheap cute stuff but nothing expensive as I think it's better for us to save up, I even get a little annoyed when he overspends.
I wouldn't mind getting a job if it was necessary but we both prefer things this way.

It's been discarded by capitalistic society because we all need two jobs to live unless you're both above middle class.

It absolutely is, but you have to bring as much value as your husband. That means raising the kids, cooking, cleaning, etc. It also means being good at all of those things, and doing them without complaining all day.

There's not many women who still have these qualities those days.

Honestly, I personally don't reply to pick up lines unless they're personal and have something to do with what I wrote on my profile. We are not stupid, we know you lads copy paste that shit to all girls.
You could try just talking about something that she wrote on her profile. I almost always answer questions people may have regarding my interests, I think someone genuinely being interested in my interests and my life is a great way to start a conversation since then I also get to ask you about your life and we can have a more meaningful conversation.

We don't need two jobs, we decide to consume to much that one income isn't enough anymore. Seriously, cut everything that didn't exist in 1950 and you'll find that you're saving thousands upon thousands of dollars

Yeah, I'm aware of that being a part of the problem. It also seems to me that no man in my age group would want a housewife even if it was an affordable option.

I would be perfectly happy to do all the chores and child care. Again, it just seems to me that no guy would want that anyway. I think being a strong woman with a job is a fine, acceptable path but I'd really prefer to cook and clean for someone I cared about. Not a maid but a partner.

Entertainment is a need, workaholism is a sure fire way to rotting out your mental health. One income hasn't been enough since the 90's.

Even in rich guys they want a wife that could still live if they went bankrupt. Insurance and such is actually very scrupulous to try to not pay out these days.

I'm a woman and single because of a shit personality. How common is this?

>shit personality.
Whiny or bitch?

I appreciate the feedback. I am trying my best to come off as a decent and fun guy; I'm just new to this, and have no idea what I'm doing.

I agree with This is not really true though, this is my post about not working My boyfriend and I live just fine with only him having a job, aside of rent and food we don't really spend money on much.

Entertainment doesn't need to be expensive. You can pirate movies, games and so on.
You can get a secondhand xbox or whatever you're into for pretty cheap as well.
Also DIY-ing things can be both cheap and super fun, my bf and I make small projects from time to time,
we recently made a tiny arcade with RetroPie, some of the best memories I have are of us making stuff.
Not to mention, the best type of entertainment tends to be free.

Probably more than you think. Address one problem at a time, and pick something you can easily manage. Funnily enough, you'll see faster, more sustainable progress by doing that

A question for guys;
Would you rather be married to a girl with a nice job/career that can support herself
or would you rather be married to a housewife that will take care of the house and cook for you?

Hard to approach, depressed, self-conscious, not very fun.

Housewife. I honestly love the idea of providing for a woman who can take care of me

I don't know what I can do about any of the qualities I mentioned. I live in my own head and separate myself from other people more and more.

>Entertainment doesn't need to be expensive.
>You can pirate movies, games and so on.
You can go to jail if you subsist on such things and pay that way, and vpn's cost unless you run them yourself.
>DIY-ing can be both cheap
Can is dependent on what it is. Let's be honest here, some people don't want to learn a trade to save money, and nobody has to. Eating out experiences are better than the pbnj at home. Sometimes you can't just slap glitter glue onto a Tshirt and be super trendy for a day until you get a stain and it all comes off in the laundry. Sometimes Karaoke bars are meant for alcoholics and not for budding solo artists.

Well, can you identify one, very specific, thing you would like to change? Something with a clear end-state, and can be determined by some kind of measurement.

Because they are rude.

That's what y'all say until a woman start asking you provide the things you don't care for. She wants to play music and wants musical instruments and lessons? You don't provide. She likes art and wants to draw and needs the supplies like a drawing tablet for digital or paint and canvas for traditional? You don't provide. She wants to go a concert you don't care for? You don't provide. She wants to go an event you don't like or don't care for? You don't provide. She wants to read books you don't care for? You don't provide. You see the pattern here. Don't say you want to "provide" if you aren't willing to actually provide EVERYTHING.

Think of something you're really passionate about. Start a club or join one.

You probably that warrants a rude response.

Last night some girls said to me whilst i was working "my friend really likes you hehe can you give her your number" but i got scared and said i dont have a phone, later on they gave me hers on a recipt. what should i message her. ive asked my mates and theyre all autists to so gonna have to turn to you lot

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The fuck is your problem?

Ladies, how much influence does a man's job have on your attraction to him? I have an unsexy low payinb career in the government and can't seem to get a girls attention. If I skew my job title I get better results. I didn't know if it was just in my area or what.

You're too scared to give out your phone number? I don't think you should message that girl anything, you're clearly not ready for interacting deeply with a person who has thoughts and desires that aren't totally predictable, and you never will be.

Sounds like you're the one with a problem, son.

If a man wants a woman to be a housewife who will take care of the house and cook for him, in exchange he must provide everything she wants, down to every single demand. She wants a diamond, you get her a diamond no matter what it costs you.
It's a shitty deal for the woman otherwise, not getting what she wants because you don't want to provide.

how depressed are you?

Some things you can provide for yourself, these things don't need to be expensive.
You also have to make sure you guys can afford that stuff, you don't get to just demand stuff from him.
My boyfriend bought me a secondhand Stentor violin ($50) and I took lessons online for free, if that's not good enough for you
then you're a little bit of a cunt to be honest.
As for a drawing tablet, if you really want it you can earn your way there. I started drawing with a mouse and by selling those drawings
I was able to afford a cheap tablet-laptop ($100) with which I got much better at drawing until I was able to afford a much better tablet myself.
Books are also pretty cheap secondhand and my boyfriend never had issues buying those for me even though there are free PDF versions online.
If you want EVERYTHING provided for you then you're just using him and should reevaluate your life choices.

What makes her liberty more important than the child's life? In fact it could be argued that her predicament is precisely the consequence of her having too much liberty. If she were locked up in solitary confinement or castaway on an island, there would be no potential for her to get raped. Not that this excuses the rapist. The child comes along much later than the rape, however. The child is innocent. He or she is not the rapist. B...B...But... muh feelz!? There are drugs for that. Nobody deserves to be raped, but being in a situation where you can be alone with mentally disturbed males and not being capable of defending yourself is stupid and if you do get raped and you do get pregnant you should accept the consequences of being stupid enough to be in such a scenario. Taking an innocent life to reclaim the very liberty that caused you to make a stupid decision is unjust.

Nothing like that, no. If anything, getting a boyfriend, but I understand that that's a bad goal to have.

I'm a proto-communist who still prefers pseudo-capitalism over eg. Sovie-style shit.

Not so depressed that I can't function. I live a normal life but a boring one, and I'm unfun.

Like ALL things? That's not normal. A few random stuff, for sure, why not.
Unless you are like grown-up and he is widowed and his former wife bought all the furniture for their house or something.

Why does hair colour matter so much for men? My hair is normally red but I dyed it blonde recently and my boyfriend hates it and constantly complains that he wants it back to red.

I already provide for myself whatever I want and I am not leaving my job to be a housewife, I do not want a man that is not 100% okay with this.
>you don't get to just demand stuff from him
I would demand everything I could get myself on my current salary, which is not low at all. I don't care if it creates problems for this hypothetical man that wants a housewife. I don't want to be a housewife, so I already resent and want to hurt him for his trying to force on me something I don't want.