A wide speard of western Arab/Paki and indian women are fucking black guys.
Arabs/indians BLACKED
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Can confirm, got Nigerian students here. Black guys get pussy.
Not salty about it because it happens both ways. Usually lasts till graduation, after that it's time to clean up history and get ready for marriage.
>Not salty about it because it happens both ways
whatd he mean by this?
feels bad. no woman will look at me like that b/c im not an inhuman nigger. if you needed proof theres no god, here it iz.
It is hardly a secret that the goal of mass migration of muslims to western countries was, among other, to create a social class of degenerates to be replanted back in their countries of origin and to serve as globalist tool.
I dated a Nigerian girl for quite some time. Most Nigerian students here are good and don't cause trouble. They study for 4 years and leave to foreign countries or go back.
Hijabi Women Flirting With White Guys & The Importance Of Status
wow okay.. did she have cakes or something?
daily remember that all blacks are subhumans
even obsidian pill?
are you a brahman? whats ur phenotype like?
Straight from the Jew's mouth (at 1:04):
jewish narcissist killed himself. thats life-fuel.
Doesn't matter. As long as he's muslim as well, I have zero problem with this
sorry i fixed the post, but yes
Do arabs give the fat ones to the blacks, too?
At least they neck their women back home afterwards.
If they marry Indian women they should convert to Hinduism. There's an African tribe that lives in India already interestingly enough, I think they're called the Siddhi
this is sadly true. black guys gets with arab girls cuz they live in the same neighbourhoods and are mostly muslim aswell.
but we all know what they rly lust after. especially young arab girls here man.. i dont like
>OK with Apes defiling our women
>Dating a sheboon
Fucking disgrace.
This country is turning into clown world too, Just 50 years slower that these white/Multiculti countries
is it because muslim men don't want to prove "western Nazis" right or do they really don't have a problem with getting blacked and shitting on their ancestors grave? I'm starting to lose respect for "based muslims". Is it because they want to infect Islam with cultural marxism? Are they aware that Islam could turn "Ayo Holdup gibsnood"?
Do you think someone is going to read your wall of schizo shit?
>Niggers fucking our women ok as long as they drink cow piss like me.
For 1200 years you swines have been selling out the country, now you want to turn us into niggers too?
>happens both ways
No white or black woman wants a pajeet shut the fuck up you little brown rat
Only n*fris (no Arabs) get blacked True Arabs such as Libyans and Saudis kill and enslave negroes daily.
based and redpilled
I'm fair but do you realize the majority of the country is dark skinned already? We should have no problem with Africans coming to India for a better life, I see many of them in my city and they're very intelligent and respectful
Who cares who your mongrel shit colored women breed with (as long as they just stay away from White men)?
Non White women are worthless and that especially includes feces colored Arab, Indian and Paki "women". There is no purity, or greatness in your race. Nothing to save unlike White European blood.
In fact, negro blood might be purer and superior to a large portion of your kind.
mods have to be quicker in banning all cuck posters
also you dumb fucking gookmoot fix the reporting system it's literally impossible to get through the captcha