Be american

>be american
>die for israel while ruining the world
>cry foul when what you did comes back to bite you

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Other urls found in this thread:$91-billion-and-counting.html

>be American
>try to help brown people become civilized, even fight terrorists to help them
>it falls apart after you leave
>they blame you for it because nonwhites have no accountability

Feels bad man

>>try to help

>invade and bomb the shit out of the country because it doesn't bend over backwards for petroldollar and because israel wants to expand into greater israel.
stay bluepilled, faggot.

On my way home for predeployment leave. THANK ME FOR MY SERVICE BOOMERS

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>be American
>get drafted
>go to 3rd world country
>see the most degenerative, disgusting, vile shit you could ever see as common place in the shithole 3rd world.
>it all gets blamed on you

Wat do

>Angry mudslime complains from his mudslime country and expects me to care

Yep, that´s exactly right.
No you are exactly wrong machmoud.
Here is the problem with these arrogant machmouds. that delusionally arrogant. That they don´t put two and two together why they even left their own country to begin with. Maybe they are their own biggest problem to begin with, one might say. Far less arrogantly than them i might add. And far more truthful for that matter.
My country ranks in top 5 of global HDI. something i´m quite proud of as a dane. Because anyone who knows anything about danish history. It´s not like we had it easy or had anything given to us, i´ll tell you that much.
These people. They don´t appreciate why their nations are the way they are.

But i understand their M.O. They want to go to another nation where the people have made tremendous effort and personal sacrifices of a lot of people to achieve this sort of thing multigenerationally. And be like.

>well we can´t quite get our own shit to work, so we just graudually take over their country. And then magic i don´t have to explain shit, somehow we´ll not ruin this with this massive headstart to improve ourselves.

Well i think they will ruin it anyways. But.. i´m not very sympathetic to their pleight since it is ruining other people in their own countries.
They can speak volumes about US military in iraq and US military in afghanistan or whatever. But that´s not where most of them even come from. And that´s not the same as what they are doing. It´s a massive excuse for not sorting out their own mess.

A gigantic fucking strawman. And whenever they make it, which they often do. I can´t help but laugh at how evilminded you have to be to do that.

And i see almost this genetic type of fraud that you make this excuse to go and try to turn other nations muslim.
Are someone demographically threatening iraqis or afhganis or anyone else in your shit hullabulla countries. NOPE. Also infact most of the immigrants aren´t even from those countries. Are you abdul?

>do* the most degenerative, disgusting

someone post the pics from Iraq showing american soldiers sodomizing and torturing iraqis.

Thank you for your cervix!

Torturing you brown niggers isn’t degenerate; it’s divine.

And what´s even worse they go to countries which is not USA don´t they?
Please don´t compare a war situation where a few soldiers do something they are not supposed to. To the garbage that happen in those countries on a routine basis! Aswell as the massive attack on random civilian peoples all across thee world in 50+ countries 34.800 something attacks!

It´s literally like those who make those arguments have a brain that works worse than a monkeys. IM SERIOUS. Or they are just trying to fabricate a fraudulent justification on purpose. Why it is so stupid!


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34.840 attacks in the last 18 years on random civilians. All of these attacks reported by news outlet somewhere in world. No this is not daesh vs military, those are not in that number.. This is just radical muslims somewhere butchering or blowing up or gunning down civilians.

You fucking little whiney bitches. What happened to germany was easily 500x worse than the entire iraq situation. Somehow they rebuilt their country, The germans didn´t run to fucking iraq and try to take it over demographically did they?

Fuck off with your "trying to educate blahblahblah"
Just who do you think you are you fucking cunts ?

You shoudnt have come To these lands in the first place.

If your ancestor stayed homes the cities of Europe woudnt be infested with migrants

>be brown
>mind your own shit
>along come a bunch of cumskins
saying they bring civilization
>no one asked for that shit
>they blame you when, what nobody asked for it fall apart, because whites have no accountability
what the fuck man

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>If your ancestor stayed homes the cities of Europe woudnt be infested with migrants
And here comes the peak nigger with a similar strawman argument. One has literally nothing to do with the other. What it is is a GIGANTIC EXCUSE however, for them to run away from their own mess instead of sorting it out. That´s ALL IT IS. ALL IT IS. you fucking frauds and liars incompetent people.

Awww don’t be sad sandnigger. You’ll all be gone before too much longer.

sure is JIDF damage control in here. kek

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If we were half as Zogged as you think we are, Trump would've followed the Obama/HRC rhetoric and lead us nice and easily into troop landings in NK (Proxy war with China) and Syria (Proxy war with Russia) to cover up her shit Uranium deals and flagrant corruption.
Think logically. Zog profits hugely from the death of the last generation of hard-right young Americans (not to mention the Chinese/Russian populations) being fed through the woodchipper. They get to sell death to both sides. Instead, though, that isn't happening. Maybe you should ask yourself why instead of screaming about how the US army is a tool of Israeli foreign policy.
Dumb nigger spotted. Europe got invaded because they castrated themselves (while blaming the United States, obviously) and sold the ground from unborn feet to invaders, not because they were nice enough to try and establish civilization.

Do you not think we know about muslim history? how they existentially threatened europe for 1200 years? And constant invasions? Do you not think we know both you and jews are anti christian? Do you not think we know the last beast empire will be middle eastern before it is wiped out from the sky. And the leader of those 10 kingdoms will wipe out mecca (mystery babylon). Stop lying for allah you stupid muslim drone. You and the jews are the main problem on this fucking planet. Along with the niggers. Infact both jews and muslims worshipped at mecca. That´s why jews to this day have a cube on forehead and arm called teffilin.. Looks quite familar to the cube in mecca doesn´t it. You fucking clowns. I´d love to be fly on the wall when shit goes down when you are all fucking burned with huge fucking laserbeams. Who the fuck do you think allah is? it´s the fallen angel you retard! And the cube is symbolic of the prison he is put in pending judgement.
I am fucking going to laugh when muslims destroy jews and then muslims get wiped out afterwards. Then you both get what you have coming. HAHAHA

And the niggers, well niggers are just too dumb to figure out ANYTHING, for them the judgement truly is salvation. To get out of those nigger bodies. Jhc..

>be middle east
>live and stay in your own country
>jews get americans to ruin your country
>faggots want you to stay in the country that is being bombed by them

Most of these 'refugees' are not even from those countries. No what you could do if it is really bad. Is that you go to the nearest country. NEAREST you stay there. And then as soon as you can you go back.
Total fucking excuse to a) practice islam and try to islamize other nations and practice demographic warfare (yes i know your text and laws you little shit, much better than you probably). b) not sort out their own fucking countries. or even have a desire to return, or to even demand that maybe the 57 majority muslim nations do something about it. Nah they aren´t doing shit unless directly attacked by mujahid militia. Why? Because they want immigrants to go to europe and islamize it.

YOU ARE A FUCKING FRAUD AND YOU KNOW IT! And if you don´t know it then you are simply too stupid and i feel sorry for you.

We can kill you subhumans anywhere. Run run as fast as you can.

Look how pathetic these people are. Their nations were shit prior to any fucking bomb or anything being thrown there.
>a few bombs get thrown
Ah my country sucks and 100% about it is all someone elses fault. So let me further be totally retarded and say. I now deserve to go to other peopels nations and take them over and destroy their people and culture in the process.

Talk about not taking responsibility for ANYTHING. Also they don´t go to USA, no somehow they go to everywhere else, including sweden who is not even fucking member of nato alliance, which participate marginally with USA in iraq and afghanistan. They go to sweden talk about islam and try to destroy swedish people in process.
This is like the most pathetic crocodile tears perhaps in FUCKING HISTORY! these frauds are massive evilminded and just total liars.

Other nations and people. Their countries work better because they have multigenerationally put in a fucking effort. That these charlatains want to then excuse them not doing fuck all in comparison with there is a few bombs. Is fucking ridiculous. BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY SAT ON THEIR ASS AND DON´T DO FUCKING SHIT.. and so then comes a bomb, they try to save face by pretending they weren´t sitting on their ass, but it´s all cause of USA bomb some parts of iraq to get to mujahids.

And they don´t go to the totally stable nations around them in middle east or in africa. They don´t go there. No they travel directly to europe or to USA or canada or australia. FUCK THESE PEOPLE. How stupid do you think we are? Just opportunistic frauds. 90% of them are not even refugees at all. They are not even from those nations. They pretend to be refugees to try to get foot in the door. And then they lie like this dutch 'refugee' to not get thrown out again!
They don´t go to nearby middle eastern countries who are totally safe do they. NOPE. They go to sweden or germany or usa or france etc. etc. THES FUCKING LIARS. NOT AT ANY POINT DO I FEEL SORRY FOR THEESE PEOPLE. I feel sorry for ofcourse those who are killed by daesh etc. in iraq. I feel sorry for those who are civilians who are killed by accident during a war. Cause that´s always the case btw. Very hard to make a war without killing civilians. In wwII 80 million people died on all sides, most of them civilians. Tens of millions of germans died btw. Germany built itself up from that to be so decent, that fucking half the middle easte and half of africa think they can go to germany. Because something something about afghanistan and iraq and syria. DO YOU THINK WE CAN´T LOOK ON A MAP. Do you think we don´t know how many countries there are majority muslim and are stable just nearby those countries. Do you think we don´t know they should and could easily go to those? OFCOURSE WE DO! But apparently they think the whole world is as dumb as they are. So they think they can lie and that it is clever plan and nobody figure it out. HAHAHAHA

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You're not wrong, but I'll still take no lip from some irrelevant European backwater.

Muricans actually believe this

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Also on top of this, the countries they want to go to to ruin their people, with this bullshit false justification. Massive protest against both war in iraq and afghanistan by USA. Also protest against war in syria. Both in the respective european countries, aswell as in USA, and the european countries do not have much participation, it´s mostly USA.
And it gets better. USA did not get anything out of bumbling about in iraq afghanistan and syria. They spend 7 trillion being a pawn for israel. Even general zinni a retired general said that iraq war was fought for israels benefit. And didn´t really do anything for USA, other than being hated for what USA and the soldiers thought was fixing somebody elses mess. Cause really it´s stupid as fuck to bumble about in other peoples nations. And that´s also why part of why trump got elected because he promised that he would not interfere in syria and stop this foreign meddling.

So USA got nothing out of it. Europe got nothing out of it. And then they got these idiot charlatains pretending to be refugees, just coming directly to europe, rather than pick any of the nearby nations to the 3-4 nations in conflict. Pick any nearby nation go stay there safe for a while till it blow over. No they go to europe and rape and murder, talk about islam. And basically try to demographically fight the european peoples.

It is infact high interest for european people that any conflict stop. Because then there is not even the remotest excuse for these illegal aliens/'refugees' to try to sneak their way into our countries to seek asylum. WHICH IS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE TEMPORARY.

The fuck do i give a shit about killing some towel head in the middle east for. I don´t want them near me, and i certainly don´t want to go and kill anyone of them either. And that they don´t want to sort out their own problems, and take it as an excuse to leave the entire fucking area, not even go to nearby nations. But go to a different continent. Is hilarious.

They thought that probably, here is the problem also. Aside from it was just israel jewing USA to do their dirty work for them. But here´s what is the problem about
>fighting terrorists on their behalf.
You don´t know what islam teaches. These terrorists are doing things that these people believe in! So their only real problem is that they attack them aswell for not being good enough muslims. Otherwise they would have no problem with daesh and similar groups like anshar al sharia or al shabaab etc. all these different ones. That want caliphate back. They would have no problem with them. They only take issue with them when they are in that country fighting them. You see how the other muslim nations sit on their ass watching USA and russia doing things? Do you see that.
Instead what they do. Instead of wiping out daesh etc. they fund mosque building all over europe.. Turkey is one example of doing that. Turkeys military alone could have wiped out daesh in a few weeks easily. They don´t need any help to do that. IF they were interested in doing so. But see.. sunni muslims which is 80-90% of all muslims on the entire planet 1.4 billion or whatever many they are. They believe what daesh is doing! They just don´t admit it to you because the kafir is not supposed to know that. This is why it takes so long to destroy these groups! hahaha. Cause the muslims don´t want them destroyed. So iraqis fight against daesh, syria fight against them etc. right. Cause they are in their countries doing shit. You notice those who aren´t directly effected by them. They don´t give a shit those muslim nations. NOT A FUCK GIVEN, not even taking in 'refugees'.

And do you not see also, as long as daesh run around killing some muslims. This allows muslims the opportunity to practice demographic warfare and mass immigrating to other nations to try to turn them muslims. That´s another reason why these muslim nations have NO INTEREST IN REMOVING DAESH. And if you point it out they claim that it´s run by israel. Do you know how fast muslim nations would kill daesh etc. if they were not following their religion? And that it indeed was just some israeli military people black ops or whatever? HAHAHAHAHA. You would see a coalition of almost all muslim nations and they´d just march into iraq and syria and afghanistan with every fucking thing they had. And just level these people.

So it´s bad for the people daesh kill. etc. But for muslims they are fucking happy about it, they fabricate this shitty excuse to go to europe and try to take it over and islamize it. Which something they have been attempting for 1400 fucking years before they lost their caliphate in 1920's.

See muslims have for quite a long time now been unable to directly wage jihaad against europeans. Aka trying to take them over to install sharia law in their nations. The last offensive attack by muslims into europe which they almost took over, both from west and east, west was spain and attempt made at france, and east was as far in as austria vienna in september 10-11th 1683. Where europeans for the first time started to reliably push the invading muslims back.
SO how do muslims practice their religion? It´s very frustrating to them. Daesh and these other islamic militia groups is the PERFECT EXCUSE. Aswell as ofcourse that USA STUPIDLY went in and bomb iraq and go into afghanistan etc. Aswell as the mess in libya.
It´s the only excuse they have to try to invade other countries. What can they do. They can´t conquer nations militarily. Or they just get btfo if they try pretty obviously. So how can they wage war. and install sharia law in other peoples nations. HIJRAH, immigration, its even in the islamic law to practice this kind of jihaad. They move to your countries on purpose. Then they have up to 4 wives on purpose. This is all solely due to using children as a weapon, in order to conquer other peoples nations and turn them islamic to install sharia law eventually which is what muslims always are striving for.

So do you think the muslims even give a shit that iraqis being murdered by daesh. NO. what are they complaining about. AMERICAN BOMBS, not daesh al qaeda, not al shabab or anshar al sharia etc. etc.? Nono.. they don´t complain abbout that. IT´S AMERICAN BOMBS they complain about.

And it´s not even those people from those countries who go to europe. No it seems to be pretty much everyone else of muslim nations and people. Who are doing that. Actual refugees from daesh. Very few and they are actually threatened by these fucking people in the refugee camps.

If these military age men would go conscript iraqi army etc. Daesh would have been over longago

t. JIDF posting from danish vpn

Also how to fix it is very easy. See daesh ofcourse figure this out that if they keep terrorizing and killing people. This allows tons of other muslims to go to europe and islamize it. The real problem is the immigration.
Ofcourse it´s very easy to fix and neutralize. Here it is. You don´t allow any refugees directly from conflict zones to any non muslim countries.
They should only go to the surrounding muslim nations and those nations should be forced to take all of them.
Then daesh and these other groups don´t serve a purpose for the muslims interests anymore. And then watch how fast the muslims themselves will take them out. When they know that they can´t use them as excuse to mass immigrate to other countries and trying to islamize them.

You can keep saying that, but i dislike jews as much as i dislike muslims. Well technically it is the doctrine not the person i am against. But yeah. It´s the typical taqiiya thing of a muslim that when he gets called out for being precisely like jews are. Just muslims have different motives is all. A muslim will accuse you of being a jew. For no reason.
There is absolutely no indication that i am a jew or pro jewish in any way. Infact i don´t think i have said anything pro jewish or pro israel in the entire thread. HAHA

>but i dislike jews as much as i dislike muslims
yet you're here defending useless wars for israel.

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I am not defending useless wars for israel. I infact said that USA got nothing out of it and got jewed. And i referred to general zinni of a public example of a US general retired, saying that iraq war was for israels benefit, and americans had been essentially decieved about it.

Just drop it. The reason you are upset is i take your little false justification narrative for muslim immigration to non muslim countries. And i am blowing it the fuck out. And you don´t like it. ofcourse you don´t, nor would i expect you to. But it´s important for people to realize.

So you got this situation because the 'refugees' go directly to europe. Then europe and USA have to try to take out these groups. And these groups know as long as they exist and kill people, the immigration continue. So they try to stay alive just long enough to have tons of muslim immigrants come to europe to practice demographic warfare.

But see this couldn´t work if EU imposes a ban on all 'refugees' from combat areas. And all immigration from those regions that are not legal immigration. Because they are basically 95% of them illegal immigrants. That show up without papers trying to pretend to be refugees. It´s illegal immigrants. That would all be rejected under normal circumstances.

Because then the refugees only go to muslim nations. All of a sudden muslim nations can´t sit on their ass anymore and pretend as if they don´t need to solve the problem. When they go to their nations, you watch how fast they roll in tanks and everyhting and btfo all these groups in those respective places. Do you think they want tons of people coming into their nations that they have to provide for? They have no use for them. They are also both muslims so there´s no fucking point for them to immigrate then. What are they going to take over which is not already muslim.

This is how easy it is to fix.

I say both negative about jews and about muslims. I am not friend of jews or muslims. And i know what they teach about everyone else. These two antichristian doctrines are absolutely disgusting.

>this is how amerimutts cope

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>refugees only go to muslim nations
the refugees exist because muslim nations get bombed for the sake of israel you brainlet

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No they don´t. and 95% of the immigrants aren´t even refugees, and infact even come from totally different nations pretending to be refugees.

See you need to understand groups like daesh and all the others which are many and in different muslim countries. Are acting as a kettle to send muslim immigrants to europe to take them over for islam. They have no chance in hell to establish a caliphate. Turkey alone could btfo them like scratching their ass or something. And so if you want them to stop existing. STOP ALLOWING muslim immigrants to non muslim nations. Insist that whatever calls themselves refugee, they have to go to muslim countries and nowhere else. Then watch how fast those nations who sit on their ass cause they want europe to be islamized per their doctrine. React and deal with that problem themselves.

I am totally against USA and other nations meddling around trying to kill these people. I want them to deal with the situation themselves. So i am all with you there. But unfortuantely i don´t think you are interested at all in stopping these 'refugees' from going to europe are you abdul?

I am btfo your narrative, and you don´t like it!

>the refugees exist because muslim nations get bombed for the sake of israel you brainlet
They can easily go to muslim nations instead we are talking about 3-4 muslim nations who are in any kind of internal conflict situation with these groups that´s it. But nobody is demanding of the other 53 majority muslim nations to take these refugees. Not even the ones who are stable and very nearby. No they go to an entire different continent to islamize it. And take that opportunity to do so.

>that one danish posting JIDF cuck who is so triggered for people mentioning the real redpill about middle-east wars

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Aswell as nobody is demanding of these surrounding nations to deal with these groups themselves. THAT IS WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN. USA or NATO should not whatsoever partake in this. You should demand of these people. Deal with the conflict themselves. If you don´t want to deal with these groups. Then take all the immigrants yourselves. Untill you get tired of it enough that you do something about it yourself.

I AM ALL FOR them solving their own problem. And don´t send the refugees to other places. Take them yourself. And deal with the situation yourself aswell.
I have great respect for syrian people fighting this groups. I have great respect for iraqis fighting daesh in their country.
I have no respect for the other muslim nations who aren´t helping them. And i have no respect for immigrants trying to islamize europe pawning themselves off as refugees. And who full well know they should go to nearby muslim nation and seek asylum instead.
Triggered? hah. I am giving you probably the most realest and accurate analysis of the whole thing you are going to hear in most places. But it goes against your narrative so you don´t like it.

all you're doing is making walls of text containing nothing by excuses and damage control so you can COPE harder

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Why don´t you debate me. You don´t have a leg to stand on. You have not offered a single fucking rebuttal to anything i have said. Because you know it is so fucking spot on that you don´t know what the fuck to do!

Why don´t you debate me you fucking fraud. Go ahead. Try to make a counter argument.

>saudis then invade and bomb yemen with american navy help
>oh no, people from yemen try to flee their country

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>saudis then invade and bomb yemen with american navy help
>oh no, people from yemen try to flee their country
Why do they not go to a nearby peaceful muslim country?

because the only land locked country is US ally saudi arabia

I already said it is disgusting how USA is meddling in affairs of other nations and helping saudis and israel. BUT the fact of the matter is, these people can go elsewhere and the other muslim nations aren´t doing shit about these groups. The islamic militia groups are the real fucking problem, it´s not the american bombs.. This is who is really killing these people.
>because the only land locked country is US ally saudi arabia
I see so they can go to absolutely no other country than sweden or germany for instance? HAHA that´s a good one. How fucking stupid do you think people are. There are only 3-4 nations in any kind of conflict this way. 57 majority nations in total. Why don´t you go look up a fucking map and then acquaint yourself with how many countries these refugees could go to just in the middle east.
If you are worried about saudi arabia. Here is an idea. Demand that saudi arabia take the yemen refugees. I hear the hajj tents can house several millions of people temporarily. Can´t they?

>go to
this pic related btfo's your entire COPE and damage control by the way

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Oh now you practice lying about that there are not any demographic problems about muslims coming to europe. So you don´t want to debate why they shouldn´t even go as 'refugee' to europe in the first place. Now you just say shut up there are not so many muslims in europe, so it´s no problem. Pathetic attempt abdul.

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You are not really dealing with my arguments abdul. It´s because you can´t actually refute what i am saying. So you have decided to image spam now. Go ahead.

We have 500K morocans and 250 K turks which puts the percentage already above 7.
>Inb4 not all mocros and turks are muslims
Nobody cares.

you still pretend all refugees come here? you still pretend none at allowed in other countries?
>be misinformed and ignorant of facts
>use it to COPE

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are not refugees, you have a law about them because you legally imported them to build your country. irrelevant

>build your country

actually no, t. your own people. it's not my claim, is your historical and legal fact.

No i don´t pretend all refugees come to europe. But i say that the ones who come to europe are not actually even refugees. I have been saying this the entire thread. Have you not been paying attention abdul.
I want those surrounding nations to deal with these groups themselves. I don´t want NATO or USA or anyone else to interfere. And i want those surrounding nations to either let the conflict continue with these islamic militant groups. and/or they take all the refugees that stem from them sitting on their ass pretending it´s not their problem to deal with. And if other nations then say let us help you with this. They then the same ones who sit on their ass cause they like the mass immigration to europe to islamize it. Then they say.
>fuck nato fuck usa fuck this and that.
I totally agree not a single european ancestry boot should be on the ground or anywhere near the middle east to deal with this. Those nations should deal with it themselves. No muslim immigrants come to europe.
Deal with it yourselves. That is what i am totally for. I want USA to pull out i want nato to pull out rub and stub. Every single one of them pull out. Then let these complaining morons deal with these groups themselves. Because a) then they will actually do something about it, they will be forced to deal with these groups themselves b) they will have nobody to blame for it but themselves if they don´t.

So that you say to me, after giving you a totally accurate analysis of the motivations of these muslim nations and of groups like daesh. And i slam the fuck out of both israel and of USA for meddling in it, instead of saying to them. Look deal with these groups yourself. You want to go say to me that i am a jew or pro jewish. I have not said a single thing pro jewish in this thread. I don´t like jews, not a big fan, and i don´t like muslims, not a big fan. Don´t square peg round hole me.

The very best thing is that NOBODY ELSE interfere. Those muslim nations deal with the problem themselves. NOBODY interfere, not even if they cry and beg. Cause then they HAVE TO deal with it themselves. And take all the immigrants aswell, we don´t want them here, nor do we want to be accused of that it´s good for us or that we want conflict in your nations you asshole. There is no benefit for us for having tons of muslim illegal immigrants trying to islamize our countries cause they excuse it with that these islamic militant groups are roaming around their country murdering them.

>backpedaling this much
holy shit, this is some next level shizo

>be burger
>actually belive this

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And also don´t blame the nato troops either. Do you think some guy from germany or some guy from france want to be trying to help sandniggers deal with their own problems in their own countries. No. They want to be back home.
>>backpedaling this much
Here is how it works abdul. If you make a claim it is up to you to substantiate it. Find any instance where i am backpedalling in any way whatsoever. Or do you think you can just bullshit your way out of anything when people actually try to debate you?


> develop, train and use technology to gangstalk the bad goyim for (((them)))

burgers are bred to be jew slaves

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>muh refugees come to europe because le israel bombs their countries

No, they go to Europe because europeans let them in. Just stop being faggots and let other countries take them in.

How is the fucking NATO helping exactly, you fucking retard.
The Islamist would be dealt with within a fucking week if it wasn't for you fuckers doing regime changes every decade or so.
Additionally, most of these groups are either funded by Westerns or outrightly created by them.
So, you shove that false sense of moral supremacy right up your fucking ass.
Literally, no one (except for the kikes) wants you ANYWHERE near the ME.

>venezuelan monkey who's country is broke because of US and central banks is now doing damage control
brain dead or proxy

>The Islamist would be dealt with within a fucking week if it wasn't for you fuckers doing regime changes every decade or so.
You say that but sit on your ass. And who is we? Seems like the USA pretty much.
And you also say that. But why don´t you make a coalition and just use all your combined military and walk in and btfo of all these groups wherever they are. You aren´t doing SHIT. Cause your fellow muslims want them to go to europe to islamize it. Also what a joke your fucking country is about this. In the 'arab spring' your country nearly installed sharia law through al ikhwan group. So he had to be taken out of power to keep egypt secular and al ikhwan was declared terrorist group afterwards. And then you ask me to wonder why so many muslim nations aren´t doing fuck all but sitting and talking about USA. I slam USA too. But here´s the thing. This conflict is not going on in europe. It´s going on essentially right next to you atleast in comparison. Get your fucking head out of your ass. All these excuses for not doing a fucking thing. March your military in and deal with these mujahids. Ahh see your doctrine is the problem isn´t it.

It's not just Israel, the kikes rarely fight their own wars.
It's mainly the US and it's satellite states (NATO).

>implying you know shit about whats going on here

Keep crying sandnigger. Stop blaming jews for being unable to stop killing eachother.

>Literally, no one (except for the kikes) wants you ANYWHERE near the ME.
We don´t want to be there either. As in the general populations of the respective european countries. So it makes absolutely no sense except from a subversive islamic perspective to islamize our nations. To suggest that it´s even remotely ok that these 'refugees' go to europe.

I could not be more anti US meddling in this thread. You have to admit that. But it´s a nice st rawman for you excusing yourselves egypt and many other nations for not making a coalition and going in and dealing with these fucking people. Instead you watch syrians fight these fuckers, you watch iraqis fight these fuckers. And then you sit like a spectator.. You could do much.. But see i know what your doctrine is so this fraud is no surprise to me.

Oh you should blame the jews for USA meddling in middle east. A retired general even said that with regards to iraq. However. It´s not USA bombs killing these people. It´s the fucking islamic militia groups..
>you want me to fight i can't fight.

all real nationalists hate the ZOG army. it sounds like you are defending it. stop being gay and face the real enemy: ZOG.

>bombs don't kill people
>america didn't support isis

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Do what I am and join the reserves purely to get some basic military training and then leave when you need to.

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>it sounds like you are defending it.
But i´m not.
>bombs don't kill people
Ofcourse they do and the civilian casualties are because the islamic militia groups use civilians as human shields and like to hide out in populated areas to avoid getting bombed. Otherwise they would be ridiculously easy to take out. It´s not like they are sitting in some remote base away from the population and saying.
>come here and fight us.
>>america didn't support isis
Yes especially under obama which is al ikhwan deep operative.

The thing that iraqis are running away from is not US bombs. It´s daesh you fucking retard.$91-billion-and-counting.html

This article is from 2001, which means this was before Bush, Obama and Trump started spending on Israel.


Great then the goal is to stop these islamic militia groups. Explain to me why the muslim nations aren´t doing jack shit about it in comparison to what they should be doing. But are instead funding mosques in europe and telling europeans to accept more muslim immigrants.

>And you also say that. But why don´t you make a coalition and just use all your combined military and walk in and btfo of all these groups wherever they are.
My country is currently being run by a burger nigger imposed dictator who takes his orders from Washington.

> You aren´t doing SHIT. Cause your fellow muslims want them to go to europe to islamize it.
Citation needed.

>Also what a joke your fucking country is about this. In the 'arab spring' your country nearly installed sharia law through al ikhwan group.
America funded them so that they can use their rise as an excuse for regime change.

> but sitting and talking about USA. I slam USA too.
Because it has the tendency to back Islamist and take out any secular wishing to build up the country.

> But here´s the thing. This conflict is not going on in europe. It´s going on essentially right next to you atleast in comparison. Get your fucking head out of your ass. All these excuses for not doing a fucking thing. March your military in and deal with these mujahids. Ahh see your doctrine is the problem isn´t it.
What Mujahidin, you geo-politically illiterate monkey.
You mean the ISIS apes?
Assad has been fighting them for years now while the West has backed them up with all sorts of weapons in order to take out Assad and make way for greater Israel.

>Explain to me why the muslim nations aren´t doing jack shit about it in comparison to what they should be doing.
The gulf states (Saudi-Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates) serve Israel's interest.
They stopped aiding Palestine since the 70's, they merely negotiate their own interests related to the oil industry and the arms trade nowadays.

>You aren´t doing SHIT. Cause your fellow muslims want them to go to europe to islamize it.
You know that Egypt is secularized, right?

Try to watch this briefing, he has also written a book called catastrophic failure. Essentially the islamic group al ikhwan has infiltrated US intelligence agencies and various things like that. And are making it so that USA doesn´t target these groups hard enough whatsoever. This creates an excuse for muslim immigration which is exactly what al ikhwan wants. And saddam, ghadaffi and also assad. Being taken out. Helps a caliphate reform because they were all pretty secular leaders keeping sharia proponents at bay. And keeping islamic militia from forming. What did USA go do. Go whack all of them. What happens you see islamic militant groups in all those countries.
Official document.
Page 7:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”

Page 18:

“A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends” – This is where the Muslim Brotherhood listed its front groups in the U.S.. Note that prominent organizations like CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and others are named here.

They know exactly what they are doing. Mass immigration to european nations, and usa canada australia etc. to islamize them.
What has been happening is exactly what benefits this group. If you want to try to restore a caliphate you have to knock out the secular leaders that keep these sharia proponents at bay. You just never realized that groups like al ikhwan are immensely behind this.


Death to America, Death to Israel

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>suggest that it´s even remotely ok that these 'refugees' go to europe.
>I could not be more anti US meddling in this thread. You have to admit that. But it´s a nice st rawman for you excusing yourselves egypt and many other nations for not making a coalition and going in and dealing with these fucking people. Instead you watch syrians fight these fuckers, you watch iraqis fight these fuckers. And then you sit like a spectator.. You could do much.. But see i know what your doctrine is so this fraud is no surprise to me.

You are a fucking idiot.
My country is an American vassal, how many times do I have to fucking explain that to you?
As for the refugee issue, I think we would probably see eye to eye on this.
They should all be send back to their respective countries, that would be the sane thing to do.

you scum have destroyed every county you have interfered with. I am glad you people die for serving Israel and your elites.

>You know that Egypt is secularized, right?
Yes it´s so secularized they almost instituted sharia law when they had that election. So that they had to remove him afterwards, otherwise they would be in an international quagmire.
You don´t get it. Islam is a slumbering beast. It had its head cut off when the caliphates stopped existing. But 80-90% of muslims believe in what they believed in during the caliphates.
The only thing that maintains some manner of secularism was/is in some cases military style dictators like saddam and ghadaffi, or in cases like assad a more moderate islam of alawites. But he is too nice to the shia muslims. And sunni don´t like shia. And israel ofcourse want assad to go because he is too friendly to iran. And israel has problem with hezbollah. They don´t care about what syrians want. And they would rather have a sunni guy in charge of syria. Cause then syria would not be friend with iran. Is why you don´t see overwhelming amount of sunni nations trying to stop assad from being toppled by these islamic militants.

>But 80-90% of muslims believe in what they believed in during the caliphates.
Wahhabism/Salafism/Khomineism is like Evangelical christianity. It is extremely conservative, but it is absolutely nothing like middle age christianity or islam. Why do you think Palymra and the Buddhas lasted so long?

>My country is an American vassal, how many times do I have to fucking explain that to you?
Ok so are all the other muslim countries also USA vassal? Is that why they aren´t doing shit? Is that why they instead fund mosques building in europe?