Start growing numb to the hate I have towards the Jews, Communists, Freemasons...

>start growing numb to the hate I have towards the Jews, Communists, Freemasons, and Financiers who have ruined our planet
>start thinking about what our country should look like once they're beaten
>start thinking of how the education system would work, what kind of arts and architecture we should promote and where, the ideal family law, and how the government and economy should work
>realize how much better things could be
>get even more angry than i previously was

Attached: 1541909612225.jpg (750x683, 127K)

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If you build it they will come, immigrants I mean

Don't forget Christians. That's what Gnostic-masonic and Juda-ism came from

Attached: jesus white genocide.jpg (646x789, 158K)

I always see americans spouting bullshit about christianity. Catholicism is the literal archnemesis to free masonry. It's not some kind of secret either kek, half of our public figures in france are openly free masons and have been fighting an open war against catholicism for ever.

how do you adress the fact that jews hate christ more than anything? I'm not a christian fag btw, I just want to understand the schizophrenia amongst anti-christian anti-jews and anti-freemasonry posters. it's incoherent.

That's what we will fight and die for come WW3. The new messiah will come and this time we won't fight against him, we will join him.

"It is necessary that I should die for my people; But my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know I was right."

>Catholicism is the literal archnemesis to free masonry.
Catholics were taken over by the Templars-gnostic homos hundreds of years ago, idiot.

What do you think the Jesuits are? Look at these pedophile statues. You think that's normal? Did you see the fucking unicorns and self-dicking sucking statue on Notre Dame?

Attached: jesus christian pedo vatican pope cult.jpg (768x663, 105K)

vegetarians are the real threat

White immigrants?

Gnosticism is pretty based. In one of their texts they say how (((Jehovah))) tries to corrupt and destroy humanity through miscegenation. The word "Gnosis" also carries over into the Hindu word Jnana, as in Jnana Yoga; so the term itself was used by our ancestors in an Ariosophical sense. I don't know what the state of modern Gnosticism is, but if it is used for pushing Jewry, it is probably a corruption, and not something that was always evil.

>how do you adress the fact that jews hate christ more than anything?
They're using it as a playbook to get what they want, idiot.

Worship a fucking Rabbi, get Rabbis in your life.

Attached: 1503635897003.jpg (1069x1099, 194K)

then do something about it OP.

All evil needs to flourish is for good men to sit by and do nothing

>Gnosticism is pretty based.
It's what the NWO religion will be, global homo escapism and anti-body, anti-nature, anti-realism cult.
It's what Feminism is.
That's why Paul called them out in first Corinthians because they were fucking their kids and scamming people for money

Attached: gnostic jesus freemasonry jews esoteric history nwo religion.png (1552x1564, 1006K)

>when the blackpill hits
iktf bro

The notion that Gnosticism is anti-nature, etc, is a modern one. In, I believe the Hypostasis of the Archons, it's pointed out that matter came from the pleroma. Gnostics have historically taken the stance of Active-Pessimism, and take fighting evil seriously. This is why it has often taken the form of a warrior or knightly tradition.

>The notion that Gnosticism is anti-nature, etc, is a modern one

It was always against Plato's demiurge and the physical world. The Archons are modern day aliens. The pleroma was stolen and inverted from the Stoics and Platonists.

Gnosticism was Hellenistic Jews or Alexandria trying to convert and subvert the Platonists. You say it's from Yoga and Hinduism but that's all Maddam Blavasky and modern gnosticism. It has nothing to do with that. They don't fight evil, the literally and ALWAYS fucked each other in the ass and fucked children. And evil to them is birth, being born = abortionists.
In fact they say the existence was an abortion of Sophia going way back.
You spent too much time on youtube and /x/. You dont know the history.
Knightly traditions were not gnostic, they were monks creating poetry to landlords and their knights would stop stealing and raping peasents.


we feel the same thing as you, user.

Lol these simpletons actually think jews are all one

>man swallows more blackpills than he previously thought possible

Yea no shit dumbass the post literally programmed your thought pattern in approx 12 lines.

Get angrier, get gangstalked by a jew, TODAY!

You can’t change anything so sit back and enjoy the ride whitey

H.A. Covington Northwest series, H A&criteria=authors
you can thank me later, brother

still better than any art produced by pagans, how do they handle being such shit?