>Alberta Independence Party Edition
Who are you voting for today? You are going to vote, right?
>Alberta Independence Party Edition
Who are you voting for today? You are going to vote, right?
Edmontonian here, voting for UCP.
Debating between voting UCP or throwing the independence party a couple votes. I'm 80% sure my riding is going to go majority UCP
We all know Independence doesn't stand a chance, just vote UCP to maximize the chance of beating the NDP.
>Alberta Independence
Running away with your pockets empty and no identity whatsoever... Are you guys this bitter ?
If you aren't voting Freedom Party or Independence, you hate Alberta
Vote leave and join with Montana
Fuck off, we ain't joining your Jewish puppet state
Voted. Can hardly wait to see all the salty NDP supporters in central Edmonton when the results are made public.
Will alberta actually become independent or will it be a meme like brexit?
Depends on how hard Scheer fucks us.
Voting Alberta Party. I like Mandel and since all the parties are socially liberal currently thats not a voting point
Daddy Maxime save us ;_;
It doesn't even matter who wins. Alberta has no control over the oil market. I see all these UCP supports talking straight commie rhetoric. If the government has to implement extreme welfare and design fake jobs to give workers work you pussies really aren't equipped for capitalism.
If Trudeau gets re-elected it could happen
Why can't we build a pipeline to Churchhill? It would be way easier than going through Quebec and that city would have a huge economic boom. I never hear this idea and would get us access to markets (When the Hudson Bay isn't frozen)
>doing what's best for them and for the country
You'd probably have just as bad of a fight trying to convince them as you would with Quebec. Also Hudson's Bay freezes over every winter so you would only be able to ship oil in the summer, which would be a lot better than what we have now.
Good luck boys, Ontario is fucked hopefully you guys get it good
With confederation, we're all fucked.
Inshallah another four years
True, Charter barely even exists anymore, and can't even say shit without le hate crime. Good pic btw thanks
>Alberta Independence Party
wasting your vote
Have another on the house
and another!
There’s a reason why franklin died up there
and another
Easy with the antisemitism goy
Fuck voting
did someone say oilsands?
and another!
I loved that turtle. rip
best of luck berta fags. Hope y'all throw out the commies. This country is so fucked in the federal.
I'm sorry master. Don't report me to the hate crime unit
Is there even a decent Province anymore? It's either choosing to live with cucks and shitskins or going Jow Forumsar
Your a fucking idiot if you vote
I like the Alberta Party but I fucking hate that minsing jew Mandel. He continuously ran deficits as Edmonton Mayor. If they had picked anyone else as leader I'd be voting for them.
I'll vote UCP instead, because I'd rather my vote count for something, unlike the Independence party.
>I'd rather my vote count for something
Please don't make me post pics Jason Kenney sucking off circumcised Israel cock. It's getting tiresome. Independence or nothing.
i sincerely hope alberta will elect a separatist party, i hope every province do the same. fuck canada, fuck ontario and everything west of it
I mean, if Ontario was the only province that left, things wouldn't be that bad
ppl do not elect anything
Western Separation has been my dream since I visited Ottawa as a lad during the Chrétien years and saw what a festering shit show of corruption that city and our federal government is.
You act like Canada isn't a vassal state.
>Running away with your pockets empty
Laugh out loud!
The irony!
How about voting against baby dick cut & slurp?
What for lol ? Those fucking canadian cowboys man.
Nah, people are to pussy to vote independence right now. We'll see how next election goes
Newfoundland is pretty based. I'm moving there sometime this summer from southern alberta
Newfie here living in Alberta because that's what we all chose to do. I'd love to move home to the white man's land of Newfoundland. Perhaps in a few years.
As for voting. I forgot to vote. If I'm done work early enough today I might vote. 99.9% chance ucp wins my riding. So either way I don't give a fuck
NDP are going to win lol
In your dreams, commie.
I'm sure alberta would go bankrupt after a few years. What do they have other than oil?
>split vote
This is why we need to get rid of fptp.
Nice try
Calgary Here - Voted for AP
first time cross post sorry
What more do you need than oil..
oh nooo cuckservatives won im soo salty, who cares. Just cause the team you dont like lost doesn't mean you win.
guess im voting liberal then
lookin good
Ontario here, I know you guys hate us but I just want to be around white people. Either moving to northern ontario or out east in a couple of years.
someone to sell it to
I did college in Timmins. There's a lot of white people but there's a lot of Indians (waggon burners) around. Real estate is cheap but outside of the gold mines in Timmins and Cochran there's no work or industry
Edmontonian, voted UCP
It is ironic when you economy is propped up by out of province workers.
Friendly reminder that a vote for the Alberta Party is a vote for the NDP. We need pipelines. We dont need a carbon tax.
Vote UCP.
Hey bro, Beaumont/Leduc here. Also voted UCP
Daily reminder that Mad Max fights for US