I hear prots always say God only lets men become gay if they're reprobates because of Romans 9. Am I damned and there's nothing I can do? I'm not sexually active but I can't turn off my love for cock.
Since God let demons turn me gay am I a reprobate
>god let demons turn me
Only you can let demons turn you.
Ah yeah, this goes into my homo nu-weeb compilation.
go kill yourself faggot
Bro-tip: nofap, from there you spend like 3 months minimum not fapping or at least not using porn, I recommend not faping at all, since the gay is in you and you'll resort to gay thoughts when fapping.
After that you'll be able to introduce hetero porn into your system slowly. I recommend, 18 yos masturbating with a dildo on cam. Dig for a good collection.
Were you touched funny as a kid?
So long as you have accepted Jesus as your Savior you are not damned.
The fags who are proud of it are damned unless they repent.
Everyone is a sinner.
How old are you?
It is normal to be indecisive when you are young, because of the gay propagnanda in the medias, and invasive and massive consumption of porn.
You should try to avoid porn for a time, as well to quit seeing TV. And also try to flirt with girl a little.
How old are you?
It is normal to be indecisive when you are young, because of the gay propagnanda in the medias, and invasive and massive consumption of porn.
You should try to avoid porn for a time, as well to quit seeing TV. And also try to flirt with girl a little.
nice blog faggot
yes, you're a vessel of wrath fitted for destruction
pray that god's wrath upon you will be swift and just
for you anons, know that nu-weebism leads to homosexuality, spread the word
Stop taking religious nutjobs and Jow Forums (basically the same thing) seriously.
But I want to be straight not damned.
You're gay because of being molested, brain damage or toxoplasma, possibly all 3
stop posting pics of lil girls representing your feelings or reactions, that's step one, you wanna be the little girl getting cock up your holes, stop that
This but unironically. You were brainwashed to be a faggot, but luckily faggots are very easy to brainwash. You just need to tough it out so you can fix yourself OP
No, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved
overcome your evil nature of loving big black cocks through meditation and prayer , there is still hope user , there is still hope
DO NOT listen to the serpent, hereYou have tests and choices. I do have empathy for those that have feelings that are not controlled, I can only imagine what a burden it is to carry...but one of many things that separates us as humans from the rest of the animal kingdom...is self-control/self-restraint.
You will not be forgiven if you keep doing the unholy behavior, in order to repent, your unholy actions must not begin, or must not continue in order to be saved.
are you calling that jew a serpent, I’m confused
all sins can be forgiven, including homosexuality. If you don't have gay sex, or masturbate and otherwise do gay things, then you have commited no sin.
If you're getting the idea that homo's can't be saved from andersons meme church, then you're wrong.
This is a lie, once you stick your dick in another man's ass raw you contract harmful bacteria and parasites. The only cure is fire.
>not joining the trap intelligence service to report gay pedophiles in the churches
God also uses the white devils to carry out His will. I was made with no desire for heaven. If God forgives me it's His glory. The truth is I'm willing to suffer an eternity through hell if this temporary life will bring an ounce of justice to the innocent, deus vult!
in other words, being gay is not a sin, rather it is gay acts themselves that are severely sinful. That includes gay fantasies or thoughts, as the good book says,
"You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
Do not allow gay thoughts in your heart either. Of course no one has control over their thoughts, but they can choose to entertain them or reject them - you must reject them every time you have them, and refuse to entertain them, for that is also sinful, even if God willing he does not let you engage in the actual thing you are considering.
we are talking about crimes against God, what do mere parasites matter? This whole world will pass away, parasites and all, but crimes against God will never pass away unless they are forgiven. God can forgive homosexuals, this is a part of the faith. If you refuse to accept this, you are a heretic and a reprobate, and anathema to the teachings of the Church and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
or you know just don't be a fag
You must be a newfag or something people knew for more than a decade now.
Just do what you want my dude and go suck some dicks.
Christianity and abrahamic faiths in general are complete bullshit anyway.
You better figure it out soon, but it's probably too late for you.
merely having the proclivity to sin is not a sin. If chaste homosexuals can't be saved, then no one can.
Shut up and suck my big cock.
Stop watching gay porn.
I was looking for this specific picture, I didn't know they'd become faggots, it's funny, because it's just the fate I wished for them since they begining from being cancerous faggots, no beef with original weebs though, respect where it's due, but the 2012+ wave of nu-weebs must die
>improved mental state.
>Am I damned and there's nothing I can do? I'm not sexually active but I can't turn off my love for cock.
Have you ever seen the Al Pacino Movie "Cruising"?
Watch it, all you're answers will be solved, don't do it for god do it for you.
Based and Pinkpilled