Is it okay to race mix with Pajeetas?

I see a lot of Fempajeets at my work recently and they eyefuck me all the time

Guys I think I'll have some of than delicious brown ass I really can't hold on much longer

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Other urls found in this thread: indian woman


only if high caste and only the whitest looking among them.

about 0% of indians look like that.


>implying that’s what pajeetas look like

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its in the back, dumbass

do they poo on your dick?


You're going to end up with shit on your dick, don't say we didn't warn you.

I don't want to see any more Polish in my lifetime, so yes, it is okay Poleanon, tell your friends to do the same, eliminate your race from the history books and from reality

Subhuman Slav mixed with Aryan Indian...
I hope those qt Indians are smart enough to dodge this bullet.

Some indian girls are cute.

The high caste ones are not bad. Fuck but please don't marry and make sure they raise your children in the Punjab

Behind the girl in pic

The whiter the tighter

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Hell no! they're just as bad as niggers.

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Only the Brahmin looks like that.
Otherwise she could have been raped death on the street.

imagine being so autistic so utterly devoid of all social graces and manliness that you need to check with a bangladeshi competitive horse shoe throwing forum first

one of them even has green eyes, they're cute and willing to fuck so what could go wrong?

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Of course
It’s ok to race mix period
Allah loves infinite diversity

They hate white boys so it doesn’t matter anyway


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Your kids will be low T.

Pic related is what they look like, the one you're all talking about is the rare pure/pureer bred high caste.

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Apus are good frens too.
>Behind the girl in pic
What? It's her mom or sis.

Out of all women that depend on cosmetics and clothes to look good, Pajeetas are by far the worst.
I have never seen a naturally-beautiful Indian woman.
Their Bollywood stars are stunning but 3 months of no shaving and makeup, and they are basically a fucking animal.
God they're gross.
You wonder why Pajeets are so rapey? Look at the fucking women they have to choose from.
Hairy, smelly, unibrow, deranged-face animals.
You wake up the next morning after shagging one I guarantee you'll chew your arm off to escape.

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Don't forget to pick up a starter pack...

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That chick in the background is still a 9/10 Indian but a 3/10 rest-of-world.

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They want light skinned babies.

bro, I know you and your paki gf.

Still more desirable than the ugly cows you dare to call women.


We have women?

She most likely shares common ancestry with Europeans several times over;

Bleach her, user. For the love of god, Bleach her genes.

>We have women?
No, they are cows.

gdzie ty kurwa pracujesz?


weren't you ban or something?

Imagine the smell.

Pajeetas crave white cock. Any of them who are even remotely westernized are desperate for you to ravage them.

A pretty Pajeet girl was flirting with me at work. Turned out to be a single mom but just being Indian was enough of a dealbreaker. You will have Pajeet children who look nothing like you and your Pajeet in-laws will see you as an outsider.

Brown nipples are actually disgusting though, every single pore around the areola is pronounced and god forgive you if there is hair anywhere, it's like copper wire dipped in black rubber


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yeah yeah of coarse its okay, if you want your kids to look like this

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Unibrow? Soul patch?? 0/10

When has this ever happened irl?

If you could choose whould you rather be born fully Polish in Poland or a mixed race?

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Brown ass is literally the best ass. Latinas, Middle Eastern women and Indian women are the best to fuck and their caramel skin tones look great too.

If she has green eyes and I have blue then our children would have blue or green eyes too m8

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Makes sense, do you have any spares?

looks like the bobs burgers guy.

they do a whole lot of raping for "low-T".

I don't know what you are talking about.
pw: niggertonguemyanus

>America doesn't have women

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she can handcuff me anytime

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>Jow Forums user
Haha nice one

shreya show bob and vagene

You have a free will. Don't let others influence your decisions in life.

One of the most based people I know is a pajeet. And they can produce genius level IQs, despite the throngs of streetshitters.

answer my bitch

>mating with a genepool known for having baby dicks
You really shouldn't.

Just ask her to church and see how it goes.
Otherwise you're talking about degeneracy, and it barely matters whether you are fucking a woman, a dog, or some boy on hormones.

anyone can produce high IQ when sampled from a large enough population size.

>it barely matters whether you are fucking a woman, a dog, or some boy on hormones.
you have some seriously low standards.

The nipples are okay. But if she is Indian, I can guarantee there will be hair everywhere unless she is waxing almost daily.

>dat face.

I'm just saying that degeneracy is degeneracy. Does he intend to have a family? Raise children? Is he looking for a good mother? If not, he's down the wrong path regardless, as are a number here.

Someone call me?

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thug life

Poo+Loo(cleaner)=master race
Here you go user equasion to solve your problems

Is that... I mean is that...?

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No. Obviously not. Don't be retarded.

Incidentally if one were to somehow off all sub 130 IQ Asians, blacks, hispanics, and poos. Their avg IQ would (obviously) be significantly higher than the white avg and their populations would be a fraction of the world population.
Could they finally coexist with whites?

Imagine being this desperate

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Your children will be hairy as fuck, especially the girls , if you want your kids to hate you because they will have to rip the monkey hair off themselves alot in order to look acceptable.Do it

poolish & pootato (irish) are bro-tier so it's fine. if it were anglo or muslim i'd probably shoot you.

is it just me or do indian women always have nice bobs? thats at least the case here in the US. literally every single one ive seen in my life has perfect bobbies

Poland is turning into Pooland.

Check out my equasion fags

i'm 100% polish bro

yes, I want an Indian princess and have qt indo-aryan babies

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yes that's why show bob and vagene. Bob comes first, then comes vagene, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage.

OP should've been gassed.

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>one of them even has green eyes, they're cute and willing to fuck so what could go wrong?
>Unibrow? Soul patch?? 0/10
They all have that dark ass-crack that looks like they have shit themselves.
You know what I mean from porn.
It's fucking gross.
Pajeetas are bottom-tier girls, hairy and they look like their ass is dirty.
No wonder they skin-lighten so much. indian woman
Desi porn is disgusting don't say you weren't warned.

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i want to throb on a bob with my knob and end with a glob

he survived with an injury though

the sweet memories , what happend to this fucker?

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Then do it and stop making post and threads on Jow Forums nobody cares what choices you make.

so you don't have a pakistani gf?

you're fucking gay if that search result disgusts you.

I say this because one of the fuckers in my family tree fucked one of those disgusting monkeys and i curse them everyday i have to deal with the garbage unwanted hair. Why they couldn't stick to europeans..

you aint doing shit raj , your women love the anglo dick

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The problem of mating with the super mutt race is the genes they've got shitty or not are just so strong so dominant.

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How about you deport yourself to India and stay there forever? Your predisposition to racemixing makes you worthless.

hindus are japhethians, if you're white you're
japhethian and it's not race mixing to marry a
sweet hindi girl.

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Aside from the hair, do you look exotic?

Remember the 14 words user

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Don't be fooled by their ugliness/smelliness, they're also far more slutty than western women. Did you know that special needs teachers of teens have to be vigilant because if they turn their backs for a moment the teens are banging each other again? Indian men and women in the west are very much the same as retards when they're around each other. Stick to Polish girls, trust me.