Be me 33 years old, bank accountant, no gf, no friends, work is all I do

>be me 33 years old, bank accountant, no gf, no friends, work is all I do
>last 3 years had to work alone with a shitty boss, things were pretty bad between the two of us
>finally a new boss and a new co-worker get appointed into my office
>new boss is a 37 years old male and a bro, he's married with one kid, new co-worker is a 36 years old female, cheerful, helpful and a solid 7.5/10, she's married with two kids
>I am used to work alone, but thanks to them I can finally ease my work schedule and relax
>working feels great now... I have to drive for 190km at day but, I don't really mind, paycheck is still fine
>I get to know better the female co-worker at work, we talk a lot and became friends, she starts to tell me her personal life, I am willing to listen
>she tells me that she almost had an affair a few years ago with a co-worker I know well, people at work still gossip about it sometimes, I feel bad for her
>casually met her husband when she crashed her car (we were going on the same work appointment)
>he kinda looked more worried over the car and not for her, I didn't say anything "inappropriate" not to embarass her
>months passes by
>during work I noticed a younger client hitting on her, she doesn't initially respond to that but, a few days later, I catched a glimpse of a flirt between the two of them
>told her I noticed something was off, she appreciates my concerns and says not to worry about it
>she seemed unsure.. dunno why I should care, that's her business after all, but I felt anxious over the whole situation
>one day I got the bad urge to check her work phone calls, she called the dude a few times
>I am feeling the "stalker vibe" on me now, I don't like it
>ask her the day after if she kept in contact with the dude, she says no, mfw
>tell her everything I did, she kinda looked disappointed, but she wasn't angry or anything.. just sad and confused
>I feel shit now

Sorry for my english.

What the fuck is going on with me? Am I retarded?

Attached: DAFUCKIS.jpg (470x336, 16K)

Are you going to tattle to her husband if she cheats or something? Why are you monitoring her so closely?

Absolutely not, I don't want to ruin her life like that. I don't know why I am monitoring her so closely, maybe after everything she said to me, I am kinda attached to the idea of helping her.. protecting her? This sounds stupid, I know.

Just focus on your own life m8. A thot cheating is none of your concern. Judging by the husbands reaction to the accident he probably suspects it

Why did you tell her what you did retard?
also, it's about to be my first time going to deposit a check at the bank, I won't get asked how I got it right?

Yeah.. I think he caught wind of the past gossip long time ago. He's probably not to happy about it either.

I know, that wasn't the wisest thing to do. I couldn't lie with a straight face.

They won't ask how you got the check, but depends on the sum we are talking about.

I'd say tell her husband, report it to your boss, or stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong
>They won't ask how you got the check, but depends on the sum we are talking about
Not much, just 3.5k

My boss and the co-worker whom she almost had an affair with are friends, so he "knows" a few things too. I spoke briefly with him and he said not to stick my nose into it anymore. That's her business.

You'll be fine, they won't ask you anything about it.. unless, for example, you deposit a check with the same amount every week or month. They might ask you something especially if they don't know what you do for life.

Thanks mate.