>be me 33 years old, bank accountant, no gf, no friends, work is all I do
>last 3 years had to work alone with a shitty boss, things were pretty bad between the two of us
>finally a new boss and a new co-worker get appointed into my office
>new boss is a 37 years old male and a bro, he's married with one kid, new co-worker is a 36 years old female, cheerful, helpful and a solid 7.5/10, she's married with two kids
>I am used to work alone, but thanks to them I can finally ease my work schedule and relax
>working feels great now... I have to drive for 190km at day but, I don't really mind, paycheck is still fine
>I get to know better the female co-worker at work, we talk a lot and became friends, she starts to tell me her personal life, I am willing to listen
>she tells me that she almost had an affair a few years ago with a co-worker I know well, people at work still gossip about it sometimes, I feel bad for her
>casually met her husband when she crashed her car (we were going on the same work appointment)
>he kinda looked more worried over the car and not for her, I didn't say anything "inappropriate" not to embarass her
>months passes by
>during work I noticed a younger client hitting on her, she doesn't initially respond to that but, a few days later, I catched a glimpse of a flirt between the two of them
>told her I noticed something was off, she appreciates my concerns and says not to worry about it
>she seemed unsure.. dunno why I should care, that's her business after all, but I felt anxious over the whole situation
>one day I got the bad urge to check her work phone calls, she called the dude a few times
>I am feeling the "stalker vibe" on me now, I don't like it
>ask her the day after if she kept in contact with the dude, she says no, mfw
>tell her everything I did, she kinda looked disappointed, but she wasn't angry or anything.. just sad and confused
>I feel shit now
Sorry for my english.
What the fuck is going on with me? Am I retarded?