Got that, Euros? You're already used to it. Don't resist.
Got that, Euros? You're already used to it. Don't resist
Do Europeans even know what beaners look like?
I prefer beaners to muslims and negroes.
Those are commie beaners. They are nigger tier.
based, send the entire population of Venezuela to Germany
I had a gf spic , she was alright but idk what to say about this.
The look like muslims but they're Catholic, shorter, speak Spanish, and less hairy
Pretty sure that the ones who are running from that country already got their dose of communism. I still wouldn't want them though.
The beaners will be happier in tolerant Europe than Nazi USA
Thank god they are not coming here anymore
I'm sure Spain will take them, since they're all Hispanics n shieet.
They're worse, you'll regret this belief.
thats exactly what we need. more welfare leecher
No, no, no, they are tired of THEIR brand of communism. The communism they want hasn't been tried yet. It will work, trust me.
The lust for destroying Europe of this people knows no bounds.
They will push people from every shithole to the heart of Germany.
>speaks european language
I don't really see a problem with such refugees
Well then maybe you should take all of them? No problem right? I'm sure Spain will be glad that you're offering.
Imagine Catholic Yugoslavs but browner
Then it settled all of them will be moved to Poland.
Yeah Romanians and albanians fit that bill too and look what they have done to Western Europe. Fuck everybody off
>speak spanish [european language]
>dat ass
I'm unironically fine with this
And they breed like fucking rabbits
Wrong, they just think Maduro did it wrong. They elected the most leftist of the "opposition" parties to be the new leader, Guaido or whatever his name is. He'll do socialism right, no worries.
If this was instead of Muslims and niggers I'd be happy, but it will be as well as.
Big Business sponsor the media and will use the media to get these people into europe
why not just reject them all and live amongst your own people?
Il gladly take beaners or Brazilians.
Brazilians are pretty bro tier we have some in Romania.
No problems so far.
Muslims and gypos are the problems but even gypos are becoming more decent than musrats.
durrrr we dun fucked up our country's economies... please let me feed off yours
One condition send all the musrats and niggers to venezuela.
it's not up to him. it's up to St Merkel
>these Euros ITT who have never interacted with Mexicans
Wew lad, we have another 100m of them we can send you if you want. And yes I used Mexican intentionally, it's all the same thing whether they're double Mexicans (central America) island Mexicans, Communist Mexicans, oil Mexicans, cocaine Mexicans, or whatever.
>durr we fucked US now it's turn to traverse atlantis and go over the continent and ruin europe
These fucking people are locust
This is literally every non white country except for maybe Japan and South Korea
Fine by me, if we must have any I choose Christians.
they will keep voting for socialism believing that this time they will get the good end of it
People from here going to countries like France and Germany are pretty much leftists, anyway.
>Pedro, let me tell you about this nation Sweden. They are like the gringos of gringos, twice aa gullible. They give you more gibs, have more attractive and easier women, and don't even ask you to work.
>ay carramba Juan! how can I apply?
Wrong they dont understand Chavez left they a bomb. They blame it all on Maduro and think communism is great.
Good. Europeans must accept more refugees, it is their burden seeing as how they are so developed. (unfairly)
This is exactly what I saw.
You won't after they hit critical mass. They are lazy, stupid, and cheerfully give two fucks about the law.
>Pretty sure that the ones who are running from that country already got their dose of communism.
No you dumb shit, they VOTED for Communism and are now fleeing the results. Just like the mudslimes want sharia law and then flee the results. Fuck them. Fuck all of them. There is no such thing as better-tasting shit.
I thought it was this at first on the picture op posted kek
exactly what i saw too
really underrated