Smashing time

I got some hammers and lighter fluid who’s in

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If you're gonna bust up their main monument, you gotta take a headshot, no funny business, no screw ups

will probably require military weaponry desu

MOABS for m*cca

I want to use the materials to make a toilet

You know you will die for this? It may not even be quick

Subscribe to pewdiepie

Islam is the cancer. A bullet to the head is the cure. Islam is a disease that seeps deep into the bodies of human beings in Islamic communities and people start reeking of Islam. Nobody likes that smell.

We need a worldwide movement to kill ever single Muslim man, woman, and child because all of them are ticking time bombs

Couldn't someone just rig up a drone with some fertilizer and take the top off that thing? Maybe put a Israel flag on the drone too.

Nigga you just salty bcos you get your asses kicked whenever you try to invade third world countries look what happened in Vietnam and Algeria LOLOLOLOLOL all you can do now is have temper tantrums on the internet while we take over your countries from within

This has to be the thousandth time I've heard this

I can't believe that my taxpayer dollars pay the CIA, to put up a job posting for Agent Provocation, where it list under job duties: Shitpost on Jow Forums.

Israel? As in, the israel that can't even advance a few miles into Lebanon without getting pwned LMFAO

Nigga what you doing with the loser flag. Is your mum's name Dresden? Cos her pussy got DESTROYED by big black cock LOOOOOOOOL

Like, dude, it's a fucking box with 4 walls. They will rebuild it back in two days.

Circumstances and ((subversion)) made the west enemies with Islam. You never heard about vindictive shit and terrorist attacks from muslims untill the megakikes in power decided to pin us against each other and make our soldiers die for Israel. You're fighting the wrong enemy m8.

Are you jealous?

Drone + napalm
Heute ich und morgen du

Theres a meteor inside

we are making a False flag idiot

Go back to instagram and stay the fuck off this board

meteor is embedded on one of the corners I though, in a silver vagina-shaped holder

No, it's an important pre-Mohammedan pagan temple from the late Bronze Age/early Iron Age, and it needs to be preserved.

You don't even know where Meca is you dumb fat Americunt. Don't you havea nigger and alien problem to slove in our land of the free niggas ?

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This. It has been destroyed a few times before and we just go about the next day to rebuild it. Its last rebuilding was in 1996 (still older than OP and the larpers ITT).

Do it lmao. I hope the next time we rebuild we get to replace the black color to its former color during the Prophet's (pbuh) days: Yemeni White.

or maybe like during the abbasid caliphates where they changed the colors three times a year.

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Cope incel. Keep LARPing online.

While you're right, you're also wrong.

ALL abrahamic religions get the rope.