How the fuck do I cope with being 5'8''?

How the fuck do I cope with being 5'8''?

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sleep on the flow and you’ll become taller. I was 5’8 cuz of bad posture abt a year ago and now I’m 6’


>How the fuck do I cope with being 5'8''?

go hang out with people who are shorter than you lmao

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It could be worse user, I'm 5'5" and beyond the age where I can do anything about it. I just try to think of things I wouldn't be able to do if I was taller.

By realizing we have great metabolism and it takes like 3 months of working out to look ripped? Who gives a fuck man, worrying about your height is just a classic symptom of Jow Forums brain

I'll try to learn how to not give a fuck about this, but would my height affect my ability to get women?

Date a girl who's 5'0" obviously

You can't do a thing about your size, stop thinking about it

I'm 5'5 and I have a girlfriend

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Cope? Over what?

wear platform shoes or even better, stilts.

You could be 5 feet tall, balding and fat and still get a decent woman, my dude

>One chance at life
>Only grow to 5'10

I can't fucking deal with this. I would give ANYTHING to be 6 foot or over.

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And thats what really hurts. You cant work your ass off and become taller.
Even the most dedicated and hardworking gogetter cannot grow taller, whereas the disfunctioning crackhead is born to grow >6'.
Fuck this gay earth

Are you stupid or lying? At your height every inch more brings more disadvantages.

The fuck are you talking about? In what way is any man disadvantaged by being 6 foot?

>Be 6ft
>no friends for a decade
>never had a gf

Kill yourself op you'll never learn

Its not about height. It's about making reasons to love yourself, whether it be through working on your self, achieving success, having good friends, or giving to others.

I'm 5'5" and have had pretty decent success with women. 5'5" is either equal to median female height or just above in the US, so you're probably taller than like 85-95% of women. I've got a number of friends and relatives who are ~5'7" ish and they've all had pretty good success as well.

If you're having trouble, the problem is you. So fix that.

Oh, and stay off of this Web site. It's poisonous to your mind. In the real world no one cares that much.

You could be 5'8" and balding, so it's not THAT bad

be like my dad
he was 5'11" when he was 20, but when he was 21 he magically grew to 6'4"

To all you "men" under 6 feet, what kind of tampons do you use?

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>At your height every inch more brings more disadvantages.
That only applies to guys higher than 6'3-6'4

Do you have a big dick? If yes then you’re good. But if you have a small dick then make sure you’re really handsome or idk, dress really nice, adopt new mannerism.

>be 10 year old me
>always been the shortest kid in school, often got picked on because of it
>Made me really sad and told my mom
>We went to a height specialist together
>He did all kinds of test and showed me a graph with my expected growth when I would be 20
>Graph said I would be 5'8 by then and asked me if I wanted to take growth hormones
>Mom convinced me not to take growth it because "5'8 is average user!" (topkek ikr)
>Decide to not take the growth hormone
>Be me right now (22y/o), ended up being 5'7


ropecope is the only way my man

What kind of odd life do i need to live to be a man worried about literal inchs?

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find a gf who is shorter than you

muthafucka i'm 5'5 but I don't give a shit because there are way more things that give me depression and i've pretty much forgotten about it

If you think 5'8" is too short then get a measuring stick and crouch down a couple of notches to match the height of a 5'1"/4" dude from head to toe. You'll immediately notice that by their pov you are fucking huge in comparison. Despite what you may think, height is definitely relative.

If you still feel unsatisfied about stating your real height than you can just lie and claim you're actually 5'10 / 6'. A short person will likely think you are telling the truth because of the extreme difference in perspective.

I am 5'8 myself and the only times where I've been noted as short was when I was standing next to other men much taller than me. It is, funny enough, the complete opposite when I'm surrounded by folks around the same height as me. Women in particular will think you are tall, regardless what people may say.

Just be fortunate that you're incapable of performing limbo under a public bathroom stall for fuck's sake.