Capitalism is goo--

>Capitalism is goo--

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medicine comes from capitalism.

Capitalism is just as toxic as communism.

So does immoral practices,
rapid resources exploitation,
and so so on
>inb4 socialism does that too
yeah no shit sherlock, because it never works, but let's fix our shit first.

So wat do?

Capitalism only works if it's just whites involved and degnerate acts are illegal

whats the problem of that image?
Harry Potter outperformed this whole monopoly in a matter of months and it was written by a single woman.
Your image pretends to imply a big impact on our society while reality being very different.

Insert your failed ideologies and disregard for reality in your asses, normies.

Capitalism would work fine if we got rid of Jews.

Disney ruined intellectual property laws for everyone by forcing the govt to extend their ownership of that stupid mouse. Now people can milk some money-making "property" forever while using the money to copyright even more things, stifling innovation and contributions from smaller creators.

Evil corporation they are even exploiting the sun for profits.

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>Written by a single woman
Remember that before the invention of toilets in the Harry Potter universe wizards would just shit and magic it away

so what? you need to be at least 18 to post there

Also pretty much this.

Choose the Third Position.

Capitalism and communism have the same end game -- you end up a wage cuck slurping down products, worshipping materialism.

Evil corporation exploits workers by providing healthcare and education.

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>being this retarded
user, I am usually very much against memeflaggotry, but in your case, please in the future never post with our beloved flag again. You're embarrassing the entire country.

>There real problem is capitali-

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> monopolies is capitalism.
yeah you stupid piece of shit, not like braking down monopolies and foreign treats are some of the only thing the government really needs to do.... oh wait...

Pretty much. If people aren't dumb they won't be happy and if they're healthy they won't die fast enough to minimize the chances of ever noticing things are shit.

If you go beyond the 170 IQ range it's either suicide or going coo coo

The fact that there are aspects of capitalism that sucks doesn't mean it isn't vastly better system than communism. See north Korea, Venezuela or Zimbabwe. I would rather deal with shitty companies selling some shitty product then deal with absolute poverty and starvation. Also Market is fundamentally social.

>Capitalism and Communism
two sides of the same shekel

Third position is the only right answer.

Zimbabwe is capitalist.
The other two are being denied access to dollar transactions for purely ideological reasons.
Kill yourself for being a bootlicking Belieber kike.

Capitalism has its flaws and is not perfect, but that's the closest we will get to perfect any time soon.

Friendly reminder Disney only survives because of copyright.
Friendly reminder copyright is not capitalism.

>zimbabwe is capitalist
No motherfucker, Botswana is capitalist, and it's the richest African country.

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Friendly reminder that capitalism can't survive without growth, and that when any possibility of organic growth has subsided, permission slips and rents inevitably become the basis of the capitalist economy.

Read this then kill yourself, kike.

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>US economy is capitalist
>not Conglomo-fascist
Free-market doesnt apply to the oligarchs. TARP bailouts were not capitalist.

>posts shitty uninformed pasta
>tells others to kys
You probably don't know who this guy is.

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National socialism, contrary to popular belief nazi Germany wasn't corporatist, if what you were doing was putting profits above the good of the people or workers Hitler would fuck your shit up.

>be successful rich country
>decide to try out communism because muh inequality
>become 3rd world shithole

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WSB is leaking

Hitler was dog shit economist compared to German chancellors post world war2 that rebuild germany back to economic superpower.

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>b-but I don't have anything in my talking points list about that so I'm going to call it uninformed
>and anyway that's not REAL capitalism!
>calls othes a shill
You have daddy issues. May I suggest you find it with this fine Polish-made target pistol.

Capitalism has a strict definition: the ownership of private property and the surplus therefrom.

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Wonder what will happen why they run out of things to buy.

And? Would you rather the government run those companies instead?

why? would that make a difference?

>has no arguments
>is resorting to projecting and straw-man
Name 1 (one) example of successful communist economy.

there are anti-monopoly laws in the US though

>Government interfered monopoly is the same as Free market capitalism

Companies can skirt around that by supporting the same government that made those laws. OP's picture is an example of what happens when government interferes with the capitalist system

The difference is that people don't care when they work for government. Quality doesn't matter, they get paid anyway. When there is multiple companies, they compete with each other, when the workers don't care, the company goes bankrupt. Government organizations can't go bankrupt therefore they don't care.

>I need a daddy
>workplace democracy can't possibly be a thing
Do we need mass media at all? Is your """neeed""" for AAA vidya destroying society?

>flips back to page 1 of my shill binder
>transcribes talking point furiously
Why? You'll move the goalposts and redefine success as you like it, and on top of that ignore the sabotage that the West gleefully and proudly admits to performing.
Go back to rebbit.

A market is a set of rules. It is absolutely impossible to have a """free""" market. You're repeating kike propaganda from the 1940s and you're too cucked to even know or care. Stop larping.

There are hardly any true monopolies in USA. Name the ones you know.

>Supporting Keyens kike and "government spending"
The free market does exist nigger

>Why? You'll move the goalposts and redefine success as you like it, and on top of that ignore the sabotage that the West gleefully and proudly admits to performing.
>Go back to rebbit.
The only goalpost so far is that communist is shit to matter the circumstances you absolute moron.

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dw I'm familiar with this concept but I was wondering if it would really change the propaganda they're shitting out
it sounded to me like user was happy being fed lies constantly as long as it's not the gubement

Thank you for conceding the argument.
You and your entire people are shit no matter the circumstances. You whine about your butthurt worse than jews. You can't get off without daddy's dick up your ass and you think that's good and proper and normal.

Poleanon IS happy being fed lies as long as it's not the gubmint. Poles are sadomasochistic and dumb. The jokes are real.

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It's a good system, but only for a certain duration. Over time everything just gets absorbed by the largest corporations. Competition slowly disappears and you end up with monopolies everywhere.

In the earlier stages when there's lots of competition that's when it shines the most.

>Thank you for conceding the argument.
You and your entire people are shit no matter the circumstances. You whine about your butthurt worse than jews. You can't get off without daddy's dick up your ass and you think that's good and proper and normal.
grow up

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This government sanctioned monopoly is the reason why unregulated markets work, the post.