GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest

Some things never change.

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I wish I said goodbye to you on your last day.
I missed you and would've pulled an anime ass confession if I knew.

Oh well, hope you're doing better now.

Gotta always live in reality

My motivation is at an all time low and I cannot drive to see a therapist because I still don't have my licence after 7 tests. Now I have to take safe-driving courses with a complete stranger and wait another 5 months to actually take the test again while also balancing work and college.

I cannot help the fact that I have both a double whammy of disabilities, autism and anxiety.

I cannot control my anger, and continue to have bouts of self-doubt and feeling sorry for myself. I bottled it up through and through and now it's manifesting itself as another part of me that is constantly wishing death upon people I'll never meet. I'll also have diabetes soon as well due to constantly being on the go and having to eat gunk.

I don't know what the fuck to do except keep going, but it's starting to weigh down on me. Save me from this prison.

So, I tried to talk someone I know out of talking to some creepy manchild twice her age who was clearly just looking to take advantage.
Basically destroyed any bit of friendship over the past 2 years. Was accused of being "jealous" and everything under the sun.
Truth is, I didn't even see it as a romantic thing since I'm currently involved with a lady my own age, just saw it as a father-daughter type thing. Even had a dream about holding a (non-existent) daughter by the hand and walking through an airport recently.

Fact of the matter is, she isn't my daughter and I'll let her get up to whatever retarded shit she wants to since she laughed in the face of my advice. May as well aspire to have an actual daughter if my dream was telling me anything.

When I was 11 my bestie moved away and I was sad and a little pissed, didn't hear from her for months then out of the blue she called me and told me about her new place, the new music she liked (yt link related) , said she missed me and she wanted me to go to her birthday in a few weeks. I remember how excited I was that I was going to see my friend again.
Right before her birthday I was finishing my paper route when I saw my parents. I thought it was cool that they were joining me for the walk home. Then my father stops me and says, "sweetie I hate to be the bearer of bad news..." I can't remember what they said exactly after that but I found out that my friend died from an asthma attack.
It still hurts and I couldn't quite make friends the same way after that.

Not to be a femcel but if you got to know me I think we would be really good together.

It's been over a week since I showered. I didn't shower yesterday and I don't know if I'll shower today. It feels normal to fuck myself up like this staying inside and not exercising for no reason other than being upset. Then, when I realize I messed up on purpose I become even more upset. I'm aware enough of my own failings, but I just feel so depressed that it feels fine. I'm too embarrassed or prideful to seek help either, I can't tell which it is. I've been unemployed for a year too, but my mother is kind enough to not kick me out. everybody wants me to get help or do things myself without help since I'm suppossed to be an adult, but I never felt like one. I hear people say it's like something you won't feel overnight, but I never really understood that. There I go digressing again, I have a hard time focusing but it's okay. Today might be different. I never worked on my good habits since no one ever got on my case, but this week could be different. I don't know much about autism and it makes me unreasonably mad to think I might have a problem or special condition since it makes me feel stupid, but I may have developed some kind of disorder over the past few years. I'm going to try and see what I could do here, since I know I could drop every mobile game or side activity I want to get it together, but I cling to these things so easily. It doesn't help when people say that "you should be able to fix yourself without dropping everything else". Shit like that makes me look back at my actions and wonder if there really is a disorder that can be developed from playing videogames too often. At the very least, I've probably developed some kind of dependency on them as a form of coping.

I just wanted to type this so that I can feel like I'm talking to someone because I feel like I can't do that with anyone around me without feeling awful in some way.

I'll always deserve to murder them I want to

It'll be funny when your head gets cut off

I deserve to kill you

Anime as given me an unrealistic standard on girls and hentai has given me an fucked up view on sex.

Attached: Best_Monster.png (1600x2600, 2.79M)

I feel like your suicide was my fault and 6 years later I can't stop condamning myself for it.

I want to immobilize you so I can have my way with harming you

>last time asked her if she was free on a few days
>she replied back saying she wasn't free on one of those days
>my mind took that to mean she's not interested at all in a second date
>also dealing with the fact she's got friends, large intact family, goes to festivals and parties
>I just work, have no friends, small not intact family, and my foreseeable future is basically more of the same except more money
>still would've seen each other regularly but she dropped out of something

God fucking dammit

Life isn't pleasant. It's been difficult going from suicidal neet to working and studying at the same time. I still have bad habits it's just that I'm so busy they aren't possible. I still hate myself, hide my life and failures. At this rate I will achieve my goal of a career I can take care of a mortgage on but it's an empty life. I put all this effort into escaping neethood but I never put any effort into being happy.

Happy Fathers day even though you ain't one

I'm shitting water

Hey everybody, first time posting here, because I'm really in despair rn. I'm considering breaking up with my qt 3.14 Asian gf.

Yesterday my gf of 4 years told me - we were drinking a bit and then somehow came to the topic of exes - that a week or so before we became a couple (we were dating before that for 3 weeks) she still was meeting her ex and having sex with him.

I'm a guy, and I know, if she told me this at that time, I would have stopped seeing her and we wouldn't be a couple now, because that's a no go for me. If you're dating someone seriously with the intention of finding a permanent monogamous partner, you shouldn't see others on the side or even have sex with them and the worst is with her ex.

And now I'm feeling like my relationship is build upon a lie. Because telling something that isn't true and not telling something that is true is a lie in my eyes. Both ways.

Not to be a lithium cell but if you lost weight he probably would.

Liking the music I do doesn't mean I'm seekritly miserable, there are options in the world that aren't hypersexual pop bullshit or ancient recordings of hippies moaning over acoustic guitars. My friends are not criminals or alcoholics, and there's a reason they know me better than you do. How the fuck can you meet so many people, how can you acknowledge human diversity enough to be completely accepting of LGBT people and people with autism and a hundred other things, but you can't get any of this through your thick fucking skull?

What is this post about?

I hate summer. It's constantly storming or going to storm, which means I'm in pain 5 days out of the week. Every weekend I'm getting dragged to social bullshit.
>my kid has a summer thing pls come
>I'm having a cookout pls come
>oh look a holiday pls come see us
>I'm grilling come over lol
>oh shit another holiday
I need to be left the fuck alone to recover but I don't even get that. I can't hide in my room because my s.o sleeps during the day. I can't sit in the common areas because the housemate has an open work schedule, no other friends, no girlfriend, and NEVER. EVER. LEAVES.

So I still wanna fuck my mom's cousin who is like 20 years older than me.
Not like it's ever gonna happen, so whatever.

Mid-late teens?

I met a woman on PoF who's a bit of a femcel. She's kind of clingy and annoying, but I don't have the heart to tell her to get lost.

Statistically speaking, if I kill myself it's really not that special or uncommon at all. In fact, aparently it's the leading cause of death for people about 16-44 in my country. So when you think about it like that, my suicide really is no big deal at all.

What does she do that’s annoying?

Constant sending of messages and photos about shit I just don't care about. She's a nice woman, but it just gets old. I know it's partly my fault for not just getting rid of her, though. So that's as far as my whining and ranting goes.

It's a big deal to your mom

I’m tired of your bullshit.

About this.. you could apologize and admit you were wrong and be supportive just to get her to introduce you. Keep your enemies close kind of thing.

I just felt this urge to say something..sorry

sex dolls are already immobile

I know, but I'm trying to trivialise it so that I can finally do it. The thought of her reaction absolutely guts me... even my dad's to a lesser extent. But at the same time I'm just about at the end of my tether; I'm over life and I want to die. I have for a long time. I cannot see a way forward anymore and I'm not interested in wasting my time on useless therapy.

You’d better look up for better date than me

Let me be realistic, this is a damage control thing. No matter what I do, this going to turn out badly. Shame on me I guess, this is my fault. I need to be a lot more responsible.

I don't know your exact problem but I was in a similar spot of a long period of unemployment and academic failure. It took a few years and false starts but I was able to get a job, go back to studying.

Do you message her first ever or is it just one sided? I’m trying to learn to not be annoying ;_;

Nah, you're probably right, I just don't know if I can face her now.
Thing is, there's no need to introduce. Guy's a pretty infamous namefag on a small circlejerk imageboard whos admitted to molesting an underage and various other things. I hope that puts my anger about the situation into perspective.

There are a lot of contributing factors, but I guess I'd sum it up by saying that life is a cycle of shit and mediocrity that's stuck on loop. Almost everybody, myself included, is on this loop where nothing ever happens and for some reason most people are fine with it when it's actually mind numbing. If all I'm going to do is circle the drain for the next 40 years then I might as well just dive in now.

You're the only one in my dreams. Just you and I. Together. It's hard to wake up because it's the only time I can see you anymore.

>Constant sending of messages and photos about shit I just don't care about
This is relative. He doesn’t care enough about her to be supportive of her interests so everything comes off as annoying. Or they have nothing in common and there is no effort to find some common ground.
Don’t stress about being annoying. What one person finds annoying, another will find endearing. Just be you.


Yw :)

Happy fathers day my love.

I wish I could simply hate doctors who fuck up my life, but I blame myself for trusting people.

I think I'm disappointed in you right now but you better come back soon, okay? Everything feels so much emptier if I don't have you here.

You're so stupid.

Oh, I hope you die a slow torturous death too.

Do the least, most minimal effort at exercising. Next time do the same but a fraction of a gazzilion more intensely. You could also start by picking up 'the way of the peaceful warrior' by dan milman, and you just might get something out of it if you read it till the end. Someone might piss on me for recomending this, but this would have happened for every recommendation since this Jow Forums, you have to start somewhere, and if you are in the condition you say you are you should not care about that, and just start somewhere. For me, I have realised since I was young that when I am thrown in a new environment, my survival mechanisms awaken, and that takes care of motivation from there. Maybe something as simple as living at a friend's house for a couple of weeks could do that for you. Try some new stuff out, and dare to run away from the things that make you feel like shit (takes some fucking courage). Or you can start from the zero effort steps and build up from there, one at a time. A journey of a thousand miles begins whith just one step

Glad you're gone.

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Have you lived together?

I deserve a molten chocolate lava cake and 2 deep dish pizzas.

Never, no.

I've been wishing you were dead a lot lately. Not sure if I should just play out the whole thing on my head and move on or just try to suppress the "bad thoughts"

Why are you disappointed? No expectations equals no disappointments

earlier today a friend sent me a big post about how hes got some mental issues, and I feel terrible because I only know him online and I wish I could help
I've had a feeling theres been something going on with him for a while, but I didn't want to pressure him unless he felt comfortable talking to me
hes a great friend and I wish the best for him

Just plain rude

Because he hurt someone special to me.

I'm sorry user. Did he/she die?

Ahh are they as disappointed as you are? Also, why would you want someone who hurts people in your life?

I am initiating a three strikes and you’re out rule in my life that is retroactive through the beginning of the year. Thus far it’s N and M out of my life. Feels good.

I'm Still The Best Around

I want to give up

I always give people the benefit of the doubt because you never know what is going on in their life. They may not reply for a few days because one of their parents died. Or they were sick. Or they needed a few mental health days for themselves. I never hang up on someone or ghost another person because the next thing they say might bring clarity to their perspective or the situation. I forget slights and never hold grudges because my memory is shite and I’ve made plenty of mistakes with those I loved. Forgiveness allows my energy to be spent on better pursuits than anger and resentment. But it all ends today. Fuck everything and everyone. I’m done with all your bullshit and will be just as selfish, entitled, and heartless as you all.

I'm starting to yearn more and more for you. I'd be so proud of us being together. I know we could make each other very happy.
I wouldnt wanna interfere with this, but I wish you left your bf lmao

What happened to upset you?

I shouldn't have said anything

Interaction of factors but primarily the realization I don’t have a single person I can count on in my life. Yet I am expected to constantly give my time and efforts for everyone else. When I establish boundaries, it’s only met with gaslighting. Enough is enough.

No he's not dead. Just someone who won't leave my mind. A one sided love type of thing...

I'm trying to focus on other things but my mind doesn't care about that. I'm always dreaming. It's nice, but I want it to be real.

The concrete forest is a fucked up place to be. On the up side, the animals make things interesting.

To Chipmunk: I loved talking with you yesterday! It was so much fun. You have no idea how much hope and life your friendship is bringing me. I can hardly wait for next weekend. It's going to be so awesome just hanging out with you. I hope nothing ever gets in our way.

To the stray dog: I knew you were going to come crawling back. You're too scared to reach out and take what you want. You feel you have sunk in too much time to something you thought you wanted because it was "normal", but now you see it's not what you want and feel obligated to continue even though it hurts everyone involved. And that's pathetic. Let this wolf go. You will never be able to run with me.

To the Tanuki: You are right for once. Just once. But only partially. To be frank, you assume too much and aren't nearly as clever as you think. Stop assuming and painting in things that aren't there, damnit. It's annoying. Also you drink too much. You need to cut back.

I wish talking to women was easy for me. It feels like all too often I like women, but I can't keep an actual conversation besides words out of my mouth.

Today I met a woman I thought I would never meet again and she seemed so super nice when I first met her and now I met her again but that was that then right? You always meet twice right but you only do meet twice that was my chance with her. Arrgh

That dog part hurts, rikes I hope that’s not me.
Take care on your journey through this jungle, Wolfkun

They’ll always test your boundaries. You have to limit or cut contact with these people. Don’t change who you are instead.

It's heavily one-sided. I very rarely initiate conversations. In fact I think the first time we spoke was the only time I initiated any conversations; the rest of the time it was her. But it's really more the frequency and asinine nature of them that gets annoying.

>He doesn’t care enough about her to be supportive of her interests so everything comes off as annoying.
No it really is that she messages me loads and never actually has anything to say.

I miss you.

I want to see you.

>Don’t change who you are instead
Ty. You are right

I'm gonna end up breaking up with the guy who used to be my oneitis because it's become clear he never actually wanted me in the first place, just someone. Definitely gonna be my last relationship, I'm just not made for them.

It is hard to be a wolf when you were raised a dog. Hard, not impossible. If you don't want to be the stray dog, free yourself. Take what you want.

More towards my stray dog: You don't have it good when you aren't happy or fulfilled. Don't think that staying somewhere where you are unhappy will make others happy. They can tell you are not happy even if they say nothing. Don't think leaving will make others miserable forever. The pain is temporary: they will recover and be better without you. Don't do things just because they are "normal". Do them because they are right for you.

The hard life is a free life. I would rather have a hard life and a chance at happiness than an easy life in a cage.

Do you live together?

>or they have nothing in common and there is no effort to find some common ground
Don’t dissect to suit your interests. That can be manipulative and misleading.
>it’s heavily one-sided
>the frequency and asinine nature of them that gets annoying
>she messages me loads and never anything has anything to say
You are not initiating, or contributing, anything of interest either. This is a very clear case of you not being interested in any sort of friendship or relationship with her, yet have not told her so directly. It doesn’t matter if she sent you the cure for cancer, you’d still be annoyed.

Nope, thank fuck for that

Good for you for being self-confident to know you want and deserve more from a relationship. However, please don’t let this experience inhibit you from being in a great relationship in the future.

I'm used goods now, there's no point. What I want is him, I just never deserved that in the first place.

>I'm used goods

This is silly. People want others for who they are. Being a virgin or not is irrelevant to everyone who isn't a strict religious person. Nobody cares if you have had sex or been in a relationship before. Make sure you have no STDs (your local health department can check you for free) and no kids and you're good.

Just give me your mail

>Not to be a femcel but if you got to know me I think we would be really good together.

I tried to get to know you, I asked you several times to tell me about yourself, but you refused to tell me.

>I’m tired of your bullshit.

So then why did you stick around stalking me for over two years? Why didn't you put a restraining order and/or contact order against me this whole time?

>You're the only one in my dreams. Just you and I. Together. It's hard to wake up because it's the only time I can see you anymore.

What a crock of shit. You honestly expect me to buy this shit? You don't give a fuck about me. You're just manipulating me by feeding my ego just so you can break my heart yet again.

>I think I'm disappointed in you right now but you better come back soon, okay? Everything feels so much emptier if I don't have you here.

Gee. I would have never guessed that you wanted me to stick around here when you kept on blocking me everywhere, ignoring my phone calls and text messages, threatening to put a restraining order and/or contact order against me...

>I've been wishing you were dead a lot lately. Not sure if I should just play out the whole thing on my head and move on or just try to suppress the "bad thoughts"

So you want me to stick around while simultaneously wishing me to be dead? Interesting.

>Because he hurt someone special to me.

Who did I hurt? Your husband? I wouldn't have hurt him if you hadn't be unfaithful. I would have never told him about you being unfaithful if it hadn't been the truth.

>I am initiating a three strikes and you’re out rule in my life that is retroactive through the beginning of the year. Thus far it’s N and M out of my life. Feels good.

How many strikes have I had so far? Two? What were they for?

>I miss you.

Sure you do.

Good way to ruin your love life you infantile idiot. Not everything revolves around you, you're never someone's absolute dream person, and to ask for that is to expect for fables to be real which they are not, no matter what your surface level image of other happy couples tells you. Get your delusional head out of your ass. If they love you now, what matters it? People crave love,but sometimes that just means anyone good enough, not a fairytale. That's because they're mentally adults. You know what? I've changed my mind, leave them, they don't deserve a selfish, narcissistic and all around terrible person such as you. Show them this post as well, it will help them get over your sorry ass cunt.

A year ago I was a virgin, and I decided to change that. Since I'm bad at meeting new people and showing interest, I asked a friend out. She is nothing special but I had very low self steem and she accepted.
Turns out we hang out multiple times until we became a couple. I lost my viginity. Then, she started to feel insecure about my lack of experience, saying that she was afraid that I was going to leave her to go single and experiment with other women. At the same time, I thought that she isn't all of that and going to relationship status was a rush, a mistake.
We discussed a few times and decided it's best to split up, no big fight, still friends.
She goes to parties and picks up a lot of people, she is being asked out, there's no shortage for her. While I'm back to the semi-inceldom. I have fewer friends then before, less time since I'm working full time now, and the same lack of confidence and little to none perspective about women and relationships. I keep strugling to meeting girls. Now I fear going lonely until I decide to ask anyone out and make the same mistakes again.

I genuinely despise women.

And men.

I hate everyone.

Well that escalated quickly. Have some (You)s. Hope you feel better, bro

I feel just fine, thanks. Idiots annoy me, though :^)

>Take what you want
I don’t want to take...
You are right in everything you posted. I don’t know if I have the heart to do what’s right. Becoming the prodigal dog, return happier than ever, but to take what’s mine? when nothing is mine in my eyes.
Eating breaks my heart.

One more post to help me figure this shit out that I’m so hung up on?
I appreciate all that you wrote.

You chubby bitch message me back

>I want to see you.

Sure you do. I bet that your ego must be well-fed right now after I had already told you that I was leaving you and then I returned a few hours later to respond to you only to block you. You really are a narcissistic sociopath, aren't you? Gee now I'm wondering why the hell you didn't just block me first and put a restraining order and/or contact order against me over a year ago. Were you really interested in what I had to say to you, or were you just screwing with me the whole time? If you were screwing with me the whole time, then that suggests that you're the worst person out of the two of us. Either that, or you were testing me. But you had already told me that the people in your field can't test people without their consent. Especially not over the internet. I wonder what would happen if word got out that you could test people over the internet in this manner? Then all the laypeople would be doing it. Interesting how you would screw with someone who has depression in this manner. Really shows what sort of person you are. But you don't care, do you?

You win the larp off please show us mercy

But he doesn't love me, user. Rage all you like but I'm not staying with someone who's with me because they feel like they simply don't have any other option. I hope you'd do the same.

You must be single

I want to see you too...