How do you deal with the pain of it all, lads?

How do you deal with the pain of it all, lads?

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long distance running

I drink and I make musical instruments.

I simply live with it

Get a wife you dumb fuck

Make suffering = nobody relies on you = your existence is pointless

I just stop and remember that I'm not a filthy goy but a gods chosen with a superior IQ, silicon valley of a country with one of its kind military.

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Whenever I'm feeling like a little bitch, I do a set of pushups.

Modern gaming is cuck kiery. Gaming used to be for white BY white men, but they had to take that away from us too. Inject anti-white jewish propaganda in EVERY GAME. "Yes goy, kill the KKK and save the black man!" Yes goy, kill those germans, they think that white people should control Europe, show them that's WRONG!" It goes on and on. Even games like Civilization are cucked, equating African civs with Europeans ones is just plain fantasy.

A fucked up sense of humor.

I refuse to play any game or watch any movie with a jew involved. Obviously, this limits my choices, but the choices are out there.

You add a couple cigars to that OP
Also start learning more, never stop learning.
Move to America too.

alcohol doesn't do it for me any more. at least i still have my unhealthy fatty foods.

>superior IQ
Still 50 years behind the nazis when it comes to space.
Then how did Germans kill 6 million of you bastards then? A lot of good IQ does when your brains are splattered on the pavement, eh kike.

I study Marcus Aurelius’s meditations and discipline myself not to be a man controlled by his emotions like a piece of trash being blown around in the wind. Are you a master of your own destiny or a result of your circumstances?

Man up.

lots of phenibut

Look up RSDTyler on youtube and start learning.

by not being a lottle bitch

Find strength in the words of your ancestors. Comport yourself like a white man.

I'm waiting for Elder Scrolls VI

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making explosives and tying them to rats. Gonna set them off on Raturday

get some four roses (preferably small batch) sometime if you have that in the Uk. It's better, and cheaper than maker's mark (in jewsa)

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I work for the great future in my own small ways

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I focus on my hatred

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Read books, lift weights, eat well, talk to strangers, and love God.
Definitely stop distracting yourself with booze and video games.
That shit won't ever help.


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Also, you already know what you need to do. Just do it. If you don’t have the will, you just haven’t suffered enough yet. Don’t resist it, let yourself slip and see what you become, then you will know what you really want in life.

i have a high tolerance

Drinking, doing coke, and fapping excessively to copious amounts of weird fetish porn and erotica

This is /sig/ general. Probably more impactful and important than 90% of threads on here.

The same way you do. But I drink Natty Daddys, and just watch anime in my alone time.

>Learn to code
>Learn electronics
>Have fun

Same, I drink. Pretty much a bottle of vodka in the evening about 4-5 days a week. I have whisky tonight too but it's cheap shit, no point in getting pissed on something decent.

Go get some sun and buy some guns to have fun with.

Oh wait...

Lel when you believe in God in 2019, well cuck psedomuslims got to go too. P.s. you're psedomuslim as it the same religion/people.

I feel like Maker's has gone downhill lately. Bought a bottle a few months back and it was waaay harsher than I remembered.
I personally have been enjoying some Nikka Taketsuru lately. The Japs learned their whiskey good.

>Maker's Mark
Good taste my British friend

Videogames and weed my friend.

>the forest

Good game user. Spooks the fuck out of me

Drink, lift weights, play games, read, shoot

Lmao be honest dude u're mad cuz shaka roasted your ass in civ 5

No way that makes you a cuck!!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to lament about the low white birth rate.

Four Rose's single barrel is one of the better buys for bourbon my friend.

And lift user forgot to mention. If you have issues with motivation get pre workout and then hit up a gym atleast 4 times a week

using the gamebox as a coaster, you disgust me

maker's was always a meme in my experience. wayy too spicy.

japanese whiskey is supposed to be all the rage these days, i'm going to try to buy a bottle the next time i'm not broke.

I don't. Im agonizing most of the time in excruciating pain and terror.
I dread by night tossing to and fro and by day i contort.

Pretty much the same way you do. Just add nicotine and guns.

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A level 1+ civilization no longer has weaponry.
See the Kardashev scale, primitive mongoloid.

Most Israelis are atheists

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workout, get laid.
I dont drink or do drugs cause im not a weak faggot

Cuddle my wife and go back to sleep.

Drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. Mostly dissociatives, they do a nice job of separating consciousness and have a lasting antidepressant effect. RIP god tier MXE.

>whiskey from a tumbler
why tho

>I drink and I make musical instruments.
So you're, so called, Native American.
You have to go back to Canada.

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Straight up this, feels good man.

Nope, I'm a mutt with no native blood.

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Suntory Toki is the normal starting point for Japanese whiskey. It's very light both in color and flavor, almost fruity after taste, fairly cheap. Good stuff.

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bourbon is for candy-asses like op

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I just wait for the night...everyday.

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Based and kosherpilled

>dont drink

>go out
>everyone orders
>n-no thanks I'll have a water p-please
>immediately painted out as a faggot and hated by everyone

this :-/

I enjoy immersing myself in this shit, primarily through YouTube videos like Black Pilled, Black Pigeon Speaks, Jared Taylor, the Iconoclast, Way of the World, Cultured Thug, James Allsup and occasionally a Sargon video or something if I run out of other content. I drink and smoke weed and it makes me happier about life, but it doesn't stop me from wanting change or trying to prepare myself for a hard future. I also enjoy being outside and gardening as well as cooking.
Find something you like to do and do it, but don't let it stop you from the future you see coming. Better yet to find practical hobbies like growing food, cooking/preserving food, working out (or even lower intensity activity of just being outside), camping, shooting, etc. I just bought an M4 upper receiver kit from PSA and am excited to put it together and go to the range with it. Just recently ordered it, but I still need to buy a lower through a gun store.
Live life and enjoy it, it doesn't have to stop you from caring about bigger things.

thats probably why you drink because you spend too much time worrying what everyone else thinks of you. live your life goyim

suntory is the macallan of Japanese whiskeys. its fine, but Nikka has lots of amazing and inexpensive whiskeys in their color label series. you can get them online or at duty free.

Look out for imbalances my dude, seriously. If you overwork your chest you'll find your shoulders rounding and neck going forward. Always mix pushing with pulling and get some variety in there. Don't just do pull ups either, do some mid back work too to pull your shoulder blades in line.


masturbation and lots of it

get saved, bros. Western civilization is collapsing and it's all leading to the eventual coming of the antichrist. The west's capitulation to evil, its denial of truth, has resulted in it handing over the truth to the jews to be killed. I can think of no better metaphor to explain where we are now as a society:
>37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

>38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.

It's easy to be saved, just put all your faith and all your trust in Jesus Christ's sacrifice. After that, you will be indwelled by the Holy Ghost, the arbiter of all truth. Don't take your own life.
>27 And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled.

>28 But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here.

>29 Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas,

>30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

>31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

>32 And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.

>33 And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.

>34 And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.

Nah and not at all what I implied.
You just probably don't go out and that's a major part of feeling good as a human in the sense that you are a part of the community and you can have fun with people.
>Inb4 I don't go out and do other things within the community

Either old or lives in a dead shithole

Getting a good wife is the best thing I've ever done. Best friend, life partner, helps with the house, gamer grill, sex-on-tap etc.

>European game
>American whiskey
Gr8 taste m8

I conditioned myself away from degenerate forms of porn and into vanilla porn like big tits. Don't even want to see penetration really, just the milkers.

The eternal Hebrew. A soulless, impulsive abomination. Degenerate. Weak-willed. Subversive. Feminine. Despised.

Your people will get what they have coming. When that day comes, no one will hear your kvetching. You will be incinerated without so much as whimper.

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>waiting for the night
>during the day

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I've made some friends with a few Asian people who also hate blacks and I realized the future is White/Asian and together we can accomplish anything so now I feel better.

Percocet, painting and mountain biking...throw in the occasional weapons training just so I don't get rusty. That's about all I do.

I am currently replaying Nier Automata, and it makes me realize that life is precious and my existence has meaning.

My life is good.

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I take a new bottle of gin, drink 3 shots from it, and then add 3 shots of turpentine to the bottle. Give it a quick shake, take three shots before bed every night, repeat when empty.

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Drugs, women and other earthly toils meant to bring you joy are degenerate. Happiness and fulfillment is degeneracy - but the pursuit of it is not - contrariwise, it is the pursuit itself that one must seek. A ceaseless journey, that tears at your soul until you die - but leaves you content in the end, the closest you'll ever be to true enlightenment.

>tl:dr if you need sex, drugs and generally something to keep your mind off of the problems - you're the problem.

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With nothing but ignoring it.

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alcohol is a depressant so you're just locking yourself in a cycle. vidya serves as a distraction so you're avoiding the problem at hand. this is an immature reaction to stress so I'm guessing you're some late teen/early 20s fag or a söygoy. the solution is to just stop being a bitch but you probably already gave up on life. in which case kys

when else would you wait for the night retard?

Talk to me when you turn desert into a silicon valley, obese muttoid.

OH right
Created by Jews
OH eait
>silicon valley, CA
Created by Jews

Boy, must suck so much being a worthless obese muttoid and seeing a superior race absolutely dominate your subhuman race in literally every field possible.

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How about you all stick in your own country? Radical Zionism and forced repatriation would be a good solution. I'll offer you Greater Israel in return.

Smoking home grown legal weed. I just harvested so I don't have to waste my goybucks on the over priced trash they sell at the stores.

>>Inb4 I don't go out and do other things within the community
In a America your shitty people have imported every mutt in the world to destroy our sense of community.
Of course in Israel you have an American paid for wall to prevent that.
There's a reason why you faggots aren't good at sports. Stick to dreidel spinning or whatever the fuck it is you do over there.

Pain? What Pain?

>Maker's Mark


I shitpost on Jow Forums.

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We gave you your country. You exist at leisure and now, our ignorance. Know your place before it is taken from you.

All your sports is niggers

I grow pretty flowers.

>We gave you your country
I'll come back with a response after my sides come back to earth from orbit

How does it defend itself from other civilizations? Some faggy Jewish galactic federation?

Alcohol, pills, vidya, and the hope my next life is a lot more fruitful.

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Oh wait they just crashed landed on the moon faggot

Yeah, get back to me when you create greater Israel without America. Get back to me after a right wing sentiment moves off the internet and into the government. Get back to me when your fiat monetary scheme goes to shit and you lose your leverage. Get back to me christ returns and you, your family, and your people are burned in holy fire. I'll wait.

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>Alcohol and pills
Bad combo fren. Replace one with weed if you want to continue doing this. Also I see you posting here a lot.