Why do you do this...

Why do you do this? Do you think it improves my impression of you if you go on a rant attacking my reasons for rejecting you? It just cements my idea that I was 100% right trusting my instinct that you are bad for me and I don't want you.

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You can learn something from everyone in your adventure, even the bridge troll. Dumb rostie.

You come over as an arrogant bitchy feminist. It's just a fucking word, who the hell cares.

0/10 wouldnt date, kys.

Yeah, always trust my instincts no matter how small the creepy shit may seem. It's always a red flag he's a bullet to be dodged.

Because bitches on dating sites are more judgemental than real life which is frustrating. Plus this guy is a faggot. What do you expect?

Let's see the picture he's talking about.

Why do you do this? Why do you make the guy think it was mainly his personality that turned you off instead of his appearance? If you would have just said "Appearance based, sorry" then he could be like "Oh well, onto the next one" or "Thank you for your honesty" but as soon as you say it's something he did, that will make him feel like a fool. Maybe if he didn't say it, he had a chance. He didn't. Dumb roastie.

>0/10 wouldnt date, kys.
Also this.

If it cements your decision and reassures you, then shouldn't you be glad they did it?

It's a "don't do this" thread but the case is sympathetic enough to warrant throwing shots at op.

You did nothing wrong, OP. Don’t reply to that little, whiny bitch.

Not her, but if she had just said that, then it only would have prompted him to say some other cringy shit about her being judgemental.

>getting buttblasted because someone mentions your tits
Clearly your fault. Zero chill, you're just an angry cunt lashing out at men.

>that projection

nobody owes you anything
not a date, not an explanation, nothing
entitled cunts are the men on these apps
op was kind in ecen responding at all

ive never done that before

And what makes him "sympathetic enough"? The fact he can't take criticism he asked for and feels entitled to attention from a woman?

>putting tits and stupid quotes in your dating profile pictures
Let me guess: your first pic or two are body shots that probably don't even show your face, but you want a relationship and not just a hookup, right?

Eh, sounded like he wanted to know if his approach was bad. He even responded "fair enough thanks for the input" but probably later on started thinking about her message and the clincher "you have no couth" and "speaks volumes about you as a person". Obviously he got offended at his core personality being attacked and devalued by her.

Also anyone who would screenshot such message and then blast it all over the internet is bad news. Imagine how a breakup or an argument would go with a person like that. Yikes.

Oh the women on those apps are entitled as fuck, too; but yeah it doesn't change the fact that he was a creepy robot.

>I don't care about this so neither should you, how dare you have your opinion and expect me respect it
>why don't want women want meeeeeeee????

>nobody owes you anything
>not a date, not an explanation, nothing
>entitled cunts are the men on these apps
>op was kind in ecen responding at all
Exactly, so why take the time to respond and denigrate the dude, if not to take out frustration on him? I would never respond such a way to a woman I wasn't interested in.

You probably posted a lewd picture with a kingdom hearts quote, so he tried an in that showed he was both attracted and into something you were.

If you liked how he looked you'd be down I think.

Honestly I just go on there for the trolling; they're every bit as generic and shitty as the creeps they whine about.

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>Obviously he got offended at his core personality being attacked and devalued by her
But his core personality is bad for her and not worth anything if he can't respect her opinion over something he said that she didn't like.

>nobody owes you anything
>not a date, not an explanation, nothing
This is also something unkind people keep parroting when it comes to online dating. If nobody owes you anything, then it should be perfectly fine to lie to a woman, fuck her, then ghost her. Nobody owes commitment. Also thinking of partnering up with a guy on a project, take his ideas, and then use it for your own project. Nobody owes you anything without a contract, right?

>ask a question
>answer sincerely
>waaaaaah why are you denigrating me
>don't answer
>bitch respond
>bitch why did you lead me on
Men: shitty no matter what

Well that was bad and wrong, she didn't like it and told him so. He asked for an explanation; his problem he can't take the truth.

Go where? Online dating sites or are you grabbing these from somewhere?

>hey what do you think of my art?
>it's a piece of shit a blind three year old monkey could replicate and better, what the fuck is your problem wasting my time on looking at your trash, just give up
>you jerk
>i was being sincere?????!?

>comparing a rejection on a dating app from a stranger to his incel fantasy

calm down there bud

What difference does it make if it's a stranger versus someone you went on one date with? If I don't need them, why put in the effort to be kind?

It's your choice to look at someone else's art, nobody made you look, you could go look at other art you like but YOU choose not to
Just like it's your choice to ask questions you expect sincere answers to, don't complain if you don't like the truth

I mean I wouldnt either but he asked.
Who the fuck asks someone why they are rejected. Especially if you can't even handle the answer. Maybe she was bored or fed up. I'm not op so Idk.

This thread is talking about character and confirmation bias. It just sounds like you have similar character to the guy in the photo, because you are taking it quite personally. In an app you haven't and never will meet these people. That's life.

Same place as OP: Plenty of Fish.
The app itself may be better than Tinder, but thr women on there are just as demanding and self-absorbed. Dating apps are basically like using Jow Forums: you have to wade through a torrent of piss and shit in order to find the gems.

>It's your choice to look at someone else's art, nobody made you look, you could go look at other art you like but YOU choose not to
Nobody made the girl to respond either or to take the dude's question at face value. You always have the choice to cushion negative comments or make the person feel better about being rejected. Just as much it was her choice to be a complete asshole, but then one then has to wonder why would someone make that choice to an innocent question.

>It just sounds like you have similar character to the guy in the photo, because you are taking it quite personally.
I'm playing devil's advocate for the sake of an argument and conversation. I cannot identify with this dude at all. I would have never asked and if I would have, I would have replied with "lol" to that chick's paragraph because it's ridiculous red flag to respond like that to anyone. Sounds insufferable.

>Dating apps are basically like using Jow Forums: you have to wade through a torrent of piss and shit in order to find the gems.
I wouldn't date 99% of women on these dating sites. Most of them either have no profile text, negative, air out their past grievances (NO HOOK UPS NO LIARS AND CHEATERS!), or have crazy demands you shouldn't put on your profile if you were a decent human being (it's like when men put "no fatties" on their profile. Just filter out and ignore fat girls that message you).

>Nobody made the girl to respond either or to take the dude's question at face value
>heeeeeeeey when a man asks you a question you should ignore it or don't tell him the truth, nevermind he's going to bitch anyway because you ghosted him/lead him on/whatever other bullshit he's going to make up not to face the truth
Nigger what, you can't handle the truth so you call women complete assholes for feeding you bullshit just to coddle your shit ego? She did nothing wrong you're the one with a problem

>Nigger what, you can't handle the truth so you call women complete assholes for feeding you bullshit just to coddle your shit ego? She did nothing wrong you're the one with a problem
Are you autistic? No one cares for the truth if it's framed in negative language. Unless you're reviewing a product.

Speaking of character it's nice to see a female bank on her looks instead of her brain. Sadly looks fade, tits sage, and makeup can only do so much to hide wrinkles. With pic posted I thought I was also looking at an escort ad. You chose the way in which you sell yourself.

>No one cares for the truth if it's framed in negative language
This is bullshit though
Truth > presentation
Presentation only matters over something that is not true or is entirely subjective
BUT it is the objective truth that his actions made a bad impression on her and that's why she doesn't want him
I think you are being blatantly dishonest now just to defend a dude 100% in the wrong just because he's a dude

Of all places, found my gem on 4 chan back when 4 chan had the user date link, I don't regret a thing.

That's why you're supposed to just ghost them, else they'll just rant about how they're oh so great gentlemen. Guys think messages like the first one are funny and a great conversation starter. (Granted, they might be for the promiscuous or heavily drunk kind. Perhaps he was hoping you were down for ONSs, FWBs or the like.)

If you ghost them they'll just make a new account to harass you asking why you ghosted them. Their fathers failed in educating them, they're trash, best let them know they're disgusting trash and you want nothing to do with them.

>This is bullshit though
>Truth > presentation
>BUT it is the objective truth that his actions made a bad impression on her and that's why she doesn't want him
Nope. No one likes to hear the truth, unless the truth is at someone else's expense. It's funny to laugh at "nice guys" when you're not a nice guy and especially when you're not even a guy. It was subjective truth to say that the message speaks volumes of him and that he has no couth. First is an exaggeration and second could only be determined through pattern. Example: You might hear me say "Holy fucking shit" once, yet I almost never cuss. Or wear a gaudy t-shirt when it makes up 1% of my wardrobe.

To be fair, I don't do online dating and pushy guys you meet irl are easier to ghost, as in simply blocking their number since I'm never going to see them again (would obviously not just ghost if it was someone I'd cross paths with in my everyday life). But if I did, I'd probably just block their new account, too.

Here's a crazy thought: maybe stop rejecting nice guys like us.
Hope you whores all get raped or beat up one day by an angry guy you rejected.

Damn, you riled him up good. He sounds like an extreme gentleman.

You made a good call though. Starting with "tittie" implies a serious lack of social awareness and tact, amongst other things.

>Here's a crazy thought: maybe stop rejecting nice guys like us.
>Hope you whores all get raped or beat up one day by an angry guy you rejected.

If you can't handle the truth you yourself asked for that's your problem, she stated her sincere reaction to his words and that is the objective truth here, you did X and it caused Y. First is not an exaggeration because his reaction confirms he is petty, uncaring, unstable and therefore bad for her, second is her honest opinion about his opening, it's offensive to her and people who say offensive shit have no couth in her eyes. She decides what she is offended by, not him or you. One offense is enough for someone to decide they don't like you and want nothing to do with you, that is their right as you they have the freedom to choose who to associate with. You can't force people to associate with you.
Nothing she said is reprehensible. If you choose to make a bad impression that makes people not want to be with you, it's on you to live with the consequences of your actions.

And then they make a new account, and another, and another, and another, etc. etc. ad infinitum. I stand by telling them off immediately than having to deal with their shit forever because they don't want to respect your decision.


You're not nice, you're disrespectful pieces of shit. Kill yourselves.

Why even bother thinking of anything to say then?


Well that's amazing; I wouldn't meet anybody off here.

Then block. Again, and again, and again.

I bet the dude who just pushed himself in front of me in a crowd, kept making remarks like "I'd just want to see you on weekend evenings anyway, hue hue hue" and referencing lots of female friends and wouldn't accept not getting my number, thought he was a nice guy, too. Perhaps he is for those who like casual sex. But that isn't me.

>in b4 "serves you right for dressing like a whore"

Yeah, I'm sure my black winter coat, jeans and ancient dog-walking shoes were really boner-enticing.

So what advice did you need?

Can't tell if trolling as the antithesis of women and whiteknights who strawman about incels, trolling to trigger those people, or if you're genuinely a bitter incel.
Five star post.

Attached: bpTAGtm_d.jpg (500x329, 26K)

Because his ego and image of himself got nuked. He is clearly invested in seeing himself as a clean, decent, good guy and someone finding his opening line inappropriate and disrespectful ruined his vibe there.

Taking a rejection gracefully is an art, and she was unnecessarily bitchy about it too.

I'll admit that this is tricky. You're writing to a stranger on the internet after all, and the average profile is dull, some copypasta quote, and generally hardly representative of the profile owner. That's why I don't do online dating, it's relatively awkward and hard to get a natural conversation going.

That's a copypasta u normie

>Then block. Again, and again, and again.
No. Why should a woman be forced to suffer ongoing harassment (which is also illegal) just because some entitled piece of crap can't respect her? Force him to respect her. He is the one in the wrong.

Lonely people lose their filter, guys get more preachy and women get more aggressive. If you turn down a older woman who’s let’s say not so attractive, her response would be that of “lots of guys want this pussy” or something to that effect.

Guys however get sad about how they interact since they’re accepting defeat before you even respond. They’ll boost themselves up for ego reasons, but it’s all a false front. The real way to a woman’s heart is constant interesting communication, if you’re not attractive to her that’s when things go into stalker territory. So know your place would be the best advice I could give thirsty men.

If he wants to see himself as a clean, decent, good guy he should try actually being a clean, decent, good guy. He is not. Clean, decent, good guys do not react like him.
He shouldn't lie to himself like that, it's not good for him and it's not good for those around him. She was not unnecessarily bitchy, she was honest.
He should learn to appreciate honesty.

And you think a response is a guarantee to stop that? Hell, many fellas are desperate enough to search for people they've seen on Tinder on other social networks or even LinkedIn.

That it really is best just to stick to one-word answers and then ghost given these guys think it's a fucking debate?
It's not, yo.

Well, it would have worked wonders had a few different words had been used. Remove the third line entirely (second line is optional, too) and instead of "But of course" use "It makes you seem like you have no couth" and it would have sounded a lot less offensive/hurtful.

I don't disagree entirely but most people have a somewhat flattering self-perception and a defensive knee jerk "that was just a joke" or "I wasn't thinking", basically implying that what they say is not representative of who they are is supercommon under all circumstances. Let alone after someone just rejected you.
He should've had enough self control to not send her this weird tangent but the feeling (you don't even know me!!!) is super human.

I do think she could've toned it down. "But of course, you have no couth" after her actual point has been made?
Still, that she could've gone a little softer on him doesn't change that his reaction was way out of proportion.

>it would have worked wonders had a few different words had been used
r/niceguys is undeniable evidence NO, that's complete bullshit. It makes no difference what words you use, they find a way to twist them because they core issue is they don't respect you.
Her rejection does not sound offensive or hurtful. All lines are necessary because they explain herself to him, if she had not explained herself, he would have still gone on a rant anyway because he does not accept what he said is offensive to her and would ask what's wrong with my words? Here's what's wrong with your words. The outcome would not have changed. At least she got the satisfaction of telling the whole truth right away.


>"But of course, you have no couth" after her actual point has been made?
It reinforces her point that to her, he has no couth. They never get it the first time.

Well she's a female who has to resort to dating sites so you can imagine how trash she is

OP, you've just made a terrible mistake!

From your screenshot you two seem perfect for each other.

>put shit on your tits
>why are people looking at my tits referring to them?!
Just put on your profile that you're a brainless cumdump for Chad and that there's no point in opening with anything but "want some fuck?

You're unbearable, no matter how much of a sperg that guy is.

That guy is an insecure asshole. However, the fact that you feel the need to post this here with a condescending post implying every guy here also will react like that just to pat yourself on the back about how righteous and mature you think are doesn't reflect very well on you. People are petty, both men and women hate being rejected so they get angry and use insults as a means to cope with that rejection. You're bound to come across people like that.

that's a bot hon.

his message comes off as immature while OP comes off as a complete asshole

Do you expect us to pat you on the back and say "good job" OP? Because it wasn't

Yeah, As much as the dude went completely haywire after his last paragraph, it's probably because he didn't give a fuck anymore.

Then again, he could've had more class.

There's a good chance, but you might also be surprised by how stupid some genuine profiles can be.

LMAO you're both assholes, your message wasn't any better yet here you are acting high and mighty

This, what the fuck

Actually unironically this in order to give a fair answer. Because I've definitely seen women slut it up hard in their profile and then complain that a man's message is too sexual. If it's a provacative pic of her tittie then she's no right to complain about a guy talking about her tittie

>Because I've definitely seen women slut it up hard in their profile and then complain that a man's message is too sexual
Happens all the time.
>see woman's profile
>she doesn't even show her face in the first couple of pictures
>just closeup shots of everything below the neck... often in a bikini
>rest of profile makes it abundantly clear that even if you do meet she's going to make life hard for you
>"I'm sick of players and fuckboys; I want a real relationship."
Those apps are loaded with them. They may not all be like that, but there are shitloads.

Yeah generalizations dont work, we had threads on advice where people were getting numbers with the opener lines of "let me suck the stress of your titties".

There is no "one way forward" with this shit. It isnt even just the right girl and guy, it is the right girl and guy at the right time & at the right mood& with the right opener. Hell it even matters ifnthe guy is actually feeling confident or wherr the girl is on her cycle.

Everything is just confusing..

"...of your titties," or, "...out of your titties,"?

You don't realize that you went way overboard with your criticism?
Tell him not to talk about titties or whatever, and leave it at that. He will realize it was an uncouth action. You don't have to tell him that he, as a person, has no couth. And you don't have to extrapolate it into some grand sweeping indictment of his personality.
Also you're committing a cognitive error known as attribution bias where you assume someone is fundamentally a terrible person all because he said something wrong.

Granted his outburst is pretty stupid but I feel bad for him a bit. Shit is really confusing for guys. Uncouth behavior is often rewarded by women while honest, respectful messages get him dismissed as a boring "nice guy."

I think it was "out of"?

Actually that guy dodged a bullet.
She's the type that thinks she knows anything about him "as a person" based purely on some words in a chat box. And she apparently doesn't know how to talk to people without insulting them.

I've had thots reeing at me for saying that I pump and dump chicks regularly.
>how can you lead them on omg
>how can you just fuck them and ghost them wtf rapist
Funny thing is, when I say that I don't owe anything to anybody and that holes are just holes, the thots on here don't take that for an answer.

This butthurt faggot is spurging because you were blunt. He deserved it and you were polite to even give feedback

I stopped reading the final response after the first 5 words and I recommend that you do the same in similar situations.

Also, you're going to come off as a prude to other guys, but you obviously want a guy who appreciates these same things and is less of a degenerate, so your reply makes sense.

Disregard and move on.

>the thots on here don't take that for an answer.
How surprising.

>you were polite to even give feedback
That's called being a decent human being

OP is a champ. Filthy incels ITT are seething.

>"Hurr you said tittie, you are uncouth."

Oh loosen up, you cunt. Do you also rebuke yourself when you fart in the toilet? We all know and use uncouth language. The guy was being mildly daring and you got a rant out of him because you drew negative conclusions about his character before he even had the chance to display said character.
Thanks for creating another misogynist, you dumbass.

If she were some kind of church girl it'd be one thing. You know this bitch says much more off the wall shit, though

>I've had thots reeing at me for saying that I pump and dump chicks regularly.
Funny part is if you post something like
>why did this girl ghost me all of a sudden?
you get
>she doesn't owe you anything you entitled incel, move on!
but do the same to a roast and you're the devil

my female friend complained about getting sexual messages. I looked at her profile and she's in a bikini making a slutty face saying she's not looking for anything serious. Like what the fuck is wrong with women?
they both dodged a bullet desu. She's a stuck up bitch and he's kind of a nutjob.

and that's if you do it one time to a woman. A woman gets pumped and dumped one time and the world ends but when a man gets ghosted 100 times he's supposed to just man up and not complain about it. And the same women telling him to man up because men aren't allowed to express their feelings are the same women blaming "toxic masculinity" for men not expressing their feelings.

>Like what the fuck is wrong with women?
To be fair to them, women are alright; it's bratty, little girls that we need to watch out for.

>gets chance to display his alleged """true""" character
>throws it in the toilet by saying stupid shit she doesn't like
>waaaaaaaah I never got a chaaaaaance
No retard, you already had a chance. You willingly threw it away. Don't blame her for reacting appropriately to the shit YOU pull, she is free not to the like the shit you say.

All the angry incels ITT should kill themselves. You are not owed a second chance. You are not even owed a first, and here you are complaining when you're the one who blew it away . She did good to call him out. Entitled trash with no couth.

mall jiggers toastin in a poll bed

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