
So... I caught my wife of three fucking years having sex with her dog last night after I came home from a night at the bars with some friends. How the fuck do I deal with this? I went back out and spent last night at a motel after seeing that shit and I cant even look that woman in the eyes anymore. I think I want to divorce her now but I know shes going to get half of my shit or more. On top of that, I literally walked out as soon as I saw it. I dont have videos or anything to show a lawyer or court so it'll be my word against her word. Then there's going to be the fallout in our friend group too. How can I get out of this relationship and not have this whole thing blow up on me?

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White girls fuck dogs bro, simple as

This wins my Seal Of Upheaval (bleecch) as Worst Fiction Of The Day

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Just talk to her about it. I had the same thing happen to me with an ex-gf. Unfortunately since it wasn't with another person, technically she didn't cheat on you. So you can't really use it against her.

I asked my ex-gf about it, and she said she did it because she felt bad for him. She knew he was horny a lot but there weren't other dogs around that he could use to take care of it. So she offered herself up so he could have some release. She said she wasn't even attracted to him or anything like that, and only did it like twice a month.

Believe all victims, jackasses.

Homeless people look pretty distraught and are plenty horny as well, how many of those do you think she fucked?

Nnnnnot really how the four channel works, fren
Not to tell you you're retarded for seeking legal counsel on Jow Forums but you are, and also go talk to a lawyer, it's not like they can bill you for walking in and asking if they do free consultation.

I've heard of lawyers doing some real whacky shit for free, so it's worth a try.

No I asked her about that, and she said she never fucked other people, just the dog. If had actually cheated on me I would have broken up with her, but she didn't

I mean like I don't know to laugh at you or feel bad

but then again she's your ex now anyway so

You need to let the dog have a go at you too.

fuck the dog in front of your wife, so you can show her who the alpha dog is.

What the hell am I reading?

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Of your wife was insane enough to fuck your dog, I’m sure there were warning signs left and right indicating that she was a crazy bitch.
File for divorce, lose half your shit, take the L and move on as best as you can. You married the wrong woman, and as a consequence you’re going to pay.

>taking the bait seriously

>muh dog pill

Have sex then Kys incel

B-B-but only women pay the toll! Jow Forums said so! It's not fair bros!

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>just accept losing half your shit, bro
>like all she did was fuck the dog, lol
You're a cuck and I hate you.


Put up some hidden surveillance in your home.

Say you need some time for yourself to cope with this. Stay somewhere else than the house for a few weeks. Maintain contact and keep it civil. Ease her into that maybe if it's her fetish or something it might be something you can come to terms with.

Catch her fucking her dog on tape.

File for divorce. I have no idea about the legal proceedings in the US so I don't know if you could use the footage in court, but you should use it before that to blackmail her in private to settle the terms of the divorce before getting any lawyers involved.

Stick around for a while like nothing happened and strap hidden cameras everywhere. Bail as soon as she does it again bear with it till then

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I really don't think she was the type to cheat. I believe her when she said she didn't. Guys can get sex other places, dogs can't