Name one of the things Bernie advocates you disagree with

And say way. I challenge you. Bernie’s policies are pretty much the right policies for America, hands down.

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Other urls found in this thread:

His parents were communist jews that were kicked out of Poland.


Gun control. Especially considering that for the majority of his career he supported the Second Amendment. He's already betrayed his Vermont constituency in favor of the far Left.
Also, he endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, and after her loss he parroted the Dem's baseless claim that Russia "hacked" our election.
I could go on, but the reasons I listed above are enough for me. I will NEVER cast my vote for this two-faced piece of shit

his fucking existence. I hope he catches a bullet.

bernie is cucked to identity politics

>name one thing wrong with Bernie
is jew

Literally everything

are you retarded faggots really trying to push this retard again?

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he's fucking jewish.

They are not yet ready to feel the Bern, they're only lightly toasted. But come election time I think this whole board is going to come to realize they've been feeling the Bern the entire time

1. free healthcare for mutts
2. free education for mutts
3. cheaper meds for mutts
4. job guarantee for mutts
Americans deserve to eat shit

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>Name one of the things Bernie advocates you disagree with
>kraut memeflag

not your concern, klaus. now hurry and get back to your prayer rug before the calling starts

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>gun control
>”free” college
>Medicare for all
I wouldn’t have as big a problem with healthcare or even college if we weren’t so far gone demographically and getting worse every day while leftist retards try to import even more third world scum. Healthcare for everyone can’t possibly work with so many parasites around

If you're white you don't know what it means to be poor. - Faggot Sandies

Open boarders.

Somebldy has to lull the ol' bait and switch on the bern victims again. None of the actual candidates appeal to their sense of free shit and socialism.

>free college
College serves no purpose other than to turn our children into commies. Universities will only further raise cost of tuition because they know the taxpayers will cover it. College degrees will be even less valuable than they currently are. Very few fields really need to be 4 years for a degree. Free college is a scam.

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i agree with Bernie on everything.

He's got my vote - I am one lazy fuck who wants to see America die and I know Bernie is just the man to do it!

Now give me free shit faggots!
Bernie's theme song:

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Not a policy

Bernie cannot act against the constitution or state rights. No federal gun laws will ever be passed.

Not a policy

Name one thing

He’s going to win, hands down

Not a policy

Mutts make up 56% of America. In a democracy, mutts rule.

Name calling won’t help

>free college

Bernie doesn’t advocate “free colleges”, he advocates reducing costs for uni level education, e.g. by strengthening low cost public unis. That’s a good policy.

Myth, Bernie doesn’t advocate open borders

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>Mutts make up 56% of America. In a democracy, mutts rule.
This is not a democracy. Our forefathers feared pure democracy (mob rule). We have a democratic republic. Our elected representatives are supposed to keep The Mutts from voting more free gibs.

>Bernie doesn’t advocate “free colleges”

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Healthcare for all Will kill economy

Hé had not releases any recent taxs returns. I bet he does not pay any

He doesn't offer enough free stuff, fuck him

What in “free public college tuition” didn’t you understand? There is a difference between “free colleges” and free public college tuitions, right? Right???

>Gun Control
>Hillary 2016
>His next breath

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All college should be free including Grad school, Bernie isn't doing enough shill.

Wrong, college shouldn’t be free, except for the most gifted people, around 10-20% of the best performing people of each generation.

The most gifted are usually covered by scholarships. We need disenfranchised PoC and LGBT to get free college, not these rich white bois. This is why I can't stand Bernie.

Universal healthcare is projected to reduce total American healthcare expenditure by around 40%. This will obviously strengthen the economy since this represents 6% of GDP that would have been otherwise been wasted by America's inefficient private healthcare system.

>sending people to public colleges for free
>this isn’t the same as free college
lol wut?


>no federal gun laws will ever be passed
Except they were. Sales on new "assault weapons" were banned in this country for 10 years from 1994-2004. You don't know a goddamn thing about what you're talking about, you stupid foreign shit.

Dude, Germany long had a system in which only the top 10-20% of each generation could study at public universities. Only in recent years did we expand it to around 25%.

The other 80% to 90% were peasants, apprentices... or people who didn’t make the cut so had to go to America or the UK to study, or pay outrageous amounts at the rare German private unis which focus on retard education.

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Imagine being against Bernie Sanders. Just fuck off with your gay boomer tier anti communism memes. We want free healthcare, education, transportation, etc etc etc. make the rich people pay. Period. If you don’t like this, literally cut your wrists length-wise and die.

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He said free tuition at public colleges. That’s not “free colleges”. If you don’t understand the difference, look up what “free” means.

You're citing a report form Jacobin magazine, an openly communist organization with that one.

It correctly points out that it would cut 2 trillion in admin expenses and drug cost's. It however neglects to point out that the government would assume the burden of all previously priorly incurred private health expenses in the US. That projected number is projected at an additional 32.6 trillion dollars.

And yet that same law was restricted to 10yrs... and then not extended. Not to mention it was never decided by the (now heavily conservative) SCOTUS if such a ban would even ever be constitutional.

He likes Niggers...He's a Jew....He supports mass immigration He's a libotard asshole !

he is against israel, unlike Trump

>people dying of curable diseases in a “first world country” because they cannot afford treatment is okay. It is morally justifiable because abloo bloo bloo communism bad socialism bad bloo bloo.

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He's a Jew...He's entitled to dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship and Probably takes it! Trump is using the jews as a point of leverage against the Arabs.

>trust the plan Q tard shit
Literally kys. Trump is a israel’s bitch

Cant really.

-.- I'm not even going to bother with a shill like you. He's said half the stuff posters have sited here and you're outright lying. Besides the fact, I don't Trust the party he is for, nor do I with Trump but...

Fuck You...Earn or Burn !

hahah you should kill yourself

Propaganda really did a number on Amerilards honestly. It resulted in pic related for example

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Bernie only appeals to 3rd world shitheads because their countries suck and misery loves company. we don't have socialized healthcare because we are a free nation

>free nation
pay premium
pay deductable
pay copay
pay or lose healthcare
pay 28,000 dollars a year for fredom

Universal healthcare
>need to do a nose surgery
>have to wait six month

fuck that shit. I'm about to pay 1000€ and do it by next month.

Bernie is literal trash. Bernie supporters are literal trash. OP is literal trash.

a nose job is like 20,000 dollars in america. your gonna get butchered

I'm not paying extra taxes for some fat dudes all you can eat buffet insulin or some trannys dick slice operation. sorry

Socializing healthcare. You have no idea how much this country over-diagnoses inane shit that people in other countries would just brush off as something you just have to live with. Literally everything is a medical problem that needs to be corrected with expensive care.

As someone who doesn't subscribe to that cult, I'm happy to let morons pay $$$ for their imaginary medical conditions. They can forget about using my tax money on that bullshit though.

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Hes just common sense centrist. But americans are fucking retarded and dont deserve his policies.

>absolute state of anti bernie arguments

>Free nation
>Ruled by big pharma
>Big pharma lobbies gubment non stop
>Americans dying non stop from preventable disease
>Disease that's prevented in 1st world countries
>a-at least it's not socializm :DDD

>Murica healthcare
>Need nose surgery
>Don't get it because big pharma jacks up the price to silly levels as they are a monopoly on it

Only the rich are allowed healthcare in the United States of Advertising.

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yes you will.

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Nah, you’ll just pay extra in your monthly premium, you fucking retard

He is a pussy

sold out last time

to big a pussy to stand up for his supporters

cant trust him

socialist loser


you are a fucking idiot if you fallow this weakling with zero chance to win

no smarter then the yang kids

no value

no future


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non of that will work, since he has 4 years of Trumps failure.

Bernie loved Venezuela’s policies
You expect them to work for us? Fuck off

Explain how capitalism decreases waiting times. Is capitalism multiplying the number of doctors?

Oh wait, it actually reduces the number of doctors...

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>because what we have now is working xD

>You have no idea how much this country over-diagnoses inane shit that people in other countries would just brush off as something you just have to live with

That’s because of your crazy capitalist healthcare system. Overdiagnosing makes money. That’s why pharam companies pay kickbacks to doctors to prescribing unnecessary shit and doing unnecessary tests.

Ad hominem

The only good commie is the dead commie

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Nope. A fact

at least he's honest about it. Liar Trump is anti 2A as they come. already took down bump stocks then appointed gun Confiscator Barr to AG to go after MAGA's weapons after he used them to get elected.

Technically it's different. Tuition-free college can have entrance criteria. "Free college" means tuition-free plus anyone can get in.

Of course in this country, they will end up meaning the same thing, because someone will immediately figure out blacks aren't getting into tuition-free colleges as other races and demand they accept everyone who applies.

>here’s how Bernie can still win

This. Nothing more even needs to be said.

>Name one of the things Bernie advocates you disagree with
Socialism. Especially since he's getting rich off of capitalism. Also ask him if he's on Obamacare or will be part of any socialized healthcare. The answer is no.

exactly. Voting for trump was a huge mistake. complete liar, complete shit show. no results. abandoned all of his platform. worse on immigration than Obama....check the numbers.

I don't agree that open boarders are a sole Koch brothers proposal and fundamentally distrust him based on that trickery.

Umm more like the capitalist pigs stopped employing people and screwed over the working class because they couldn't tolerate the government stepping in and raising up the people of Venezuela. That will not happen under Bernie, under Bernie everyone will have healthcare and get degrees dumb ass, and the rich will pay their fair share

>memeflag faggot

nice try. Venezuela got taken down by the cia and deep state cuck trump.

>another memeflag faggot

Christ you memeflag faggots are retarded

And here we have a Jew using a proxy

Why should he be? I think we can make an exception for leaders of the party if they lift up the masses. Not sure what you capitalists don't understand about this.

It was wonderful down there before drump sent the CIA down there and tried to overthrow Maduro who was helping the proletariat

Why are you so mad about absolutely nothing? You afraid you’re gunna get WUDGED

Fuck off commie

It's none of your business Ahmed. Go ahead and elect more Merkel types, but stay the fuck out of the affairs of actual countries.

Killing Women and Children

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Trump is a lying bastard.

He talked about cleaning up Washington of nepotism and handing friends and family jobs... he turns around and does just that yet, only 50 times more.

He talked about stopping illegal migration by building a concrete wall, 100ft high made of prefab parts. In reality, they are redoing 26miles of fence.

He talked about redefining the 14th amendment birthright citizenship clause to exclude sojourners and illegals etc. He didn’t.

He talked about removing US troops from Germany unless we “paid him 2% of our GDP”. We refused... yet US troops are still here.

He talked about making America Great Again... yet I don’t see any new US flag on the Moon or Mars.

He talked about balancing the budget... yet next year is projected to be a trillion dollar deficit.

What has he actually accomplished? A tax decrease for billionaires? Check. That’s it, overall.

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Agreed, Bernie was boots on the ground working his ass off while Drumpf dodged the draft and exploited workers and attacked POC

>another proxy circlejerker

>I'm not paying extra taxes for some fat dudes all you can eat buffet insulin or some trannys dick slice operation.
You really honestly don't know how insurance works do you? You're already paying it, you just don't know because the marginal pricing analysts paperclip those costs in your insurance plan renewal.

>"Whites don't know what it's like to be poor". - Bernie Sanders
I disagree.

Christ you proxies really are going all out today.



The best system has 10%, maybe 15% of a generation get into university. The best people, based on objective tests. From all families, working class, middle class, upperclass.

The worst system has 60% of a generation pay a shitton of money for a “college education”... and have the rich kids pay themselves through “the best reputation” unis... where they fuck and whore and party for 4yrs.

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He doesn't want to kill all niggers

Show Your real flag faggot.