Irishman tells jew to his face that the only thing hitler did wrong was not kill enough of them

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isn't that what's anglos say about irish?

enjoy jail

You dont have to kill the irish, just let them starve

bump I love the irish

>author of ‘To catch a Jew’ - went to Northern Ireland to uncover the truth about support for the Palestinian cause in certain parts of the community...

Why are the Irish redpilled on the jew?

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>S C O U R E D
absolutely legendary

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you think he will go to jail for this?

absolute unit

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thank tyr for based lads. btw look at that nose. oy vey

Based potatoniggers

you get arrested for tweets so this must be jail minimum

Because the Anglo has worked with the jew for over 500 years

goy, we Europeans know this bastards for centuries

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Those people look very NORF FC but still based

not all heroes wear capes t b h

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Because ireland wuz oppressed by brits n sheit and Palestine = ireland and israel = britain
Theyz bez oppressed brothas

>no fucks given
based af

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Yeah, that's why you kept electing the jew Angela Kasner. Fuck off you stupid kraut. I'm asking about the Irish.

What a charismatic fellow.

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>Why does a nation which considers it's sovereign territory occupied sympathize with a nation which considers it's sovereign territory occupied

Based, I don't give a shit about Arabs/Muslims but Jews really are the scourge of the Earth

He's not wrong.

Not sure how that's possible since they'd been banned from the country completely until about 350 years ago, and were considered second class citizens up until 150 years ago, after which I will agree that kike influence has been too common in Britain, but it wasn't us working with them it was them undermining us. It's no coincidence that the British empire began it's decline the decade we got a Jewish prime minister.

It's still legal to tell the truth about history here, Mr Noseberg

IRA isnt a terrorist group. They are the liberators of mankind. Exept of Brits ofcourse. Fuck Brits

>disturbing footage


This kike thinks an Irish person in Ireland should go to jail for speaking ill about a foreigner. Fuck off kike! This backwards-ass clown world kikery will end.

He just wanted some cheap jabs at jews for tasty television. The Norf looking fella's gave him what he wanted it seems.

Sussex Friends are lolcows. I remember when they decided to “protect” this Israeli owned business in Brighton who were being protested by BDS.

These protests went on for week after week, and it ended up going out of business. Julie Burchill hangs out with them.

BASED frens in Sussex

Is it on Jewtube yet?

They funded 3 invasions of our country and we haven't forgotten that.
Are you seething Shlomo?

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That central bank that one king of yours started when he needed money for another stupid war in France was the start of it don't remember when exactly but I think it was 1600s or something

>jew went to ireland to find out what they think of them
>talks to pub pets
kek oy vey

this is in derry though so still Britains gay laws
be interesting to see if they arrest him if he'll get support, republicans in the north might protest it Imagine we end up hearing sinn fein going about free speech, that would be hilarious

it was your brainwashing program who fucked up my country mutt, thanks for that and kys

Based mickys

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Fools! Last time you made them stronger

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Accidentally red pilling finding blue collars to kvetch at on television. Cool story finklestein

Damn, those guys are peak Norfs. Miring hard.


absolute lad

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Fuck you kike

pretty much
Are they in the running for this year's MVG?

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You must be new here, friend

Seems like a set up to me. Trying to demonize Irish nationalism coming up to the European elections.
Can any user's up north identify the pub or exact accent?

Could be legit though

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Oh the Yid is absolutely seething kek. I bet tears are running down your face past your big hooked Khazar nose. BTW I don't give two shits about the Palestinians and think the Holyland should be a Christian nation and Jews and Muslims expelled. Its a pity the Brits when they took the place from the Ottomans didn't reestablish the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Are Irish girls redpilled?

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everythings a setup to people on pol, if you cant make a joke about jews dying then fuck the world entirely. You can't outjew jews. When they come doing this shit this is the best response, laugh at their stupid kvetching faces.

>bitch tries to lump us prods in with shared suffering with the kike
Yeah, sorry love but some of us don't like the jews either.
Based Irish.

Ofcourse i'd forget the tweet

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Based, and redpilled.

>Implying anyone in Ireland other than your pals on reddit give two shits about this video or what was said in it.


lurk moar faggot

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Prods suck jew dick but the pope is a cuck so it evens out

Because Irish are the scum of the white world just like Palestine is the scum of the Muslim world.

>I don't give a shit about Palestinians
But you are not most Irish anti-semites. You are anti-semetic for completely different reasons than to your adverage fellow bog niggers

I am proud of my Irish blood now.


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There's me extending an olive branch and there's you 3 posts later being a little snide sectarian cunt. Well fuck you taig, i'll be sending you to the bottom of the boyne so i will. Along with your pedo faggot pope.

She's full of shit too and Catholicism doesn't teach any of those things she said and wtf would she know about what Catholics are taught or not with her being a Jewess. They always try to get others into their to fight their battles whenever they're attacked for any reason. If that video was made in America she'd be bringing blacks into it.

Based Prod.

I rescind my previous post being a meanie to the Irish.
I love the irish, me, totally based.

Fuck the pope what are you on the bible was written by Jews

Welcome to Jow Forums
Remember, you're here forever

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Don't be most of us are basedboy fags and we let in so many Muslims

I'm well aware of your people's history and that's why I don't like or trust you. Your history is full of absolute evil.
Pay nee heed tae thon boy.

Lol ratkike

Take a hike, kike


Nice VPN Cháim.

It's a German TV show. It most likely was a set up. >didn't show Palestinian flags
>daytime drinkers
>clearly depecting working class
>obviously edited to get as much oy vey as possible
I only have frens here. Just like you fren.
>webm related

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its in derry and most people have them views or similar, mostly its that people just speak out loud and dont give a fuck. the media in ireland annoys me because it potrays a world that doesn't exist and props up PC in ireland even though its the furthest thing from PC when you actually speak to cunts on the street

My people? Who are "my people" you speak of?

There's a difference between jew and kike

I live in tralee fag

As for the Jews of today, they aren't even jews. Christ split from them

Pope Francis should still be gassed regardless.

If you anit white your a kike

>be Irish
>get oppressed by bongs for a long ass time
>chug booze and tell them to piss off
>Jews walk in front of you
>try to oppress you as well
>still drunk so tell them to piss off as well

Jews were allowed back in the country in 1656, but they were second class citizens; they were distrusted, hated, and after the return of the monarchy, not allowed to practice their faith in public.
They were only given rights in 1858, in an effort to reduce discrimination against all groups (pretty cucked I know, but not soley Jews). This was a huge mistake because just 16 years later in 1874 we had our first ethnic Jewish Prime Minister (((Benjamin Disraeli))).
He turned the bank of England into this huge monster that had massive control over the British economy, rather than just being a treasury for the government, as well as introducing anti-competition laws that weakened Britain further.
Before this guy came into power, Britain was the worlds largest and fastest growing economy, yes it was still outpacing America in terms of growth.
After this guy, Britain became a dying empire, growing weaker by the year, declaring wars against old allies (Germany), created Israel, and allying with fucking France. It's not a big surprise that the guy is still the inspiration for many Tories today, Theresa May and David Cameron being two of them.

Britain was subverted by Jews, just like most nations, and lost it's strength and power when it turned its back to the Jewish threat.


Fuck bongs.
Fuck kikes.

>furthest thing from PC when you actually speak to cunts on the street
Noticed the same thing. Not as many liberals as on RTE

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enjoy Shoah 2.0

tfw goyim knows

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Excellent webm

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All you have to do is close our borders and there will be an end to the horror.

This is true and political correctness is pretty much non existent amongst ordinary people especially the working class. Most of us only associate with other Irish folk so can speak freely without having to worry about being pc and offending anyone and you might come across the odd person who went off to uni or something and came back brainwashed by pc nonsense who gets upset at non pc terms and language and when they get sand in their fanny about it all and say something, they're usually told to quit being a fag or stfu.
Sorry to hear that.

fuck off shitlord, you have no stake in what the majority of Irish people think.

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Cheers to based Ireland. I love how he said it in the most polite way too.

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Those are mostly meme Irish.

Are you fucking roaches ever not the victim???
A jew goes into a bar just to ask if they like him and ask them if they are on his side...
Fuck off.
This is another roach jew last night trying to play the victim after the fires --pic related

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