What do you guys think about the gold standard? I don't know much about it other than its a propsed solution to volatile currency, and I have a friend that is an activist for getting us back on a gold standard.
I was listening to the Daily Shoah (I know, they are likely feds, but they make me laugh) and they had a segment on it saying the Gold Standard was a Jewish trick, allowing banks to horde the monetary supply and make people poorer.
the labour standard was the NatSoc method right? If I have it right, it was money issued by hours worked or something? Or am I a brainlet?
Jackson Thompson
shouldn't that flag be yellow? and I did, and wish I hadn't
Ryder Evans
It's literal cuckoldry. TDS was right on that mark. Money is rightfully our servant, not our master.
Nathaniel Watson
but what actually happens to us if we are on it. I understanding the Federal Reserve printing money means the stuff in your pocket is worth less, but that is classic jewry. Hiw would the exact opposite make the common man poorer?
Carson Rogers
There is quite literally not enough gold to back any major western economy, let alone the US. Fiat currency is also technically unconstitutional. In order to get any modern economy onto some sort of precious metal/ commodity backed currency, it would have to be some form of fractional reserve exchange. This however undermines a fiat currency which has a strong position or a heady position in global trade, such as the US dollar.
Isaac Evans
surely gold quantity doesn't matter as it is fungible? Just set the price at 25000 USD per lb? You think it is desirable?
Ayden Robinson
You can always reprice gold in your fake fiat papers.
Jaxon Reyes
Gold is practically $20k for an averdupois lb right now. $16k for troy. Since it is fungible, as you say, you can't just reprice it without vastly distorting and/or wreaking havoc on the global economy. If tgat was the case we'd just say oil is $0.83009 per bbl.
No. Either some other commodity must be used, or some form of fractional value assigned. Fiat currency is bad juju. All currencies eventually inflate to worthlessness. Fiat currencies deal with some of this, since you can control inflation. Fiat currency is still neither optimal or ideal.
Carson Gonzalez
so you are saying it is resistent to repricing hastily but is also a ticking time bomb for when someone does indeed re-price it?
William Thompson
I'm saying it's fungibility requires that it have the same price wherever it trades. Fungibility requires that any unit be equal in value for a 1:1 exchange. By simply saying x is now worth 29 gorillion zlotys or whatever, you're either artificially inflating or deflating some other currency or economy. Possibly to the point of collapse.
No, some other commodity would have to be used. But there is no other which could stand up. We started out with wheat and barley. No modern economy could price its currency in grain. Grain is practically worthless because it's so damn plentiful. But precious medals would require contraction of every najor economy. The resulting loss in output due to volatility would cause global panic and strife.
I don't know the answers. But gold cannot replace current fiat. We've gone too far for that. Which is saying something, because I am utterly opposed to fiat. At the moment there is no viable alternative that I'm aware of.
Blake Garcia
we have turned form a commodity based market into a debt economy
which is based on risk
Hudson Wright
this sounds like a really complex choice with no clear answer and jewry on both sides. I really did expect /tds to have economic insight on this though.
Adrian Reed
start stacking even if it never goes to the moon it stays in line with inflation so when you retire the fiat currency you made will retain value with the bullion you own.
Kayden Peterson
yeah it seems that way, but i was more asking regards the national oney system.
Camden Bell
if we go back to the gold standard, jews will just find a way to steal it all again
Justin Bailey
yes its a jewish trick
shaving gold was usury per usury
service and labour as it was pre 1300
William Perry
Gold standard is more stable, but it still can cause problems for governments from time to time. There should really be a basket currency based on silver, gold, maybe platinum, AND oil.
Fiat currency isn't so bad if you understand it and understand the difference between MONEY and CURRENCY. Dollars are currency; silver & gold & guns are Money.
This. We went off the gold standard for a reason. The economy was tanking and countries were demanding their gold in exchange for their dollars.
This. Convert your savings and accrued wealth into silver & gold, but never think of it as an investment that will one day make you rich. Rather, it's a tool to prevent poverty.
Brandon Bell
that's gold coinage though, not gold-backed paper money. I was refering to monetary value being tied to the quantites of gold owned by a nation and no money printing taking place.
the westernized money system will try and hold fiat as long as possible, but I think China, Russia, and possibly India or other nations will ban together to create a money system that is backed by Gold they have been increasing there gold supply over the years. Mike Maloney has some pretty good videos on youtube.
Bentley Anderson
I actually do have saving that I was considering puting into gold. It actually looks like it could make you rich the way money seems to be slowly becoming worthless.
Michael King
Currency doesnt have to be backed by gold necessarily, but it does ned a stable value.
And most importantly - people need to understand this. Too many plebby faggots simply do not understand so the system perpetuates.
A gold standard would RUIN the currency kike system. The LAST THING jews want is a gold standard. They want us all on fiat currency as we are currently
Gold and silver have been valuable to societies all over the earth for 1000s of years. This reason alone makes gold and silver valuable - because they have 1000s of years of reliability. There were no iPhones or tech in medieval times yet gold and silver were valuable. As long as the aristocracy values gold and silver - they're valuable.
Money HAS TO BE: >Durable >Transferable >Divisible >Intrinsically valuable >Scarce >Recognisable >Fungible
time and time again people try to replace real money with something else and it fails every time, and what are those people forced to revert back to? GOLD AND SILVER. Gold and silver are the ONLY substances that have ALL the properties needed and that meet all the requirements to be defined as money.
It is these properties that gives gold and silver INTRINSIC value.
Well, then, great. If you have converted your currency into gold, and it pops, then hats off to you. But, the odds and history suggest it will stay valued in line with inflation except for brief moments of chaos when people flock to precious metals. You can profit during those times, but if there are no such times, your gold that you bought tomorrow will be equally as valuable, in line with inflation, in 30 years.
It's not just the aristocracy that values shiny metals. For thousands of years, gold and silver were valued because they could be crafted into useful tools and instruments. Would you rather have a bowl made out of carved wood or woven straw that will last a few months? Or a fucking silver bowl that will last literally forever?
Good series and somewhat educational, but way too much of the "THE SKY IS FALLING BUY SILVER AND GOLD (((FROM MY WEBSITE))) NOW!" Truth is that the stock market is a better investment than metals at this moment.
Asher Watson
its good anybody who doesnt agree is wrong. it stops people affeceting the value of your currency >fuck greenback niggers too
thanks for the link looks like it will just be a matter of time hopefully a little later than sooner so I can stack more lol
Noah Watson
>It's not just the aristocracy that values shiny metals DID I SAY ONLY THIS FAGGOT? ? ? ? ?
Zachary Sullivan
the jew fears the gold standard? Damn I am so confused. Not that they are much of an authroity, but the Daily Shoah had a very strong segment talking about how metal standards are jewish tricks. what do I beleive?
Nolan Green
you STUPDI FUCKING NIGGER the value of things change as the scarcity of it changes you have no idea about economy so go fuck off with your bullshit the price of gold would rise if it became scarce, but the nigger thing abou tall this is is there is a shit ton of gold they just havent mined it all
>the stock market is a better investment than metals
Isaiah Bennett
that fiat currency your own country would print. aka lincolns dollars that desteroy your own country and is still subverted by outside forces as they pander to your sense of nationality to say its good
Dominic Peterson
You understand that scarcity isn’t the only factor though, right spergy boy?
The value of fiat money is entirely determined by decisions people at the federal reserve make. The value of gold money is derived from the supply and demand for gold. It is much harder to manipulate the value of gold than fiat money. If you're concerned with (((elites))) controlling you through manipulation of currency, then gold is better than fiat money.
Isaiah Howard
no it is the only factor. it has a standard value already the only thing that can change it is scarcity becuase of more people. or the value of exchanging good for it will change and they will get cheaper so they can get a piece of aht pie actually i was wrong and that is what would happen. prices goes down to get more money the value of the currency, if a gold standard, would be deemed higher, not prices. thats how it works. yea so all this stupid nigger shit is retarded and i already said how you are bitching about shit.
the way the fiat money works everybody knows is they print more when people are born, when people are born, money is printed out of thin air. CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH is a stock market, or a debt NOTE.
this is why you didnt even argue with me, yyou know im right and you just bitched instead of making any arguement, trying to attempt to hide that.
this is objective truth and i dont know why i keep having to repeat myself
Jose Butler
with real value and it being something that is physical, an object, they cant manipulate it only attempt to kill everyone. theyre always do the same things and do it over and over. look thru history
Matthew Ramirez
fair game, why do we have anons in this thread saying that the gold standard is cucked like this user? are there any downsides?
Brody Morgan
OK, Brit Bong Fag. I literally said he has good info and I like his videos... but that he specifies in each video that it is his personal market where you need to buy gold from. I know it's late and you've been at the pub sipping warm ale for the last several hours since your wife is a typical british slag with fucked up teeth and a pussy wider than the English Channel, but try to use a little reading comprehension next time.
Aiden Young
ooops meant this user
Liam Young
none. /end explain to me how theyre would be one. there is just no way. its something physical unlike the idea of births, that certifcates of live birth are printed off from, thats how their fiat currency works they dont want to talk about it, because their is no way to fix it and that would probably be what people would ask and talk about, then everyone would realize tis communism,
Eli Smith
You literally talked about the shiny properties only and then talked about rich people will always like it. You're a fucking loser.
Dude you need to calm the fuck down. I literally wrote that precious metals ARE NOT an investment in earlier post, but again, you are too drunk and stupid and frustrated about your ugly whore of a wife to bother reading the thread or my posts. See here, you fucking faggot: >but never think of it as an investment
Samuel Johnson
>You literally talked about the shiny properties only
The negative aspects people point to are usually that the gold standard encourages protectionism and that regions without much gold are at an economic disadvantage. However, neither of those are legitimate concerns. In an economy with trust, people are willing to relinquish their gold in exchange for goods and services of greater value because they expect to be able to liquidate their assets. If people don't have trust, then they would be hesitant to trade their gold away, but you get the same problem in a fiat currency system. China would collect gold the same way it is buying debt from the US today. As for regions being at disadvantage for not having gold, this only matters in the short term. For example, Texas could have zero gold today, but it would simply sell it's oil to a place like California in exchange for their massive gold wealth. Eventually the distribution of gold will equalize according to economic strength.
Lincoln Turner
those ideas that people are going to do that are scare tactics done by the usual suspects, you know. to get people to "trust" them. as it says on teh stupid debt note now
Oh that’s why 4 leaf clovers are so expensive? Use your head, child.
Ian Gray
I thought you were actually attempting to discuss specific properties of the metals, not just general consequences of those specific properties. I'm just a few steps ahead of you, my bad! >pic related >lemme see your gold loicense
Why would you want to use a single commodity? Combine energy, metals, and food commodities and you'll have a resilient currency that is almost impossible to manipulate, and will be large enough for any economic situation.
Luke Cooper
You just re-labelled the properties "the consequence of the properties" and called yourself "a few steps ahead".
what a fucking twat
Mason Evans
Gold standard isn't a jewish trick but it's a game that jews also have to play, which they hate. Jews like being in complete control. That's why they had to buy up and horde all the gold because with a gold standard, they can't use their usury system like they're doing now.
Isaiah Mitchell
You haven't a clue my friend. "Not enough gold to back the currency" The price of an ounce of gold can be set to whatever it needs to be to back a fiat currency. Currently I think that it is around 6K an ounce. Which is in reality what gold should be selling for. Go check out the national debt clock, bottom right hand corner.