Tinder bio tips

So I created tinder about 2 hours ago and I don't know what to do about my bio. at first I wanted to try something provocative. so I wrote
"I barely leave my house and when I do I leave for groceries with my dog. I eat mainly at McDonalds."
I had no likes, but I matched with 1 girl which unmatched after about 5 minutes (maybe she was intimitaded by the bio or maybe she matched with me by accident. I don't know) anyway I completely removed my bio and instantly I started getting likes (no matches yet. I'm pretty selective) so I think my photos are ok. what are some good ideas for a tinder bio? what should I write there?

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stop using the online dating jew and go meet people

but I want to use the online dating jew to meet people

you need to meet them naturally
our ancestors survived for 10,000+ years without tinder you can too

I barely leave my home. I'm a very introverted person. Tinder seems like a good idea

how do you evem meet people?

>I barely leave my home. I'm a very introverted person.
and you think this is attractive to people?

probably not. but I am not going to change my habits just to appeal to people. I'm pretty comfortable there

>but I am not going to change my habits just to appeal to people
you don't seem comfortable with your lack of social life though
becoming less of a shut in will help you, trust me I used to be the same way

This, only mega sluts use that shite.

Jesus, another one of these threads.
Not saying I'm any better since I've made similar ones, but I'm wondering how this will blow up in the women's face with millions if not billions of angry, frustrated young men decide to do something about the current state of society.

>you don't seem comfortable with your lack of social life though
it's very barebones, can get lonely sometimes. I am going for a beer with my acquintance next week. most of my hobbies are very solitary. (video games, writing) and the social one (tabletop wargaming) is done mainly by guys so barely meet any women. I don't want to do something just in the hope of meeting them

Bios dont matter, only your looks do

They clearly do matter because my first shitty one was a pussy repellent

Just say "Looking to have fun and maybe something else"

>So I created tinder about 2 hours ago and I don't know what to do
Delete it; online dating is garbage.

>I barely leave my house and when I do I leave for groceries with my dog. I eat mainly at McDonalds.

>teehee Chad you're so funny, but you'd leave to come fill me up right?

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No he's right. If you're not good looking then you're going to have a hard time on there.

of course he's right. but so far I was able to get likes from around 10 women just with my looks with no bio so I am probably already doing better than 90% of guys. I'm not chad but I have to get by somehow. bio clearly matters. at least negatively

Genuine advice

Also Op, when you start talking, don’t take it to serious, you could say whatever stupid shit that comes to your mind, the good thing about tinder is that you can try with as many people ad possible

>you can try with as many people ad possible

>our ancestors survived for 10,000+ years without tinder you can too
do you think everyone got laid in those 10,000 years?
an overwhelming majority relied on whores to get off

can someone help me with tinder pics

Only if you match with them; good luck getting to try your opener on people who won't give you the time of day.

Step 1) Be good looking.

make a dick pic

joining in on OPs thread cause I am moving to a new town for a few months and want to bang young thots while I am here, since there is no point dating if I am gonna move home after. How do I tinder? specifically as a 24 y/o dude with pretty decent income trying to bang 18-21 y/o s?
you say that like it is a con
this. What do I do. two pictures of me being out, probably travel pics, and then one with all my friends?

I have had terrible luck on Tinder but I would get a few swipes here and there but I realized I couldn't hold a candle to most on there. So I went to a weaker league, POF got me swipes like crazy.

Still even with the terrible profile, if you look good it doesn't matter what you say. There was a mgtow youtuber who pretty much hinted at being a pedo and women where hopping into his dms. You got that match and your profile killed it, if you kept on there for a few days leaving it alone you would have gotten a few more.

yes. But I am comfortable with the fact that I jerk it to loli. But if I have one short blurb to say something about myself I don't usually lead with that.

>this. What do I do. two pictures of me being out, probably travel pics, and then one with all my friends?
seems pretty standard, most people say avoid selfies.
but then again i have a friend who's tall, white, 6'4" and fit, all he has is selfies and mirror selfies and he still got plenty of matches.
so really just looking good is the key i think

Let's say I got a tinder date. Who pays the bill? Do we split? Or I have to pay?

I would assume you pay...? so do something cheap first.

i don't have any selfies so I am good there. probably do all pictures of me on my last Holiday.

I'm average looking (I think?) but I've managed to pick my best photos for my profile because, let's be honest, looks matter, but I don't really think you have to be a GigaChad to get some matches, you just have to look like a clean and fun guy
now, for your bio, honestly just type 3 things you really like or enjoy so at least one girl reads it and sees that you have something in common. (mine says something like "dank memes, indie rock and movies that are so bad that they're actually good" and some dumb emojis, and it works just fine)
your bio can't be something like "I LIKE PARTYING AND IM COOL"
just be honest ffs

I'm this anonI only have 4 pics on my profile (and I think that's the max you should put): one is a "kinda deep" photo in some lake, the 2nd one is me dressed as clark kent doing the superman shirt thing from a couple of halloweens ago, the 3rd one is from a selfie with some mates at a party and the last one is a blurry pic of me riding a shopping cart through the street

I'm not telling you you should copy those pics, but there's some people who believe you should have a pic in the nature, a pic partying with friends, and a pic doing some sport or some shit like that, so you should get the general idea of what kind of photos are attractive for girls

>just be honest ffs
That didn't worked for him

there'll be another war soon and women's egos will get checked

nothing. beta uprising is an oxymoron. at most we will get a few more school shootings.

but OP said he tried to be "provocative"
unless he really only eats at mcdonalds and doesn't leave his house

isn't honesty and showing vulnerability attractive? What OP should say when asked what he does?

>what should op say when asked what he does.
say the male shit he does. tabletops war gaming with dudes or whatever. embelish it a bit. but girls will be fine with it since he is telling something interesting about himself. but don't lead with it.
>I am boring, raise a bunch of redflags and probably have a dad bod
is not a great opening. you show your value, then hopefully they accept it.

Not OP, but I need to try everything I can get my hands on. Even if Tinder and the like are just a means by which for me to get my feet wet and get some experience in the dating world (sadly, I'm one of those "learned to socialize on the internet" losers) I see it doing me more good than harm as long as I don't expect it to be a cure-all.

No there won't. That why the Middle East conflict is so important.
That IS "the war" you think will happen, or rather a release valve to make sure revolution doesn't happen. (((Our governments))) have gotten VERY GOOD at preventing any kind of social change they don't want.

many people (guys) that say bio doesn't matter are NPCs that strike as basic to women. It's not bad per se, more depends on what audience you want. for example the first bio could strike you some very interesting chick down the line, maybe with some fine tuning

It doesn't matter what's on your bio as long as it's not cringy. Either leave it empty of put something witty on it.

I had this in my bio :
>50% Dutch, 50% Indonesian, 20 grams of sugar
The girls always commented on the "sugar" part, which is funny because it meant nothing at all. It just made them question what it meant.
Never did they mention the concrete part of the bio, the description of my ethnicity. It absolutely does not matter besides giving them inspiration for an opening message. But since it Tinder, it's expected for the men to make the first move anyways.

You should be worried about your pictures. Let your pictures describe you rather than your bio.
>I barely leave my house and when I do I leave for groceries with my dog. I eat mainly at McDonalds.
Show of a picture of you and your dog, you being at home, let someone snap a picture of you in McDonalds. Such photo's can be far more interesting than describing yourself in a bio as it leaves the description to their imagination.
Take the chad images as an example which could have been a profile which matches your bio.

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that's very good advice. I should get more creative with my photos. right now they are just selfies in a mirror.
maybe the first bio wasn't that bad. I'll work on it a bit.
>depends on what audience you want
fucking this. 99% of girls are just plainly boring. Most of them have no bio and most boring pics. I swipe left most of the time because of how little effort they put in. The most sad thing is that they probably still get 100s of matches from thirsty betas

I have no good pictures.

You should probably not be on Tinder then

Where else can I go? I have got to try something. I'm midtwenties and never been on a date in my life.

Try the old fashioned way. Meet girls while doing your hobbies or meet them at a bar. Don't be afraid to talk to them, what's the worst that can happen anyways? Maybe you're more interesting in person than you seem in your pictures, so take advantage of your personality and let that be their first impression of you.

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I'm the kind of person that becomes much more fun and interesting only AFTER you've known me for a year, probably because it takes me that long to really get comfortable around people/acclimate to the group. And even then I'm generally incapable of talking about anything OTHER than my hobbies or interests--I have no idea how to smalltalk.
I have never been a pickup-and-play person, and I don't have anything else to help hold people's attention until they can get there; no height, no looks, no money.

>Tfw know for a fact that my game is 200x better when I have to be around attractive women
>Almost never have that opportunity

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>because it takes me that long to really get comfortable around people/acclimate to the group
What's different from meeting you now and meeting you after a year of knowing you? Probably the type of questions you ask one and other, right? The better you know each other, the more comfortable you are together, the more personal, more meaningful and more interesting questions and stories you can ask/tell each other.

Small talk always start with someone giving a statement and expecting interest back or by asking a question and thereby showing interest. But the same applies to the deeper conversations.
The problem with the deeper conversations is that it always starts with smalltalk.

> I'm generally incapable of talking about anything OTHER than my hobbies
> I have no idea how to smalltalk.
Thus I recommend you just practice smalltalk and practice to become more comfortable towards strangers. Don't start of with pretty girls. Talking to strangers is already scary enough. Talking to pretty strangers is even scarier. Talk to random guys or ugly chicks at the bar or at work. For that you don't need height, looks or money. Just a story to tell.

Make your goal not to win a girl's number or get a new guy friend, but to keep them interested in the conversation for as long as possible and to get yourself comfortable sharing interesting life stories. Once you got that down you can start approaching the pretty girls.

Start off slowly.

Do you live in a big city? Try going to bars that are nearby universities. Perhaps the university itself if you're enrolled in one. Plenty of pretty girls in the cafeteria.
If you have a dog, just go to a busy dog park. Girls love dogs and it's not uncommon to have one approach you just to ask if they may pet your dog.

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