Notre Dame

Christcucks eternally BTFO by Varg.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>BTFO by Varg
not possible.
varg is an idiot that thinks pantheons aren't just councils of rich men.

He's whiter than you, Tyrone. More white children than you, Juan.

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kek the meme at the end comfirms it, Varg lurks here

fucking super based

vargina is a welfare leech
my he drown in poop
also op is a nigger

Lol you called him a nigger #based

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Varg makes great point, but he’s willfully ignoring the fact that Muslims probably burned it down (as they have recently burned other churches in Europe), Varg refuses to recognize that it’s really NOT about Notre Dame

>t. Muhammad
Sorry that you have to compete for gibs with him, shitskin.

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>a Jewish temple built on European soil burns down

>literally a manchild who writes shitty rpg and larps as a viking youtuber

>a third party so the christians and muslims will blame each other
>they have done it before
>they have done it again
>flash a picture of greater israel
>pol mspaint comic
Thanks Varg
May you never be deplatformed

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I knew that he would say this. And I felt exactly the same way.

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He’s on Bitchute too

That pic is a bit silly.

>Predictable Amerimutt triggered by Varg

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Maybe. Maybe not.

Spot on btw

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Nice promo for the new album man.

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The word "smarmy" comes to mind when I see and hear this fool. The fact that there are so many shill threads on here suggests he has hired a troll army. I don't believe for a second there are this many authentic supporters of this guy. Every thread is started in favor of him, and then every reply is just ridiculing is smarmy pathetic fakeness. lol. dude is a joke.

>I don't believe for a second there are this many authentic supporters of this guy.
Why would any self-respecting white person not support him?

Because they are self respecting.

>ignoring the FACT that something could or couldn't have happened
Do you know what fact means?

What's the most impressive pagan structure? Stonehenge?

How are you respecting yourself by worshiping the god of another race and following a religion that destroyed the culture of your ancestors?

You have it all wrong.

I'm buddhist.

Everything built by Rome?

Also the pyramids?


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Thoughts and prayers to the fire that was unjustly extinguished

A day will come when alongside jews muslims and niggers we will without remorse butcher every single nigger pagan and their families

mark my fucking words

>A day will come when alongside jews muslims and niggers we will without remorse butcher every single nigger pagan and their families
Can't we just butcher all of them?

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varg is literally a jew shill and you are 70iq

>varg is literally a jew shill
This is just about the dumbest accusation you could possibly make against him. At least "satanist" or "homosexual" actually have some semblance of sense behind them.

He is right that Christianity is an invading religion just like Islam (except with Islam nowadays it's actual people replacing the natives not native people being converted like with was the case with Christianity).

However, Christianity has played a vital part in creating European civilization for MANY reasons, and is today the main fabric of our civilization - and we must do everthing we can to restore the place of Christianity (to some degree) - or the western world will FALL.

t. atheist

Lmao dumb american just neck yourself for real

True, but not for the reason that you imply. "European religion" is just the religion(s) of the Europeans. Would France instantly turn in to India if they all converted to Hinduism?

If you don't believe all races are equal, then you also have to accept that different races will implement a religion in their own manner, and it will be just as much a reflection of them as any other.

Nice argument.

You throw out retarded accusations and accuse other people of being low IQ, meanwhile you have nothing but NPC responses to reply with.

You MUST be low IQ as fuck to take seriously Kristian... I mean, "Varg" Cuckerness Lmao

>However, Christianity has played a vital part in creating European civilization for MANY reasons, and is today the main fabric of our civilization - and we must do everthing we can to restore the place of Christianity (to some degree) - or the western world will FALL.
I agree.

>The word "smarmy" comes to mind when I see and hear this fool. The fact that there are so many shill threads on here suggests he has hired a troll army
Christkike Amerizogs actually believe this, fucking KEK! Imagine being this retarded and paranoid, the fat is blubbering up your pea brain.

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Another vid for 2digits iq and JIDF. By a murderer on welfare.
You know what goes in all fields ?

Imagine typing that much and still not having a Single Fucking Point. Not even one. Kek.

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Owen < Varg

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Christcucks can't recover from this.

Their buildings are burning all over Europe. Mostly done by their "warriors of hope" that Christians made sure to import to Europe.

Either way the christcuck loses.

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Imagine being this seething mad. KEK.

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I'm buddhist tho. You're an embarrassment to the pic you posted.

>listening to a person who thinks civilization is a brown mans invention and whites should live in hugs in forests

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Imagine seething that hard and shilling for a murderer on welfare.
My sides.


Yeah. Its not like we held europe for 2000 years. While pagans worshiped animal headed hybrids and accepted anyone and everyone...oh wait.

Oh shit son fucking GOT EM

Civilization in Europe was around long before Christ, and it's no coincidence it started to decay the moment Christianity arrived.

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Thank you for your source

How can you be so fucking dumb LMAO

>he doesn't want to live the comfy rural life with me working the land and then falling asleep in haystacks being awoken by the sound of children's laughter and the smell of my newly bathed hair and a glass of freshly squeezed lemonade brought by me his loving and obedient wife
user, why?

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So is varg saying that lies rape and murder are ok as long as its outside of conversion? He does know the shit that went on in norse paganism right?

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Weird. Since we pretty much conquered the world when we were christians. Yep. We did that. But started going limp once we gone soft. Really activates the almonds ?
Next retard plz.

there is no shampoo without civilisation neither is there any sugar because you stayed in your bumfuck forests you snownigger faggot

>Iberia gets invaded
>*does nothing*
>all of Iberia is conquered
>*does nothing*
>muslims invade France
>*defends yourself*
>sacks Constantinople
>*loses half of Europe to the Ottomans*

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Fuck off, I want electricity, water, food and medicine whenever I want it. Also taking a shit outside is fucking garbage during the cold

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Iberia gets invaded
>*does nothing*
Too busy sirting our shit out
>all of Iberia is conquered
>*does nothing*
>muslims invade France
>*defends yourself*
Kill them. Pursue them. And we took everything back. With interests.
Unlike you, the land of cucks who never fought a war against muslims, but only offered your sisters and daughters. While we fought for 1000 years.
>sacks Constantinople
We did. Infighting happens. Everywhere.
>*loses half of Europe to the Ottomans*
Yep. Other wise we would all speak arab like you.but we don't.
Your point ? None ?
Next retard.

It only took a thousand years after collapsing the Roman Empire to accomplish what they were already on track to do.
Truly an impressive feat.
And now your "Christian" colonial empires are already gone, and what remains is a Europe where the majority of people are atheists, and those that aren't are converting to Islam.

Sounds like someone haven't felt the tingling of long beautiful maiden hair stroke his bare chest and the smell of naturally perfumed hair by a rose water wash.

You're missing out user, maybe you should come home white man instead of not coming home and doing whatever homo shit you Christians do in church.

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>Muhammad from Algeria is mad that his gibs are being taken by an actual European who killed some homosexual commie
>Average Christcucks
Inb4 anyone says something about Catholicism not being Christcuckery, no matter the denomination you're all a bunch of cuckolds, KEK.

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>It only took a thousandyears
Your "country" didnt even lasted 500 years and will be gone in 20 years.
And never had to fight for its survival against overwhelming odds. We did. Stay mad.
Next retard.

>blames European decay on Christianism
>accidentally admits that what remains of Europe is majority atheist
Lmao why are (((pagans))) always the most fucking retarded

Enjoy your cancer, tooth decay and heart disease, Christcuck. I'll run free around the woods whilst waving my fat dick around whilst your mother looks on in admiration of a virile pagan man. Go worship your dead Jewboi, fag. LMAAAAAAO!

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>Muhammad from Algeria is mad that his gibs are being taken by an actual European who killed some homosexual commie
From the country that let thousands of little girls being raped, that hid behind us in ww2.
My sides.
Next retard.

>t. urbanite
>Other wise we would all speak arab like you.but we don't.
oh the horrors, we'd be worshiping Allah instead of YHWH

Yeah Christians fought their neighbors, Muslim neighbors too. weird how the world used to be. Kinda like how everyone used to fight everyone.

We definitely didn't need Christianity to come up with the concept of self-defense.

>missing the point and keeping on with his paganigger autism

i am so glad swedish autism is getting permanently blacked

>tooth decay
Kek. With this flag ? I am dying.

Okay enough upsetting the Christkikes, time for bed. Goodnight you soft as poopoo shitskin kikes.

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Less cavities and whiter teeth than you, Abdul. Goodnight buddy, sorry about your gibs being taken away by an actual European, seethe harder lil guy.

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Yeah. You didnt needed it.
Yet we conquered you, easily. And now mudslimes conquer you.
Land of loudmouths cicks.

>posting uk sharia groups
The irony

>says the anglo that sided with the kikes against the white people of Europe for a few shekels in WW2
Lmao you are paying hard for that with your paki shitty island

Not sure what America has to do with this argument

yeah I'll keep my daughters awake at night on another planet with a big fucking cross from the stories of faggots that still run around in forests on earth lmao

That you lasted a few centuries and will be gone in 2 decades ?
No idea.

What's the contradiction?

Atheists in Europe are morally the same as Christians. The only difference is they've lost faith in their own God.

What does that have to do with the fall of Rome?

>frenchman talking about others being conquered by muslims
>a fucking science fag
that is gonna have to be a yikes from me

okay this is based

>sweden blaming anyone conquered by mudslimes

Lots of vargites today.

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I dont know. Tell me. Maybe your degenerate "country" is done after a few centuries while we endured for two millenias. Just saying.

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shouldn't you be bending the knee and singing gay songs as your cathedrals are burning? lel fucking christcucks

we all saw the videos and it was gay as fuck

The "New Age", left wing pagan revival is an atheist coping mechanism, and is just a symptom of the failings of Christianity.

Are you literally retarded?
White civilization decay started in 1945 when the juden with the help of the anglo finally managed to win the battle against christendom destroying the tradition and morals that kept our enemies at bay.
Only the most retarded of the retards (pagan cucks) actually believe Christianity is the weakness and not the lack of it, which is the reality.

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