Is being 28 years old and a kissless virgin too old for a woman...

Is being 28 years old and a kissless virgin too old for a woman? Is it going to be a red flag for everyone I try to get together with and will it make people look down upon me as someone who's something wrong with them?

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No to the first, yes but not to the point that you're doomed as long as you have no other red flags to the second.

Instead of going up to woman and announcing that you are a kissless virgin just don't tell them.

Assuming I don't have any other red flags, how'd regular guys react to the fact? I'm terrified of telling anybody, because I expect a potential partner to drop me on this notion alone. I'm also uncomfortable with the thought of pretending to have any experience, because porn and word of mouth can teach you so much. What would be the milder option of the two? I'm scared that the second someone leans in to kiss me, I'll blurt out I'm a khv and ruin any hope for being in a relationship with a sentient being forever.

Since you're a woman, it doesn't matter at all for anyone looking for a relationship.

Why would you tell anybody, especially guys? There is no reason to, except to purposefully undermine your chance for success because you're so scared of "finally" getting it. I did the same thing when I was 19, put off fucking my first gf for over a month because of it. She never even thought that I was a virgin once lol.

I believe they'll figure it out for themselves when they realise I have the kissing prowess of an epileptic in a spell. Then come the awkward questions whether I'm a khv and the even more awkward cope I may or may not have lied to them about my status.

You can make out with me a few times for practice, user. It's what lots of girls do.

I'm a guy though but it's fine

How did you came to this point? I genuinely mean this.

I know youre afraid of failure user but it seems to me that failure isn't even a path for you. To fail you would need to have that opportunity to fail. Do you see yourself in a situation where youd kiss a girl right now, realistically?
If not then your hanging up on step whatever without even taking the first one of finding a girl that would be interested in you. Once you find that then it more so becomes the choice of kissing her or not regardless of failure.
But i think we both know what youd chose user.

Academic pursuits and vidya sucked out all my incentive to socialise and actively seek relationships. A couple rejections in my teens cemented my disinterest. I only grow paranoid about it when I meet someone I like.

>I only grow paranoid about it when I meet someone I like.
Lets see, you keep thinking about them, putting youself in silly situations where you hope they approach you?

And you sort of just hoped you would find the right person and all would click, work out so being this delayed wouldn't be a problem?

Yeah, done goofed on who to reply..

I'm a girl btw, and while I appreciate the intent, I'm still terrified that it's likelier for a guy to think I'm a creep for finding myself in this situation this late. Actually believe it would've been better if I were a dude since then the incentive would be thoroughly in my hands, whereas now I gotta wait for someone to make the first step and then be struck by the realisation I'm a creep.

Do you have money at least you could always hire a hooker and practice on her
or go with

not OP but years of situational depression/grief left me jaded as fuck
is that a red flag for women?

I have to cope with this crooked image of gallantry that the guy needs to initiate at all costs, yes. Meanwhile, I just put effort into looking pretty, behaving lady-like and offering the optimal conversational experience. It's juvenile, but I'm socially inept enough to believe it's bound to work out at some point.
Might as well ask some female friend for a favour, but that means I need to let them in on my secret first.

Makes my dick hard but then again I'm a recovering alcoholic and I've always been attracted to people as fucked as me.

Look a guy would initiate at all costs. But you need to be in places and/or situations where they can initiate.

You might have to be the one to push ahead the flirting, not necessarily flirting but giving opportunity for it to happen and reciprocate when it does.

How would you rate your looks? Not just a x/10, i am also asking how do you dress and carry yourself. Do you dress approachably?

>that means I need to let them in on my secret first.
Nah just pretend to get drunk with her and "drunkenly" make out

You need to find something to be passionate about user. This doesnt mean just for girls. Guys would be pushed away by jaded people as well.

Are you fun? I mean this as a friend, do you kill the mood of a conversation or can you carry it on? Can you bring enjoyment to people who bring enjoyment to you?


5-to-6/10 with make-up. As for clothes, largely depends on the occasion. Have to wear a uniform to work, so everyday clothing is not that much of a factor when you consider that most of my interaction with guys is during this timeframe. Working on my wardrobe right now as I used to wear mainly dark colours, but have now shifted to warmer tones if that makes me more approachable.

I realise I'm not exactly putting myself out there, but I'm more concerned with how a regular dude would react to the news of the girl he's interested in being a khv than anything else. It depends on the person, sure, but is it likelier to definitively put someone off or, to the contrary, excite them?

Change the jade first user. Do you get psychological support?

If you are already good with making them laugh, you are halfway there already! Just apply the energy from those to the rest of your life!

Really depends from guy to guy. Some will be put off, some will find it nice in a cute way, some will be excited to be the first.

You shouldnt tell the guys you never kissed, dont lie either. Just say you are inexperienced and thats it. You dont need to get into detail, because people will fill in the blanks. If they like you they will be ok with it, if not they will be creeped out.

Btw i am not saying do stuff just to get a bf, but do increase your points on contact with new people. Because that way you will find somebody sho sill just not be ok sith it, but will make you comfortable and happy. Do you never have had any dates or such?

Nah, when girls are a virgin its cute. It means she guarded it carefully since guys are always trying to fuck. It's not creepy at all. It is a sign she's a bit neurotic, but not that bad especially if you have an excuse like school or something. its practically nothing imo.

easier said than done, i've been getting better though
i don't believe in "psychological support"

Boy, you are a ball of fun. What do you think this is faggot? A digital handjob?

This is psychological support, just by somebody who is not qualified for it..

Are there any specific cues that I should look for if a guy wouldn't be into an inexperienced woman? That's a lot to ask, but something off the top of your head? That said, it's not like I'll immediately spill the beans if a guy goes in for a hug or something. It's more I'll admit to being a virgin if he approaches the subject directly, because I can't lie under pressure.

As for your point, I'm actively working on my social skills, making friends with whom I've been going out. Slowly working around being shy and incapable of talking to new people, so I guess I'm on the right track.

Genuinely hope the guy I like reasons the same way you do, user! Thanks!

You seem to be on the right track, and from your response to other user you already have a guy you like?

How exactly did u come this situation ???

yeah i'm not paying for that when it's essentially this irl

Lol no. Good ones will help you proper and not call you a nigger faggot..

Yeah, and since this has been the question that's been torturing me every time I end up liking somebody, I decided to ask Jow Forums for insight before I manage to ruin something beautiful with my awkwardness.

Look, just improve yourself and make yourself available and approachable.

This will also includes stuff like physical appearance as well, not necessarily to "aim higher" but to get the attention of people. Some guys need a lot of encouragement to make a move, let alone a physical move.

And if you ruin this one with your awkwardness dont beat yourself over it. Stay on course and keep the train chugging user.

I hope i will meet someone like you someday, cause i am essentially on the sameboat.

Now it is too late and i am hitting the hay. Stay safe and stay on your path, try not to spill spaghetti too much when the time comes :)

Talking about this has been a delight, user, and a tremendous thanks for the encouragement! Hope you meet the person of your dreams soon!

>Really depends from guy to guy. Some will be put off
I don't know any guys put off by virginity. If she's dating a guy who has had multiple sexual partners, maybe it puts her at a competitive disadvantage but why would that guy be "put off"?