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>far right

They’re literally in every school since forecer

>muh far-right
vice needs to suck 6 gorillion cocks and then maybe they have the right to give their opinion

but in my school there were cross in every rooms
and we have an hour of catholic instructions
we also make a pray at the begining of the day

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Quest'anno "far right" significa semplicemente ciò che è normale.

Italy may redeem themselves.

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Wtf? I went to a public school and we had a crucifix, no one complained about.

this even my left wing professor were pro crucifix


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Guiseppe, important question: was this school you’re talking about perhaps... a catholic school?

God bless Italy

yeah more christkikery that's what we need
Invite more muslims and nogs in and suck their feet like the HOLY representative of the jewish cult.

In every: bar, clinic, driving school, office and even in universities

You live in a nice country then.

I remember when I was a kid there was a debate about the crucifix in public schools (maybe 2005?)
I think Lega Nord (when Bossi was the leader) was pro crucifix but the left wanted a ((((secular)))) State like France or something like that.
But yeah I remember having the cross in class as well


I think what my pizzanies are trying to get across is that when you enter muslim lands they warn you that its muslim lands you can't pray to your God etc so why shouldn't that be the case in western lands. Che cazzo am I right or what.

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Too bad Italian femthots don't look like that anymore

This. Christkikes are fucking tards. Wow the most important thing is putting crosses not removing the fucking niggers that are there now

I don't think there are really Catholic schools in Italy
Even private schools with nuns are not that big of a difference.
The so-called Catholic schools are more an American thing, just like homeschooling

Italy isn't the US. They are a catholic nation. Why do you care?

some do in non big cities
my mom used to wear fullar as well

in sardinia is basically a tradition girl&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjpyZa8xNXhAhWCbFAKHX3SA7gQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=969

there is a reason I always say here that american influence in Europe has been a disaster

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I'd cut your heathen throat and sleep like a baby.


Every school is a Catholic school in Italy. Pagan LARPers not welcome.

esatto amico mio

Not because I have faith, but because it disturbs the muslims

No, even my public school was like Giuseppe's. Except for prayer

>bar, clinic, driving school, office and even in universities
Sometimes in all those places mentioned