Give me hangover cures. Please I’m so sick right now...

Give me hangover cures. Please I’m so sick right now. Most people get a little sick but when I drink I get fucking SICK. Due to my bipolar disorder. Google compares bipolar hangovers to cocaine hangovers. I’ve never tried the stuff myself so I have no idea how it feels. I feel dead, can’t keel water down. Don’t feel like I can make it until tomorrow.Can barely walk around my house. Why the fuck should I feel like this .What should I do or eat please. Weed only holds back the nausea a bit

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How much did you drink pussy? Better have polished off a few bottles of hard liquor the way you're talking, and not just some weak beers you fag

Lemon,ONLY lemon juice no water

Fuck you trying to ruin my stomach

It was hard liquor probably only drank 1/3 of a 26. I got pretty drunk and smoked to many cigs. I still get very ill though. I usually have to go to the hospital to get a pink lady and gravol shot

And that’s the thing. With fucking bipolar . It feeels like you drank 2 whole bottles of hard liquor. Why does everyone else wake up, take a Tylenol and they’re fuckinf good to go. But I’m sick for 3 days

You shouldn't drink that much if you have such a fucking serious mental disorder. Do you take Lithium?

I know it’s easy to get impulsive with the disease. I’m trying to quit drinking forever but I’ve cut it down to once a month. I wish I could just stick to 3 drinks and just go to bed. I take seraquill, it has been helping me with sleeping and other things. Thanks user I never was really
Told is a “serious mental disorder” I should really not take it so lightly anymore

lots and lots of water, bananas (potasium) and gatorade (any isotonic beverage actually). for the stomach, tea with ginger, honey and 5 drops of lemon

Fatty foods and a water+aspirine.


I would kill for a gaterade right now shit

you can't buy with a delivery service app?

Too small of a town unfortunately user

What are you people talking about food? I suggest drinking lukewarm water, very carefully.

What does a normal hangover feel like anons I don’t remember anymore. I thought it was because I wasn’t a teen anymore but, here it was because the illness finally set in. My whole body feels heavy, sore, weak. My face is gross and puffy. Can people be allergic to alcohol ?

Thanks user

This would probably be best for a bit. Can’t even think about food right now.

This and time and rest and that's literally all. Anything you consume, consume it as slowly as you can. Also don't kill yourself.

t. Bipolar II user

It always feels like it won’t get better with the hangover but it always does in the couple days. Thanks for the advice

Water+normal food+time


drink water after drinking alcohol but before going to sleep
like at least 1 liter, maybe even 2

I tried to drink a bunch last night it’s saving me a bit