Girls only text guys they like?

Everyone else has to keep texting them till they're annoyed or show the slightest interest

>be me
>be 18
>graduated HS this year
>girl I was school friends with all year seemed to like me a lot
>Text her after graduation a bit and ask about what shes doing for summer job and how it feels to be done with HS
>She always text back w/ answer, but never says much.
>last text I say good luck at Uni from Instagram post, she just says thank you
>don't text her for almost two weeks now, and she never texts me

I guess that means she doesn't give shit about me. Not even enough to be my friend.

I am ugly, and short, but not socially inept, her and her friends went out of their way to talk to me and thought I was hilarious,
and I am in good shape to where people comment on it all the time. My hygiene is good

All you people saying "get fit 2 get girls" and all you people saying "it's personality that gets girls" are liars..fuck you guys

Unattractive dudes just aren't likeable

pic related from June 3rd

Attached: She loves me not.png (485x813, 58K)

You didn't ask her out why the fuck would she text you back you moron

>shows no indication of interest to girl
>"s-she doesn't like me, u-u guys lied"
holy immaturity

Wait a second, why does she have to think I like her to text me back?

Hell, I keep fucking texting her don't I?

And I don't mean text back, but at least say something like "hey, how's summer going so far" or anything. She's totally fine with just never talking to me again

So is it too late for OP?

Shut the fuck up and stop overthinking it. If you like a girl, ask her out. You're not an archaeologist, and she's not texting hieroglyphics.

nah girls will text plenty of guys they don't like romantically

Would you really stay in touch with her if you weren’t going to pursue a relationship?

I’m sorry man this ship has clearly sailed. If you can figure out what the issue was you may be able to change the outcome in the future though.

I had a lot of rejection in my youth as well. The funny part is how I get more attention from women then I’ve ever had in my youth.

If I told my younger self what life would be like down the road I would have never believed it. You may find a similar transformation yourself as you age.

There is something to be said for the whole ugly duckling and beautiful swan thing.

Fortunately, it is not complicated getting to a woman’s heart. It may not be easy, but it is certainly not complicated.

All else fails there’s one guaranteed way to get women’s attention. Money.

Don’t rob a band or anything, but if you can plan for the long run and come up with a way to get a lot of money. I’m not shitting you dude women will just start appearing like fucking magic. One day your just walking along doing your thing then one day you’re like “omg I don’t remember there being this many women around here.”

Then if you’re broke they just disappear. I don’t even know they like climb up into the trees or something it’s like magic. I’m 5’6”.

she has no idea what the fuck is your mind and probably just sees you as a school acquaintance

Op here

also 5'6"

>I’m sorry man this ship has clearly sailed
This is what I was afraid of, but I guess its best to accept it early.

I am going to be going to community college next year, and honestly I don't know if I will be able to meet girls like I could in HS. I know at 21 guys go out bar hoping, but I don't think I'd really like girls like that.
At this community college orientation I saw no girls. I am in CS btw

Also I guess I am afraid of rejection, honestly I feel better having you tell me ship has sailed than I would if she said something like, I don't really like you.

I have confidence, but I feel like id lose it all if I was rejected by someone I got along with so well

Attached: She loves me.png (479x612, 47K)

>ofc because you're so smart
holy orbiter cringe

fuck off you stupid shit head, shes not some party whore who needs to be told that her ass is "lookin' hella phat" just to feel good. She likes those little comments and shes too shy for anything else.

How many girls have you talked to? Probably 0, so fuck off

>She likes those little comments and shes too shy for anything else
then why are you bitching about her ghosting you lmao

That's bullshit. I'm gorgeous and no one likes me

user, he is right. an occasional comment in person directed at her appearance is fine but texting them compliments like these is unneeded

>Girls only text guys they like
Yes that's correct. In fact that's what everyone does.
Because she obviously isn't interested in you mate.

dude, you're just a pen pal. you've already been friendzoned. invite her out or better yet, stop responding. if she's interested, she'll ping you. then casually invite her out. odds are she's not interested, but this is the best way to maximize your chances. in the meantime, ignore her and pursue other women

You actually have to express your interest in a woman to get them, user. They need to be chased, it's in their nature. You have to ask them out, flatter them, be bold. That's confidence. That's attractive. If you never ask, you'll never get. It won't be because you're short or ugly, it will be because you think they will come to you. Stop it. I want to literally slap you.

Send here a dick pic

Only text girls for logistics and to arrange meetups. Your mistake is trying to chat. Try inviting her somewhere.

Yeah, girls don't text first unless it's for logistics or they fancy you and want attention. Get over it.

She didn't ghost me cause she always replies. She just never sends me a message if I don't message first.

> I'm gorgeous and no one likes me
I've heard this before

Look, I've seen people be complete assholes to the hottest girls literally telling them to fuck off, and they still won't leave them alone cause they want them so bad.

I've seen awkward weird dudes who are tal land have good face have girls flirt with them like crazy.

Never have I seen a girl do this for a short guy, or a guy with an ugly (but clean and acne free) face. It just doesn't happen, and instead I see these guys get ghosted by girls, who "just wanted a friend"

What does this mean?

You're not as good looking as you think brother

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Why would she say thanks, when she could have ignored it if it was so cringe?

You guy's seem to be in a world of your own.

Girls only go for short/ugly guys if they have a perfect personality, and even then its up in the air.

Those types of guys have to do lots of chatting, and social status building to get anywhere with girls. They can't just ask them out and have it go their way

Hell, the other day I asked the ugliest girl to go to a bar with me. She said "eh, you're not really my type sorry". I swear no guys would hit on her in a million years, I just wanted to see, but nope.

But go ahead, keep spouting your
>just be confident and look like desperate fool, destroying all the dignity you have to work with

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>Your mistake is trying to chat
Every guy who gets girls that I know chats with girls over text and in person first before asking them out lmao



You have lost all interest.

Speaking as a clinical social retard here is my best tips.
1. You would marry her yesterday. She might marry you in 10 years. You have to ask yourself. Am I asking 4channel for help because I am happy or because I am not happy. Calmly walk away from things that get you pain. Unfortunately your lady friend is one of the things you should walk away from.

If you don't at least try you stand no chance. Good on you for at least giving it a try. I can only suggest working on yourself until you feel happy regardless of females, then approach. It is always likely that you'll be rejected. I've been rejected many times. But I've also got girls way out of my league just by having the balls to flirt with them directly.
I hope you make it user.

Attraction IS NOT the same as physical beauty

Tattoo this on the inside of your eyelids if you have to.

>I guess that means she doesn't give shit about me. Not even enough to be my friend.
2. Women don't analyze things like we do. You want to be treated better than she probably treats some of her girl friends. In her mind the two of you have a good distant relationship. In your mind the two of you have a bad close relationship. She is not bad and your are not bad. Understand that she is a square hole and you are a circle peg.

I'm available orbiter.

>All you people saying "get fit 2 get girls" and all you people saying "it's personality that gets girls" are liars..fuck you guys

Yeah these are some interesting text conversations. How can anyone read this and not think "omg this guy, such personality, such hilarity".

Grow some balls and call her. Have an actual conversation. Unless you're one of those losers that can only "talk" to someone even in the same room via text, if you date someone you're going to actually have to talk to them.

>I have confidence, but I feel like id lose it all if I was rejected by someone I got along with so well

Why do you bother lying to yourself?


>lemme know how it goes

There, now if she texts you back you keep a dialogue rolling, if not she isn’t interested. Fucking hell, dude.

>I'm still beautiful, but people just aren't attracted to me

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Everyone is "beautiful". Being attractive is something else entirely. It's not what you are, it's what you do.

Another cuckold detected

Yeah cause you clearly know what she likes. That's why your here.

they dont think its cringe, they think its beta.

>inviting a girl to hang out is desperate

What's desperate is assuming a girl won't like you so spending ages friendzoning yourself by making inane, tentative chit chat where you say nothing.

Chatting is very different to logistics and teasing.

Logistics: hey you going to x? Ok see you there
Teasing: banter in very short back and forths every now and then
Chat: hey how are you, yeah I'm good thanks...

Guaran fucking tee your friends aren't chit chatting. I've been in a relationship for 2 years and if I'm bored and start actually chatting to my gf over text, I sense her getting bored within 3 messages or so. And she fucking loves me. It's not women's, but people's natures, they don't give a shit.

Dude the ship hasn't sailed at all. She knows you, she responds to you positively. You don't need to fear rejection, you're going to make her chase you.

>Dude the ship hasn't sailed at all
I want to believe, but the rest of the thread seems to think that there is nothing I can do to save this.

I honestly don't know what I should do at this point except wait till I see her in person again. Maybe there is something I should do when I see her?

I will be seeing her in person again at this event my HS does where graduated students share with new freshmen their plans, and advice.

Also I was gonna go to the uni she enrolled at, but I have to do two years in CC cause $$

>>lemme know how it goes

>There, now if she texts you back you keep a dialogue rolling, if not she isn’t interested. Fucking hell, dude.

I wish I had thought of this... then she would have at least had a reason to text me back if she wanted to.

Still, if she thought of me, wouldn't she just say "Hey, hows summer been going?"

I just don't know if she was just being nice the whole time.

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What's the difference?

Cool, you didn't answer OP's question

She doesn't even want to friend zone him. She just doesn't give a shit

>Everyone is "beautiful"
Yeah, I guarantee pic related could have an amazing personality, and lots of hobbies, muscle etc.

no good looking girl is going to be seen with him or even want to talk with him for more than maybe a brief moment

Attached: ugly mf.jpg (400x490, 15K)

I do know what she likes because they make her blush, what I don't know is if she likes me


Persist in missing my point if you must, it's only you that will suffer.

If your point is that you can somehow make yourself attractive by doing things despite your initial appearance you're wrong.

People are not so intelligent, or at least diligent enough that they bother to see past basic appearance

I can come up with countless examples. The picture is just one of them, where we both know if that person had everything else going for them girls would still be offput.

If this is not your point please explain what it is or how I am missing it?

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Why are white girls so pretty?

the difference is they will still take it as a compliment, but chances are she has heard the compliment before and you just look desperate by reassuring her of what she already knew. girls prefer a guy who plays somewhat hard to get and doesn't give off the impression that she is the only girl hes talking to.

Not really. I'm a guy who befriends women easily. One of them is actually my best friend in the talk and hang out almost every day sense. She's not romantically interested whatsoever. But that isnt to day her texting first can't be a good sign - just don't read into it .

you cannot build intimacy via text messages so stop using that as your primary method of communication

yes, the ship has fucking sailed. you can talk to her next time you see her but for the love of god stop texting

We bred them that way.

My point, dude, is that women don't necessarily see men as walking sculptures to be admired or compared to Michelangelo's David. Women see men as potential lives. If a man is interesting, funny, successful and smart, she will jump onto that ship regardless of his looks. Women see opportunity in men. Sexual desire is only a part of it, and this can be produced by sufficient quantities of the others. Women are not visual creatures except when looking at each other.
I get that you feel like you're never going to be loved. All I can say is work out, focus your mind, find something in life to believe in, and strive towards a better life. Changing your life is the only thing that will ever change your luck with women. It's not something only you have to do, we all have to contend with this fucked social hierarchy we're put in. You either climb or you die lonely. This concludes my advice to you.

Just because someone shows interest in you doesn't mean they actually want to date you. Girls interact with attractive guys all the time, so they can simultaneously find a guy attractive but not boyfriend material.

But yeah if you have to force the conversation, don't force it. Just let it die.

>girls prefer a guy who plays somewhat hard to get and doesn't give off the impression that she is the only girl hes talking to.

what if im dealing with a shy self conscious girl, does the same apply ?
